July 2020 BOD Meeting

Hello everyone!

First of all, I would like to say thank you for your patience with me as I get my sea legs for my new position as Secretary. I would also like to say thank you to Jake Smith and Erich O who have been helping me tremendously in getting caught up and learning the ropes. As I get more experienced with this work, I hope to be able to post the Minutes very shortly after BoD meetings.

Here are the Minutes for the July Board of Directors meeting, and I thought it might be helpful to list a few of the highlights:

  1. Sec 3.2: Angelo Aquino, Matt Ash, and Jake Smith have stepped down from their positions on the Board of Directors. Rob Hubbard, Karigan Nash, and Aaron Polk have been sworn in and are our new members of the BoD.

  2. Sec 3.2.8: The position of BLD 1st is now open and is taking applications! If you are interested in applying for the position, you have until 8/12/20 to submit a resume and cover letter to secretary@kanar.club. The position will be voted on by the BoD at the next meeting.

  3. Sec 5.4: The "No Driving On Field" policy is still in place.

  4. Sec 10 (General Discussion): Safety Staff has been very diligently monitoring the COVID-19 cases in Michigan, and has strongly advised against in-person events due to the noted uptick in Michigan COVID cases. The Board has also recognized that it is unfair to the players to have to wait until the last minute to know whether or not the game will be in person, and has decided that the next three events will be digital (July, August, September), and we all hope that we can return to the field in October.

  5. Sec 10 (General Discussion): We will be holding another BoD meeting on August 16th 2020 so that we can assign a new BLD 1st, as well as discuss a proposal sent in on 7/12/2020

Thank you all for being a part of this community, and for your flexibility as we try to figure out how to continue having a game even when we can’t see one another.

Please stay safe and healthy, and I look forward to seeing you all on the field again!

-Aaron Polk

Meeting Files

Below you will find the Agenda and Minutes for the 2020 July Board of Directors meeting. Due to current circumstances, the meeting will be happening online via discord, you may join by following this link.


Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash