July Announcements

GM Announcement

The GM 1st will not be out until Saturday around 3-ish. If you have a non-combative role playing encounter, that can be run anytime during the event and will not prevent your PC from going on field. If it is, a combative encounter then the GM staff would like this resolved before your PC goes on field. The GM 2nd will be out Friday but there are a few of you that the GM 1st will need you to wait until I get there. Thank you.

Econ Announcement

The Econ department has created a new Item Creation Form to replace the old one. This new form is more user-friendly to crafters and don’t forget you need to fill it out even if all you want to make between events is coin! Please use the new form as the old one will soon be archived and no longer accepting submissions.

CBM Announcements

Updates will be completed before Friday of the event (hopefully they will all be completed tonight). We do not need constant reminders regarding when the event is, that you haven’t received your update yet, that something didn’t get applied to your update which you felt should have but have yet to receive any reason as to why, etc. PLEASE WAIT until we say they are done (we will post in this group when they have been completed), Read the email you receive, and then you can ask questions via email and we will eventually get back to you about them. 

We are sorry that this is taking longer than most appear to like, but this event and last event have had their own issues and process updates across multiple staff groups which have aided in causing delays. We are working on updating a lot of things, but it will all get done when it is supposed to be completed by. Thank you for your potentially renewed patience.

CBM Reminder

Updates will be completed before Friday of the event (hopefully they will all be completed tonight). We do not need constant reminders regarding when the event is, that you haven’t received your update yet, that something didn’t get applied to your update which you felt should have but have yet to receive any reason as to why, etc. PLEASE WAIT until we say they are done (we will post in this group when they have been completed), Read the email you receive, and then you can ask questions via email and we will eventually get back to you about them. 

We are sorry that this is taking longer than most appear to like, but this event and last event have had their own issues and process updates across multiple staff groups which have aided in causing delays. We are working on updating a lot of things, but it will all get done when it is supposed to be completed by. Thank you for your potentially renewed patience.

Work/Donation Bonus XP - FYI

Hello Everyone! I know you all love hearing from me, so here is another "little" update from staff about some Bonus XP opportunities and how you may claim your earnings. Yay!

The various staff groups are able to award Between Event Bonus XP for various purposes such as taking part in workdays for the BLD, donating money to the QM, writing encounters for the GM, taking part in the various rules committees for PMs, walking down Plank Road and picking up trash for Adopt-A-Road, etc. Occasionally you will see workday or donation requests on this Facebook group... that is what they are offering in exchange! More XP! Wooooo!

If you find yourself wanting to take part in these things in an effort to earn more xp so your character can get xp swole, look out for those announcements.

After you complete between event tasks for staff:

  1. Go to the kanar.club website

  2. Hover over the [Events] menu dropdown

  3. Fill out the "Between Events Staff XP Form".

As long as the deadlines are followed, this Bonus XP will get added at the same time as that month's character updates are being processed (provided everything goes as planned).

XP submission deadlines are the same dates as character signout deadlines, so the earlier you claim your efforts the better.

Feel free to ask questions if you have them. Ooh De Lally!

- DW

Various CBM Reminder to Players

TLDR before the body: Check your signout responses before clicking next/submit. Please.

  • If you do not meet all of the event requirements prior to their deadlines then you will not get NPC XP, you will not be able to learn new skills, and skills you taught at the event will not be granted to the characters you taught them to. The following are your requirements:

    • Pay your membership fee before you step onto the field

      • This only needs to be done one time per year

    • Fill out your ARF before you step onto the field

      • This only needs to be done one time per year

    • Pay the event fee before you step onto the field

    • Sign in at the event before you step onto the field

    • Submit your signout within 8 days after the event.

    • (The first three things are supposed to be done before you go on the field, but that deadline generally gets flexed to match the signout deadline)

  • When completing your signout - Do not give us nicknames for characters when saying who you taught things to or who taught things to you. You must provide the players, or characters, real name (both would even be appreciated and might help you unexpectedly). CBM staff checks references while completing updates; we will not do extensive research in an effort to find people or understand who someone might be talking about. Find out your teachers/students name and ask them how to spell it.

    • If you provide shortened names or nicknames that haven’t been approved/discussed between the player and CBM staff, then skills might be denied. If a characters name is Beeblebroxpuffsalot and that is the name on their character file, but everyone calls them Sam, then we better see beeblebroxpuffsalot as the teacher/student, unless they had a discussion with the CBM to change the reference name on their file. If you have a long or strange spelled name that people don’t call you (and you don’t understand what I am saying here), then you should send an email to kgecbd@gmail.com so that we can try to talk it out.

    • This might require you to have an out-of-game discussion with players, or it might require you to write things down. Both would be beneficial to you.

    • If you misspell your real or character name on your own signout, your update might get overlooked… and that might cause you to miss out on learning/teaching skills and other fun things. Pay attention to what you are doing and double check your answers.

    • Please do not assume that we know who you might be talking about based on what someone looks like, what their name kinda sounds like, etc. We need their name (not the nickname you tend to call them or a description of what they look like).

    • If you trust yourself to remember something, but then forget it - you are putting the possibility of not getting what you want on your update in the hands of you remembering things. Help us help you. Write things down so you don’t forget.

  • When completing your signout - If you teach or learn a skill then you myst provide the skill name as it appears in the Rulebook. If skill names do not match, characters might be denied skills. Also, be sure to include specialization names with skills that should have specializations. Again, CBM staff checks references while completing updates; we are not going to do extensive research in an effort to find people or understand things which should be explicitly written.

    • “Short Weapons Group/Small Weapons Group” is not a skill.

    • “Skinning” is not a skill.

    • “Wizard Spells” is not a skill.

    • “Healing magic” is not a skill.

    • “Resist Toxin” is not a skill.

    • “Read/Write” is not a skill by itself. This must have a language type specialization associated to it, such as “Read/Write (Common)” or “Read/Write (Forest Elven)”.

    • “Disguise” is not a skill by itself. “Craft (Disguise)” is the skill name which must also include a level which was taught/learned. The same goes for all other crafts, trade skills, and spell slot levels.

    • “First level spell slots”, “first circle spells”, and “first tier spells” are not skills. You must name the type of slots (Fire-air, earth-water, or bardic) and the level of the slot, and the number of slots you are trying to purchase (x1, x2, x17, etc).

  • You cannot train someone in a skill that they do not already have the pre-reqs listed on their character sheet for. You may not “store an advanced skill teaching” for a rainy day after you decide to pickup the pre-reqs … As a skill teacher, you might have to ask “do you already know the basics of X”, or as the student you might have to ask “is there anything I should know or focus on prior to learning this.”

    • You cannot train someone to deathstrike if they do not already have the Add Dmg +4 skill on their character sheet

    • You cannot train someone the Basic Enchantment Level 3 skill if they do not already have Basic Enchantment Level 2 skill on their character sheet

    • You cannot train someone Potion Making 1 unless they already have Herbalism 1, Flora Lore, Alchemy 1, Math, and Read/Write (*whatever*) skills on their character sheet

    • You cannot teach someone the Resurrection Ceremony if they do not have a 9th level E/W spell slot and/or three years have not already passed since you were taught the ceremony (or since you last taught someone else the ceremony).

      • If you finished learning/teaching this ceremony in November of 2018, you can’t start teaching it until March of 2022 (provided the last event of the year is November and the first event of the year is march) and your new student won’t be able to use it until after they have trained on-field for 6 events with you and it is added to their character sheet (at BEST, that would be September of 2022). They (nor you) will be able to teach it until three years after that have passed (you may both start teaching again in September of 2025). If you are currently training for the Rez ceremony, please email the CBMs because your teacher has possibly missed a vital step in the process and we need to make sure to work out those kinks immediately so that you do not suffer.

    • You cannot learn a lore specialization prior to learning the base lore first. If you want “terrain lore (forest)” then you must have “terrain lore” on your sheet first.

  • Do not submit multiple signouts. Check the work on your signouts and then click next/submit. If you discover you made a mistake after you submitted your signout, send an email to the CBMs.

    • If you accidentally make a mistake, we will do what we can to help you and let you know what needs to happen in the future. Please email us follow-up questions if you have any.

    • Read the questions, read the descriptions under the questions, think of an appropriate response and then fill out the form.

    • Multiple signouts clog the gears, skew event stats, and cause confusion if we are not aware of their coming. Ask before you do it.

    • If you have questions about the signout, ask the CBM staff. Don’t know what should go where? Email the cbms. Get confused easily by the form? Email the cbms. Do it before the deadlines and you will be a much happier player.

We try to answer questions promptly. We try to work with people the best we can. We try to be nice and accommodating and super cool people, but every mistake adds extra time to our process and it starts to hurt the soul when we would like to play outside but we get stuck inside doing homework. Don’t make this into a Rudolph and Olive (the other reindeer) situation. Be the Santa. 😀

One Love,


Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Photography & Videography Policy

Last Updated July 2022

KGE wants to promote a way in which players and non-players alike can capture pivotal moments in our games. We want to also make sure that those that wish to not be photographed are given ample time to be aware of those taking pictures and video so that they make take the necessary steps to avoid said person. KGE will take these steps to handle photography:

  1. People that do not wish to be photographed must have an up to date media exclusion list form with the media team. This form shall include a photograph of them. This photograph will help aid those taking pictures of who is on the list.

  2. At least 7 days before an event, the person wishing to do photography on field will email the media team with the following:

    1. The dates they wish to photograph

    2. Approximate locations they wish to photograph

    3. Approximate times they wish to photograph

    4. A picture of themselves to aid those on the media exclusion list.

  3. After this email is received, media team will send an email to the media exclusion list. They may also post that photography will be happening on other social media outlets.

  4. During the event, the photographer will attempt to abide by the media exclusion list, but it is up to players to attempt to remove themselves from the photos. 

  5. After the event, media team can offer to work with the various photographers to help see if anyone on the media exclusion list was accidentally in a picture.

  6. Photographers should remember that with all pictures taken, a copy is given to KGE to be used as they see fit.

This process is not exclusionary to photography and includes videography as well.


Photo by Cameron Kirby on Unsplash

July 2019 BOD Meeting

Hello everyone and happy Monday,

Your KGE Corporate Secretary is here with a couple post-meeting announcements. Firstly, congratulations to our newly seated Directors Matt Ash and Christiana Ringbloom. Kanar Gaming Enterprises would also like to thank Dave Milka and David Angell for their time served on the Board of Directors.

Secondly, Eric Forge has stepped down as the Department Head of Safety for KGE. As such, we will be opening the position to applicants effective immediately. Applications will be accepted for the next 30 days, until Wednesday, August 7th, 2019. Aspiring applicants need to meet the following general qualifications:

- Currently hold Veteran Membership with KGE and be in Good Standing (two years membership and no outstanding disciplinary actions or debts)
- Have a working telephone number.
- Have a working email address with daily access
- Have a valid mailing address.

Responsibilities of the Safety Department Head include, but are not limited to:
- Maintaining and enforcing the non-combatant sash policy.
- Being the absolute authority on the field of play in matters of safety.
- Responding in a quick and helpful manner to injuries

Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc would like to thank Eric Forge for his time as our Safety Department Head and the efforts he has put toward keeping our players safe as they explore the wild and untamed reaches of Novashan. In addition, please welcome Kiri Brasseur as Acting Department Head of Safety.

Any members wishing to apply for this available position should send a resume and cover letter to the Board of Directors at either secretary@kanar.club or bod@kanar.org.

Thank you and adventure well,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

Hello and good morning everyone,

Your KGE Corporate Secretary here with the results of this year's election season as well as a reminder.

To start off, the results of this year's Director elections. KGE and KANAR would like to thank Dave Milka and David Angell for their service and voices directing our organization, our game, and our community during their time on the Board, without them we would not be where we are today. Your new Directors are as follows:

  • KGE Corporate Treasurer: Matt Ash

  • Odd Year Player Representative: Christiana Ringbloom

Seated Directors will be handing off the reins to their incumbents at the next Board of Directors meeting, on July 14th, 2019. Thank you to all of our veteran members who voted, and a warm welcome to our incoming Directors.

With that, we come to the reminder portion of today's post. The next Board of Directors meeting will be in two weeks, on Sunday July 14th, 2019. It will be held at our usual venue in the Pittsfield Twp Building Dept offices and at our usual time of 1PM. Any business wished to be proposed to the Board of Directors for consideration should be sent to either bod@kanar.org or directly to the Secretary at secretary@kanar.club. More information, as well as the address to the meeting room, can be found here: https://kanar.club/calendar-month/july-bod-meeting

Thank you and adventure well,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

Meeting Files

Below you will find the Agenda and minutes for the 2019 July Board of Directors meeting.

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

May & June Announcements


The first Saturday of the weeklong we will be having a Larp Sale in the Parking lot. From 12 to 6 feel free to set up in your parking space. We ask if you are selling to try to be near the front so to not interfere with traffic. Thanks!

From the BLD

We have a much higher rate of poison ivy growth this year than in years past. If you are going to be running off trail make sure you have full length pants and boots on. NPC Land is extra full of the stuff.

Yes - the bugs are bad. Bring lots of spray and don’t count on others providing it. Everyone is responsible for their own bug spray.

We have a good amount of water on he field with more rain on the way. Wet socks will kill an event. Pack extra socks and then pack some more.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the week long event.

From The Treasurer

As Weeklong comes closer, just a quick reminder, our 10 day event is $40.00 for the event fee. That gives access to the full ten days as well as the experience that comes with it!

David Angell,

From Econ

Reminder that all players have until the end of the June 2019 weeklong event to pick up any tags dated before 2019. Backlogged tags have piled up. If you feel that you have tags to be picked up that are from 2018 or earlier, and know you will not make it to the event, you may send an email to kanarecon@gmail.com from your KGE registered email with your full legal name (as written on your ARF) and the full legal name of one person you will allow to pick your tags up for you. This request needs to be put in prior to June 10, 2019.

Thank you,
Economics staff

From Feast Coordinator

As feast coordinator for Kanar 2020, I will be setting the bar at Cobblestone Farms for the location and the new caterer (What's Cooking in Ann Arbor) we used last year (2019). If anyone would like to challenge these 2 things, please message me so I can work with you to investigate any suggested options and report it to the BoD for consideration.

Game Master 1st
Tim Schafer

From Adopt-A-Road

Good morning everyone! Due to reasons I can't schedule a May litter pickup for adopt a road (still looking for someone to help with that). However, if you take before and after pictures and fill at least one garbage bag cleaning up part the area from the field north to Allison road and email said pictures to kanarroad@gmail.com, I will make sure you get some points. Please dispose of the bag in our dumpster, and these pictures should be submitted or timestampped before May 31st.

Thank you.
Chamomile Rae Short

From the CBM

Any Staff Time Between Events Now Eligible to Count Toward 200 Extra XP

The BoD approved of a proposal at the April meeting to allow staff time for any staff between events to count toward the 200 bonus XP that is available to be earned each season. Previously, the 200 Extra XP could only be earned through donating time or money to QM, BLD, or Adopt-a-Road. Any work done for the GM, PM, CBM, BLD, QM, Safety, and Adopt-a-Road, is now eligible to count toward the 200 Extra XP, with the following conditions:

  1. The maximum amount of XP that any player can earn each season is 200 XP. This is counted by player, NOT by character (so you cannot earn 200 for your primary PC and an additional 200 for your secondary PC).

  2. You can earn a maximum of 100 XP per staff group. That is, in order to max out the 200 XP, you must volunteer for/donate to at least two staff groups.

  3. In order to submit staff time to receive XP, you MUST fill out the “Between Events Staff XP” Google Form. 

    • Multiple form submissions may be required if you did work for more than one staff group between events.

    • This form is very similar to the Between Event Signout Form and your claimed time must be submitted through this form for approval

  4. XP is earned at the same rate as NPC XP – 1 XP per half hour of work. Make sure to document your hours accurately. Some staff groups may have lists of certain tasks that they plan to award a certain amount of XP for based on the average amount of time it takes to complete a task or importance of the task. (For example: The QM staff might state that they will award 1 XP per nametag sewn onto NPC clothing, or the GM staff might say players may earn 2 points per module submission that is approved, etc.)

  5. All Google Form submissions will be sent to the 1stof the staff who you are submitting time toward (that is, if you submit between event work for the GM staff, select GM on the form and the email will go to the GM staff).

    • The 1sts will then have authority to approve or deny your submission. If they deny your submission, they will contact you by email to let you know why your submission was denied.

  6. At the end of each submission period, the 1sts will need to finish reviewing all submissions received for the month and add any XP earned to the CBM’s between event XP tracking file.

  7. The CBM will then add any bonus XP from the previous month to character sheets at the time they do character updates.

  8. Please note that this policy will take effect the day after the May event, May 20th, and the earning period for this season will run until Feast 2020. After Feast 2020, a new season will begin and you can earn 200 XP again.

  9. Late form submissions will be accepted until the end of the season. No bonus XP submissions will be accepted for the season if submitted more than 8 days after Feast.

  10. The earning/submission periods for the rest of this year can be found in the table below. These dates follow the same pattern as regular signout submissions and updates:

Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 1.55.11 PM.png

Turning on Notifications on Your Character Sheet

If you would like to receive an email anytime a change has been made to your character sheet, please do the following (NOTE: THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU ARE SIGNED IN TO GOOGLE/HAVE A GMAIL ADDRESS):

  1. Open your character sheet in Google Sheets.

  2. At the top, click Tools > Notification rules.

  3. In the window that appears, select "Any changes are made”. 

  4. In the window that appears, select "Email – right away".

  5. Click Done.

Even though the CBM staff no longer emails out updated character sheets each month, this will allow you to know when your sheet has been updated so you can go view it.

Staff Time During Scheduled Events Now Counts Toward NPC XP

The BoD approved of a proposal at the April meeting to allow scheduled staff time to count toward NPC time. Any scheduled hours spent staffing during scheduled events now count toward your NPC hours for the event. The maximum amount of NPC time that can be earned for any given event is still 12 XP (or 60 XP for weeklong), and is earned at the same rate for NPCing or staffing – 1 XP per half hour.

Please make sure to describe any staff time on your signout, under the “What NPCs did you play?” question. Include how many hours you spent working for each staff, as the CBM will be validating this information with all of the 1sts before awarding XP. Combine your staff hours and NPC hours and list that number under the “How many hours (total) did you spend NPCing?” question. For any further questions about this policy, please contact the CBM Staff.

Limit to Number of Skills that Can be Taught Each Event

The GSOM has updated their policies regarding teaching skills during event. The maximum number of different skills any character may teach during a scheduled event is 4. This means that you may teach 4 distinct skills to other characters; you may still teach multiple characters a single skill as a group and it will only count as one skill taught toward your limit. 

As a reminder: The number of hours it takes to teach a skill to another character is equivalent to the cost of the skill divided by 10. So, if you are teaching a 30 point skill (based on the class of the STUDENT(S)), that means that it takes a MINIMUM of 3 hours to teach the skill. If you are teaching an expensive skill that costs 450 points, for example, it will take you a minimum of 45 hours to teach the skill (which will obviously take more than one event). 

Please only list skills that you have taught/learned on your signout once you have finished the lesson. The CBM staff does not track the total hours you taught/learned skills – this remains on the honor system. The CBM staff only needs to know once you have completed a lesson so that they are able to update character sheets with the learned skills.


Photo by Florian Bernhardt on Unsplash

Staff Announcements & Notes

NOTE: This post will be updated as announcements come in, it is recommended to check back once again shortly before the May event.

From the Coporate Secretary

Attention Members!

Due to the damage that has been done to the trails by vehicles driving onto the lands, the KGE Board of Directors have declared that there is to be ABSOLUTELY NO DRIVING on the field of play until approval has been given by the BoD. Please assist our community in keeping the trails safe and usable for our events and the events of others.

Thank you,
Jacob Smith
KGE Corporate Secretary

Hello everyone,

Your KGE Corporate Secretary is here hoping everyone had a great event weekend and coming to you with a quick reminder:

The next Board of Directors meeting is in approximately two weeks, on Sunday, April 28th at 1pm. It will be located at our usual venue, the Pittsfield Township offices. The address for the meeting is located on the meeting's event page. Submissions for the meeting's agenda are due at the end of this week, on Sunday, April 21st. If you have something you would like to submit, please send it to either secretary@kanar.club or bod@kanar.club before the deadline.

Thank you and happy adventuring,

Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

From the Building and Land Department:

There is currently a 20 yard dumpster near the QM Shed. The Staff are using it to dispose of refuse from the Supply Depot, to start converting that area to additional camping space and eventual camper / fifth wheel parking.

However, there is an issue with the size of the pallets, and the internal volume of the dumpster. 

We have too many pallets, and they take up too much space. 

THUS, the building and land department is offering a 10xp bounty for members that are willing to break down 10 pallets, and toss the pieces into the dumpster. This bounty will be awarded when accompanied by a picture of the ten pallets before breaking down, and a picture of the ten pallets in pieces, post-destruction. 

Zach and Craig moved about 30 pallets into the parking lot, beside the dumpster, to start the process.

From the CBM

As a reminder, we are not sending out individual update emails each month - you will only get an email if you submitted a signout for a new or previously unconverted character; if there were issues with your signout that we needed to make you aware of (i.e. you weren’t approved for an update, we couldn’t grant a skill, etc.); or if you left a comment or question in the CBM Comments section of the signout that we needed to address.

Lastly, if you are a new player planning to come out to the next event, we would love to get your character sheet created prior to the event so it saves us both time at the event. Please email us at kgecbd@gmail.com and give us your character deets and let us know if you have any questions!

From the GM

Kanar Rule Book – version 3/2019 – page 24 – Status Effects Chart;

Stunned: Target cannot see, hear, or take any action.  If they are not already laying down, the target must immediately fall to the ground.  They may groan in pain while falling.  This status will immediately end if the target receives any damage or is shaken by another character.  Deathblows may be administered to the target.

Kanar Rule Book – version 3/2019 – page 20 – Armor Locations;

A suit of armor is divided into 7 locations: 2 legs, 2 arms, front torso, rear torso, and head.  Armor points are given based on the number of locations armored.

  • Leather Armor : 5AP/location

  • Composite Armor : 10AP/location

  • Chain/Scale Armor : 15AP/location

  • Plate Armor : 20AP/location

Rulebook - under Armor Move

If at any point, a character’s armor is reduced to 0, the armor is considered destroyed and can no longer be repaired.  Please role play changing armor and turn in your tags as necessary.

By: Jeremiah Klabis – Econ 1st


Theme Marshals versus Encounter Marshals

Announcement: The GM staff has changed over staff from Theme Marshals to Encounter Marshals.  Why you might ask?  Theme Marshals often perform their duties autonomously and without the knowledge of the GM staff prior to a module only to hopefully turn in a report after the fact. Encounter Marshals are expected to prearrange and preapprove all encounters before they go out.  This way the GM staff can organize the event schedule, plan for NPC staff needed, prep as needed, hand out possible cross module information and generally run an event.  This means a lot more work on the front side of the event but we (the GM staff) feel this is for the betterment of the story.  Thank you all during this time of adjustment.

By: Tim Schafer – GM 1st

2019 Official Language List (30)

Languages - PC Racial

  •      Language - Common

  •      Language - Common Dwarven

  •      Language - Common Elven

  •      Language - Forest Elven

  •      Language - Ogre

  •      Language - Orcish

Languages - Other

  •      Language - Ancient Common

  •      Language - Ancient Dwarven

  •      Language - Ancient Elven

  •      Language - Dark Elven

  •      Language - Deep Dwarven

Languages - Planar

  •      Language - Windborn (Common Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Aquan (Water Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Auran (Air Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Ignan (Fire Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Terran (Earth Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Abyssal (Negative Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Modran (Neutral Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Solaran (Positive Planar Tongue)

  •      Language - Sylvan (Wild Planar Tongue)

Languages - Special

  •      Language - Aquarian

  •      Language - Bullywog

  •      Language - Draconic

  •      Language - Giant

  •      Language - Gnoll

  •      Language - Gnome

  •      Language - Goblin

  •      Language - Ildaryn

  •      Language - Skaven

  •      Language – Tauren


Photo by Startaê Team on Unsplash

April Event Announcements

BLD Announcement

April 2019 The building and land department has issued a safety notice. Until significant repairs are made, house chaos, the fort, the treehouse and the roof of the ordu gate are off-limits for safety reasons. With the removal of the caretaker system, the building and the land staff are hard at work to restore these areas to functionality. And improved caretaker system is being discussed between the building and land department and the board of directors. We apologize for the inconvenience.

PM Announcement

Hello players! PM Secretary here with a couple things of note:

  1. We're continuing to get people who've put clarification questions in the "PM feedback" portion of their signout form. That is not the ideal place to ask clarification questions, that part of the signout is asking for your feedback on the PM department's performance during the event. If you use the PM Form (conveniently linked below), you'll get your answer much more quickly, and it'll help us keep a record of what you asked. We really encourage you to use it.

  2. We've had multiple requests for a Word/Docs reformattable copy of the Rulebook, rather than the PDF format usually provided. Our understanding is that this is used to put it into hardbound covers and other creative, field-friendly presentations. We're happy to do so (I personally made a field-friendly "binder" for my copy), but we'd like to add a "user beware" to anyone planning something similar. Prior to recent changes, the Rulebook went without anything other than formatting updates for quite a long time. It's going to be different going forward - we just issued a new copy of the book containing recent clarifications, and more of them are already starting to line up. The RBC will continue to evaluate suggestions as they're submitted, and that might result in changes as well. We don't intend to make any in the near future which are nearly as major as the ones issued over the winter, but we want you to be aware that the Rulebook is a living document; continued improvement of our game will logically result in gradual evolution of our rules. If you commission someone to bind you a fancy expensive copy of the book, and a new one is issued a month later, we're not going to be held responsible. 

  3. Racial requirements are just that - requirements. If you're an Elf and you choose to wear a hat, you still have to wear eartips under it. If you're a Halfling and you choose to wear gauntlets, you still have to have fur on underneath them. These requirements have been in effect for a full event now, and staff will be warning and/or removing players from field who are not meeting them. We appreciate your understanding in this.

Also following up on a couple of questions from the event, your PM staff would like to touch on two points regarding the Bardic version of Word of Protection. 

  1. If you choose to move through an area affected by something like Word of Protection, you MUST announce the method you're using to move through it. For example, let's say Player One is maintaining a Word of Protection (Level 8). Player Two may choose to come within 10' of Player One by announcing something like "Level 9" (if they are that level) or "Resist Charm" (if they have that skill). 

    If you are using this or another spell with a duration of "Song", we HIGHLY recommend that you periodically re-announce the name of the spell and any pertinent information during the song. Otherwise, players and NPCs who were not within earshot when it was first announced will have no way to know the objective of the spell-song you're casting.

Thanks for reading! See you at the event!

Matt Ash, PM Staff


Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

Media 1st Position Opening

Good afternoon everyone,

At the January Board of Directors meeting, it was decided to open the position of Media 1st to applicants. Members wishing to apply for this position should send a resume and cover letter to the Board at bod@kanar.club before the next meeting, held on Sunday, April 28th, 2019.

In order to apply for this position, applicants should meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Veteran Member and currently in Good Standing.

  • Have a working phone number

  • Have a working email address that is checked on a regular basis

  • Have a valid mailing address

The responsibilites of the Media 1st position involve management of the website, moderation of KGE and Kanar's social media pages and groups, and administration of KGE's digital assets. Experience with IT work is highly recommended.

Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc. would like to thank Wilm Pierson for his time as our Media Department Head, and we wish him well in his future endeavors.

Thank you,

Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

New Rulebook Clarifications

We’ve had a great reaction to the new rulebook with several clarifications. We don’t want you to have to read several pages of clarifications on top of the new rulebook so we’ve created an updated version of the rulebook with all clarifications added into it.

Video Transcript

Hi folks back again with another video update for you the last couple of video updates that we issued went really well they were really well accepted people seem to enjoy them better than just a wallet text on the Facebook group so what we're gonna do going forward is whenever we have something to communicate to you that's more than just a simple quick statement that involves a little bit more in-depth communication we're going to try to do one of these video updates for you the reason that we're doing this one in particular is threefold first we really wanted to thank you we recently had a Q&A; thread on our Facebook group and because we knew that you were gonna have a lot of questions about the new rule book and about the character updates new character sheets and so forth so we wanted to give you a place to do that and it went wonderfully guys we really appreciate the the civil tone that you brought to that we had very little anger very little insulting there was no you know none of the usual internet trolling and we really appreciate that what we ended up with instead is just some wonderful clarifications some answers some places that you came to us and said hey I'm not sure this made sense or I'm not sure this is working the way that you thought it was and because of that we were able to post those clarifications to our play master clarification log which is available both it's linked to both from our website which is kinda hard at Club as well as the Facebook group so all of those answers you can see in one place just by visiting that it's a really good bunch of information but we want to go one step further with that we don't want you to have to go read an entire rule book and then read several pages of clarifications that were issued we want you to have all the information in one place so that's what we're doing this week before the March event we are going to be issuing a new copy of the rule book to the connect club website that includes all of those clarifications so any place that you know the text wasn't clear it's been clarified and all that information is included right in the rule book for you so we really hope that that's helpful we're sorry we're seeing a new copy you know so quickly but it's kind of to be expected that when large changes are made that we need to follow up on a little bit um the most obvious place that we're following up on that is kind of the third point for this video there is one clarification that's being made that's really more of a rules change and we wanted to give you as much information about that as possible we had a couple people asked both on the Q&A; thread and through our play master forum about how three particular skills interacted and that is shield which is the individual weapon skill shield group which is a weapons group that includes buckler and shield and then the shield bash skill which with this new addition of the rules we made shield bash a general skill to try to make it more clear and more understandable how that skill in particular worked how it interacted with the individual weapon skill and with the group and it didn't work it did not make it more clear what we found in during the course of answering those questions for people is that there was a lot of confusion about it still about how it worked and how it was supposed to work and even some of our staff members didn't fully understand how the skill worked to one degree or another so we were faced with the choice we can either one issue a really long clarification saying hey this is how this is supposed to work and you know next time we make a big rules change update it'll be part of this or the other option that we have is that we could just change this one rule we can make this one change to the rules to make it easier to understand and clear for everyone that's what we decided to do is that second option we talked to the board of directors and got approval for it and what we're going to be doing is removing the shield bash skill I say we're moving but not really getting rid of it it's going to be rolled into the shield skill so if you have the ability to use a shield either from an individual weapon skill or from the weapon group when this goes into effect you are going to automatically be able to make that attack with it that you would normally have to have the shield batch skill ever to do so one thing that I should mention is that technically according to our bylaws any rulebook changes whether that's for clarifications whether that's for a major rules change or anything like that it has to be provided to you for one month prior to a taking effect we will be posting this new rule book before the March event here but what that means is that this change doesn't technically go into effect until the April event when your character sheet is updated between the March and April event you'll see that if you had the shield bash skill previously it's going to be removed from your sheet now there's a couple of different ways that this can work for you depending on your circumstance if you previously did not have or if you previously had the shield skill or the shield group skill nothing's going to change in your character sheet what you do get is you now have the added bonus ability of making that shield bash attack with your shield if you choose to so you don't lose anything you just get a new ability if you previously had both shield bash and either shield or shield group shield bash is gonna be removed see they actually get a bunch of points back which is great you retain all of your ability to make a bashing attack with that weapon and you get points back so bonus for you if you had the isolated strange situation where for some reason you had shield bash the skill but you did not have either shield or shield group what we're going to do is if possible we are going to when shield bash is going is removed we're going to replace it with the individual shield skill so you won't have to train additionally for it just instead of shield bash you will have shield so for mages warriors and rogues this is going to mean that there's absolutely no difference to your point cost it's just that shield the skill shield will be on your sheet instead of shield bash the one group of players that this could work differently for in specific and it's a highly specific group is if you are a cleric that has shield bash currently but not shield or shield group either CBM will be getting in contact with you or contact them directly and it's only for that very small I'm not actually even sure that anyone playing the last couple of years has that particular situation but if you are a part of it let us know and we will work out a fix that works for both you and us but for the vast majority of people what this means is the either getting points back or you're getting an additional ability that you didn't have before yeah so that's what we have for this update that book should be posted as soon as possible it's going to be visible visibly different from the previous one because of the first page instead of saying revised January 2019 it's going to say revised March 2019 if you have any questions at all please feel free to email us play master staff at p.m. one at canard org or just submit something through the the play master form which is an even quicker way of communicating to us we check that even more quickly thanks for listening really appreciate your patience and have a great time this weekend.

Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash


Pre-Season Announcements

From Economics Staff

The econ staff is posting to allow all players to be aware they have until the end of the weeklong event to collect their tags from 2018 and earlier or they will become absorbed back into the economics binders for redistribution. The econ folders are overrun with unclaimed tags for players.

Additionally with the updated rulebook comes updated Econ packets.

From the CBM Staff

With all the changes to the rules, character sheets and general policies that has happened recently. Please make sure to review this document to ensure you receive your character updates in a timely manner this year. It’s all the same information as before, just compressed into an easy to read format.

From the GM Staff

Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 9.39.10 AM.png
  1. The ground has many frozen over gofer burls and so wear ankle support as the ground feels like walking on popcorn. Ice warning. Foot attire at cold events is vital.  No one will fault you for your non period winter hikers.

  2. This is the first event & it WILL BE cold!  Gage your shots accordingly.  Check your weapons often,  Cold makes the padding hard and the Duct tape extra sharp.  Please be safe this weekend.

From the Safety Staff

A note about safety from your friendly neighborhood safety staff. It is cold out that being said be sure to dress in multiple layers to avoid overexposure to the cold. Hydration is as important to avoid hypothermia as it is to avoid heat stroke so drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the event and while at play. If you get so cold you no longer shiver this is something to be concerned about as it indicates your body is shutting down. Steps needed to recover include but are not limited to remove yourself from the cold environment warm your core body first then your extremities and again hydrate. To all that will be out this event play, safe watch your swings your weapons will hurt more in the cold and remember to have fun!!!!!!

From the BLD Staff

Hello club members, 

The Building and Land Staff would like to remind everyone that Ordu Towers, the Tree Fort, Rath’s Building Site and Hawkstone’s tower will be roped off with pink tape this event for safety reasons. Do not enter any of these spaces.

The trails are very icy so make sure you have a good footing while walking. We also have some large areas of “popcorn ground”. This is ground that looks solid but will sink your foot a few inches. Great way to hurt an ankle. We know everyone is excited to get on field and swing some weapons but please make sure the area you are fighting on is safe.

If at any point you think an area of field is unsafe for play please find a member of safety or BLD staff and let them know. 

It looks like we are going to have a large number of new players attending this event so park smart. Anyone taking up more than one parking spot will be asked to move their vehicle. Many of our orange parking markers fell over this winter and the ground is so frozen we can’t put them back in so use your best judgment. 

All of the firepits were raked at the past BLD workday so please get those fires going and stay warm. We hope everyone has an amazing event.

From the PM Staff

Over the last year, the rulebook committee has been working to update Kanar’s rulebook. At the January board of directors meeting, the BOD approved a new edition to the rulebook. Since then, we have worked closely with the character book marshal staff to make a clean transition for the players. The changes will be in effect at the March event, so please take the time to review these changes as they may have effected your character. The playmaster staff will be present at the event to answer any lingering questions.

You can always download the most recent copy of our rulebook on the kanar.club website; kanar.club/downloads.

We also have a clarification page listing all clarifications we’ve made to the book which can also be found on the downloads page of the website listed above under “rulebook clarifications.”

Also, as always we encourage constructive feedback or questions regarding the rulebook. If you have either, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our playmaster form.

Thank you so much and we look forward to seeing you this weekend!


Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

2019 Winter Feast

We hope you had a wonderful time at our 2019 Winter Feast. Each year we strive to improve and make it better than the last, if you haven’t already please fill out the event survey and don’t forgot about the membership survey!

Check out some of the beautiful photos taken by Pixie Light Photo at feast! You can view and purchase these and more of the fantastic photos on their website.

These beautiful awards were created and given out during court at feast by Countess Kali.

2019 Annual Registration Form

Hello everyone!

The 2019 Annual Registration Form is now available. This form is required to be filled out by members wishing to participate in the 2019 KANAR season. Please read every section carefully and fill it as completely and accurately as possible. KGE (and KANAR) utilizes this form for insurance and communication purposes, and to ensure a quick and effective response in the event of an emergency.

Thank you,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

Photo by Phil Desforges on Unsplash

Photo by Phil Desforges on Unsplash

2019 Rulebook Changes

This past Board of Directors meeting, several updates to the Kanar Rulebook were approved. Below you can find the new rulebook as well as two videos explaining the changes and how this will affect players. The Playmaster staff will be meeting with the newly elected Character Book Marshal soon to discuss how to handle character updates and the issuing of new character sheets which align with the recent revisions. Once those processes are set, they will issue a third video with information about what the players can expect from that process.

If you are new the game you don’t need to watch the videos or worry about how things used to be.

This is a rough overview of rulebook changes proposed to the Kanar Board of Directors in January 2019.
Information about point cost changes to the rulebook being proposed to the Board of Directors in January 2019, and why they are being made.
This video describes the process our CBM staff will be using to issue new character sheets following recent rulebook changes, as well as options players have in response to the changes.

Video 1 Transcript

Hi folks my name is Matt we haven't met I'm a member of our play master staff and I'm also a current committee chairman we wanted to make a few videos for you today because we've made some changes to the rule book and some of them are fairly significant we wanted to give you as much information as possible well don't be as transparent as possible so we're actually going to be making three different videos this first one is going to go over just a rough overview of the changes we've made to the rule book the second one is going to go over one change in particular that we know that a lot of players are going to want some background information so why and how we came to that change and the third one is going to come out a little bit later and once we've had a chance to talk to the new CBM and go over a couple of options about how we're going to get your a new character sheet to you for the beginning of the new player, so some of these changes are fairly simple and straightforward try to move through them as quickly as possible because some of the later ones are a little bit more significant and I want to give you as much information about that is possible the first thing we want to let you know is that if you have any questions or concerns about this please feel free to come and talk to me or any member of our play master staff we're very open to criticism we can't promise them will change something because you don't like it but we we will listen and if it's a concern for most of the player base we want to make sure that we're making good changes, so we appreciate you very with mr. day's process without further ado the first thing we're going to change for this new rule book is the effects of blonde alliance char monster and charm person spells remain so the target is only effective for five minutes right now there are all different durations and actually this was a change that was brought to the board a while ago and they accepted it just for some reason it enjoyed it and we'll look until now so we want to make sure it meaning in this time secondly we're going to change the length of weapons that a thrown spell can be cast through to 32 inches instead of 30 inches that length is the max limit for a few different weapons so this way you'll know that I can cast a thrown spell through any short sword rather than some short swords and not others that sort of thing we're going to clarify that more tactics skills can be stacked unit and only benefit from one war tactics skills you can fi people giving you a +5 damage it's pretty straightforward it's already how its play we just want to clarify a few of these changes like that next we're going to implement a minimum the shield size of 200 square inches this just differentiates between buckler's and shields you can't have a full sized shield it's only the size of a hamburger we want to make that clear people another one we're just clarifying is we're staying with the upper limit of a weapon length is not inclusive we've got a few people to think that they have an item that is both a short sword and a long sword because oh it's 32 inches so it's the maximum length of a short so we're gonna it's the minimum length of a long sword so it counts as both that's not true if it meets if it's on that line it falls into the larger category just 32 inches it's a long sort of measure next we're going to remove the words entirely of the caster's own creation for barbecue spelling contagion requirements as long as you're singing a song that fits in that it's period that's not a modern rock song we're okay with use with bars using that as datian we don't expect them to rate original music to cast their spells we're going to remove any worry regarding time applause discounts for crafting masteries from the rulebook we're going to put that out of the econ pro view they've kind of been handling it so far already says really isn't gonna change a whole lot except that now they can make that more flavorful they can start doing things where you know you might get a discount if a certain material is incredibly plentiful or it might cost a little bit work it's very very rare we're just rather than nailing it down to the rule book we want to give them the option for that to do more with that next we're going to correct fizz rep guidelines for forum rock still rocks can be made from other materials they have to conform to the materials color chart basically some people are under the misconception right now that thrown rocks are just like rocks historically when you look at what we call it throwing rock in game it's more of a shotput that's why it takes a weapon crafter to make one for you because they're filing off all the rough edges and making it a usable thing and when they're doing that they should be able to make that shot clip from other materials mithril they would stuff like that it doesn't happy stone so it's just kind of something we're adding literally is really adding it we're just letting you do more with it next we're going to change the name of the spell plant growth to regrowth it's very straightforward the spell doesn't read doesn't work plants it just repairs damaged ones that words already in there it's please wanted to clarify next we're going to change the diamond dust alchemy so that it works on all melee weapons as it stands right now before the change it only works on bladed weapons we had people coming up and asking if they can get or make an alchemy that works on blunt ones we didn't see anything game breaking about allowing diamond dust what kind of weapon this as well so no it does next we're going to clarify the mystic rune skill with practical information about what the skill provides it's the way it's worded in the rubric right now is a little bit confusing or vague what we want the skill to do is it lets you create symbols or sigils that are enchanted during the enchanting process it gives you the knowledge of how to do that and it also gives you the knowledge of what you can do with Demi and change the different Demi enchanting things interview with that so we want to clarify we're also going to state that during the channel process basic enchantment creates glyphs Demi enchantment creates worthies it's again it's not going to change the way that a champion is done we just want to clarify I would make it easier to understand for new players that are learning and changing and we also want to make it clear on the item tag so that when you pick up something it says glyph of fire you know that once you cast it once you're going to have to have a recharge doesn't do it once per day just by reading those three or four words next we're going to explain that mining can be formed using craft masonry and appropriate lures we had folks approaching us asking forget to add a mining skill to the book and we were looking at it and there's so many skills that work together already that we think this is another thing that we work like that with craft masonry and stone more you can go to a wine and you can extract marble and credit and other stone materials that you can use with craft masonry and metal or you can go and extract metal ores like mithril or silver oil and so forth so that'll let people get more out of things that they're already role-playing them thoroughly using it just makes it clear next we're going to clarify how tags will function on the field with or without an appropriate physical representation obviously if you have a tag and a phys rep you are going to be able to use the item as normal but we had a lot of questions about how is it handled if you just have the tag and this is one of those things that we like if there is a more elegant solution to it down the line we'd love to go ahead and you know add more about that but for right now what we're doing is if you have the tag but not the fist wrapped that tag is an item called a writ or a deed and it represents that item so you can take that tag and go off field and find that you know if you just have the tag you can't use the item but you can sell it you can hand it to somebody and carry it around with you if you're killed it can be looted off of you if they search you in a place where you have they take the item and they can go get it but if you don't have a fist up you can use it it's pretty straightforward next we're going to create a process for detecting and removing disguises but we even it exists right now per the wording once you put on a disguise that's it it can't be removed nobody can tell we're going to change it so that if you are restrained knocked unconscious something like that and someone