Here ye here ye,
All persons interested in joining the Artistry Competition at this year's upcoming Winter Feast, we have deliberated entry rules to present to you early in hopes to give you extra time to prepare your spectacular Works of Art. Entry Rules are thus:
There will be three categories of entry: 2D, 3D, and domestic crafts.
There will be first, second, and third place winners for each category.
You may enter up to 3 items in any combination of categories.
A piece of work may not be entered into more than one category at a time.
If a piece of work could reasonably fit into two categories, the Artist must pick one to enter it into.
You may only receive a place once for each category.
Honorable mentions for each category will be considered.
You do not need to be versed in the craft in order to participate in the contest (do not need skills on your sheet)
The pieces submitted must have been started no earlier than 2021 and must be completed by the time of the Artist Tournament.
If you have any questions about entries, please direct them to Sir Korra Stonebrooke (Kay Bereczky - We look forward to sharing your hard work and art.
Get a head start on your competition journey by signing up early! Let us know which competitions you plan to participate in. Early sign-ups help us better prepare and ensure you don't miss out on any important updates.