8.4 - Celebrate With Us
Rejoice, oh Ilveresh, for we have returned to the lands of enterprise and adventure. Novashan celebrates the town's return to this plane of existence with a festival of tournaments in the kingsland. Mark the dates, for in August 1021, a festival of tournaments will descend upon our fair town.
Day 1
- Gambling Tournament
- Registration starts at 5:00Pm and the Tournament starts at 7:30Pm
- Raffle sign up
- Raffle Runs from 5:00Pm until court
- Pie a Knight
- (Adriel, Buliwyf, Eldrid, Kal, and Tralik)
Day 2
- Watermelon Eating Contest
- Registration opens Friday at 5:00Pm
- Contest Starts at 11:45Am
- Annual Cooking/Baking Competition: Theme is 2nd breakfast (or just breakfast)
- Start Time at 12:00 Pm
- Entry fee of 5 silver
- Judging will be at noon, so be ready at that time.
- Most cooking should be on field. Prep work is allowed beforehand.
- 5 silver per entry. If you'd like to do multiple entries, you can.
- For the judge’s entry: You must prepare at least 6 servings (5 judges and 1 host)
- If you wish to also serve for popular entry, make a lot (I’d say at least 2 dozen servings, if not more). If you don’t want to do popular entry, that’s fine.
- If you wish to sample the dishes, it’s 3 silver to try them all. More is always accepted.
- There will be prizes!
- Please see Erich O for details
- Water Balloon Caster Contest
- Registration starts on Friday at 5:00Pm
- Contest starts at 12:45Pm
- Archery Tournament
- Registration starts Saturday at 10Am
- Contest starts at 1Pm
- Fighter Tournament
- Sign up here
- Starts at 2:00 PM
- The categories are:
- Tenderfoot (0-3 years of play)
- One Handed Weapon & Shield
- Polearms
- Two Handed Weapons
- Single Dagger (not thrown)
- Sword and Buckler
- Freestyle (weapon choice)
- Grand Melee (last participant standing)
- There is a limited window of time for completion before the following festival events, so there will most likely be simultaneous bouts and/or categories run. Tournament rules will be determined based on number of participants, with conduct being King's Rules on the honor system, so stay tuned!
- The rewards, I hear, are substantial.
- Champions Fighter Tournament
- Starts at 4:00Pm
- Contestants are picked by the nobility
- Illversh Heraldry Contest
- Heraldry Designs can be submitted until 4:00 Pm
- Art will be Judged By the Countess Lynora
- Heraldry rules must be followed and County colors are blue and white.
- Please see Melissa Keith for more details
- Court
- Court starts at 5:30Pm and awards
- Pot Luck
- Starts at 7:00 Pm
- Please bring a dish to share
- Fill out this form to sign up
Day 3
- Capture-the-Flag
- To Be Determined
- Each contest will be sponsored and will include prizes to be determined before the August festival
- Throughout the festival, crafters of all kinds are encouraged to bring their wares for trade or sale at a market (for coin or federals). Market will run the entire Festival.
Questions? Please talk to Melissa Keith or Leigh Weiler
(Please note the Summer Festival is completely Player Driven)
- 8.2 - Armorsmithing Crafting Packet Update
Hello players of K1,
Your Econ 1st has a big drop for you all. We have updated the ArmorSmithing Crafting Packet that will get us through until we get closer to not only a rule book update, but when we dive further into each crafting packet. These changes have been approved by the Appropriate GM and PM staff. The new crafting pack will take effect on Friday, August 20th, at 5:00 PM EST.
If you have any more questions or feedback please reach out to Econ at econ@kanar.club
Matthew Schaar - Economics Marshal 1st
current update as followed:
- Market at-cost price has change:
- Plate: lower by 18 silver
- Chain lower by 11 silver
- Composite lower by 8 silver
- Leather lower by 1 silver
Amount you can craft between events:
Crafting Amount has been increased for the time being, but will change once the field starts to get saturated to encourage armor crafting and wearing.
- Novice: Increased composite by 1 location.
- Trainee: Can now craft 3 locations of Leather, Composite, and Chain
- Apprentice: Can now craft 7 locations of Leather and Composite. E.g a full suit of armor and ½ a suit of Chain with 3 locations of plate
- Journeyman: Can now make 2 full sets of Leather and Composite, 1 suit of Chain, and 5 locations of plate.
- Master: 3 full suits of armor of leather and composite. 2 full suits of chain, and 1 full plate suit.
Material Cost Change:
Material Cost has changed as well with Plate armor costing 10 material units from 12.
Armor Repair Time Change:
Armor repair times have been updated from 1 A.P to 5 A.P. This means if you're a master Armorsmith you can repair 120 points of armor in less than ½ hour.
Status effects of Armor added:
Armor has been given status effects as well, called Broken and Destroyed.
Broken Armor is when the Armor points have reached zero. This allows a player to go into town or find an armorsmith who can repair their armor on field without having to buy or make new armor.
Destroyed Armor however means it can not be repaired. Normally this is due to Plot effect or spells like Withered Armor. These tags must be replaced in town or a new item must be crafted by an armorsmith. Seek tag drop off box or staff on your way off the field.
8.2 - NPCs Needed
Good afternoon,
I am looking for 10 - 15 combat NPCs for a four-hour shift during the Saturday of the next event (08/21/2021).
This shift will take place in the evening but won't be going super late into the night. I turn into a pumpkin around 11pm so certainly no later than that.
Members that NPC for the whole shift will get an additional reward on top of their GM XP.
If you are willing to sign up please post your discord name below and you will be added to an encounter discord.
Thank you in advance.
Marcus S. Theme Marshal
8.1 - Attention all spell playtest participants
Please submit an email to pm@kanar.club with feedback for the playtest. Sending an email will forgo us having to take up your time in the parking lot at the next event. Thank you for your support and participation!
Playmaster Staff
7.29 - New GM Resources
The Story submission templates on the GM resources page are being updated with Encounter & Theme.
7.27 - Bees!
Hi all,
The BLD shed is infested with bees. Please do not go near that area. They are extremely aggressive.
Thank you, Staff
Map of Ilveresh created by Karigan.
Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash