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Kanar Feast 2022

Good morning Kanarbees,

In lieu of the cancellation of feast, the game masters thought we could make some considerations. If you have a group of people ( no more than ten) that you would like to gather up to have a one-day “feast”, please email the gm staff to get a one-day approval. A few mandatory terms will need to be met to be approved for a one-day. GM staff will need a point of contact for the feast, the person “in charge“ of said feast will need to submit an after-action report of said feast including a list of the up to ten members who attended. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Game Master staff at Thank you and happy holidays!

-Steve Jones, Game Master

Additional details to come.

Photo by Billy Huynh on Unsplash

Later Event: March 5
BLD Work Day