has the skill to create this guy's they can search you and they they'll be able to tell that it's in disguise read the book for more information the exact wording but it just fix this kind of a loophole existed next we're going to raise the damage of bows and crossbows from three normal order for normal again very straightforward we we thought that you know it takes so long to to reload a crossbow to knock a new arrow and shoot it then it's not game breaking to give it an additional point of damage it kind of makes things a little yeah so we want to do that next we're going to add a standardized list of common status effects and change the different references in the rule book to do that like right now we've got a spell called paralyze and a toxin that causes paralyzed but there for some reason we think that they're two different effects they shouldn't be they're going to cause a status effect called paralysis and the effects of it are listed in the rule book and yeah it it simplifies things it makes them less confusing for new players it also reduced our by quite a lot because of redundant unnecessarily worried so we thought it was a good team next we are going to change the list of available individual wet weapon group skills to eliminate redundant weapons basically we've especially in the poor arms area we've got multiple weapons they have the same requirements they can look identical but they've got different point costs but they do the same damage it's just it's kind of ridiculous to do that we can eliminate some of those that not lose any value for their name and doing it just make it more simple so take a look at the list that's in there now what defines a weapon now is how long it is whether it has a cross guard that can block a blade from coming towards you and if it has a head that could hook up in the weapon of shield that's what makes a difference now and because we reduced we got rid of a few skills that were duplicates of each other it also allowed us to reduce the number of weapon groups out there so now when you get a weapon group you get access to a lot more things for it's really a good thing we're also going to update the weapon crafting guidelines and it's an appendix that was added to the end of the book last time and we got to reading it we realize there's also a lot of redundant wording in there so be sure that we simplified it it shows you how to craft a good weapon Fortin are a good offer and also references some more modern materials that were the guy who was being written somebody thought it was a good change then there's four smaller changes that make up a bigger change to Armour we are going to increase the number of AP provided by the armor skill for purchase to five AP and we're going to increase the amount of AP provided by armor to five points per letter ten points for composite 15 points for chain in 20 points for plate this way your the number of times they buy our remove is going to match the number of points that you get from a section and it make it easier for new players to understand that you will be wasting or pieces of armor in doing it with that we are going to decrease the maximum ap to 100 the maximum number of points of armor that you can have we got to talking to the current GM in former GM's about it they thought it would really help with reducing the power gamma field and make it easier for them to rate encounters by reducing that from if it gets 120 to 100 it also makes it easier for players to max um if that's world what they want to do so we thought it was a good positive changer we're also going to remove armor stacking restrictions previously if you had a section of plate with a second chain underneath it the chain was worth less AP than it normally was that it normally would be we see no reason for this if you want to put four different kinds of armor on their legs and be tired all day you should get fully paid for that if you want to put it on your arms and not be able to move your arm go for it it'll also allow people to costume the way that they want to it ways that might look a bit better we don't see a resolution last thing we're going to raise the amount of AP repaired by the men's fell from for AP to five AP just so it falls away it's pretty straightforward we are going to change the body point progression for all races and classes to make them more standardized and easy to understand rather than having several different progressions all in different you know metrics and everything we are going to there's going to be three progressions for races and three progressions for classes if you are a mage you are going to gain body points the slowest of the classes clerics and roles are next higher and then warriors get the best body points per level in the same way with races elves and halflings are going to gain body points the slowest on that end ORS and humans will end half-breeds will be in the middle on that and then obviously half half holders are going to gain a lot of body points as they go up the other small change with this is that everyone starts out with eight body points this means that no matter if you're a halfling mage or a half warrior you can go on field and take a couple of hits from Goblin without falling down immediately we think that's going to be new players feel a lot better come explore different options we are going to revise racial mechanics for simplicity clarity that balance them better there's a couple different things that are going to happen here one all characters get 140 points to start rather than being you know certain skills being that cost to be increased by certain percentage or increased by another one everyone starts out with 140 points to buy skills and then if you are willing to put on prosthetics or makeup and play a race you are going to get a certain number of skills for you for that check the book for more information we are also going to change the racial costuming requirements for halflings currently they say that you have to be under a certain height players can't choose their heights and we don't want to limit people from playing the race that they want to but in literature hobbits and half labels the only things that differentiate them from humans are that they're shorter and they have hair on the back of their hands of their feet so what we're going to require is that halflings wear fur on the back of their hands whether that's a piece of fur a prosthetic that's put on a spirit gum or we don't even mind if it's like a fingerless flesh-tone love that's got four so to the back of it that's fine too as long as it's visible they are not human we are going to create a simplified standardized list of more Skills that complies with the current field practice take a look at the book on this one it's a bit of an involved change what it means is that when you buy a lower skill based skill is going to be all that you need on field you can purchase specializations additional ones and they'll be good in between events and other modules but that's the only thing I think revive the last change and it's what's going to be discussed in the next video is we're going to revise skill point costs across the board it's a bit of an involved one we want to give you as much information as possible so view the next video or motion thank you.

Video 2 Transcript

Hi folks this is the second two videos that we're doing about some of the changes that are being made to the rule the first one if you haven't seen it already be sure to go back and take a look at that one before you view this one and also if you're kind of new to working if you're not fully familiar with the rule book yet we actually recommend don't don't watch these all just take a look at the rule book and get familiar with it you shouldn't have to learn how you know things were before in order to get used to the new system we don't why you confused and on those lines if you have any questions please come talk to me or either prefer the play master staff or anything but this video in particular it's going to discuss changes to point costs scope one costs in particular and the wise and the house behind that because we know you're gonna have questions about the first thing to take note of is that skills have been recategorize in the current book they're categorized according to a lot of different stuff like there's certain skills that just fall over the category brogre skills which are just skills that we think world should have and we don't think it should be that way the new categories are going to describe how you can purchase a skill how many times you can purchase it whether there's an escalating cost and so forth for example individual weapons groups surprise attacks and most general skills are one-offs you just at once and you have that skill that's what it is whereas physical skills and lower skills you can purchase multiple times at the same cost so for like physical skills stuff like Bruce's charm you can buy it multiple times every time it costs you 30 points or lower skills you buy them once it's whatever the listed cost is if you choose to buy it again to specialize in something then it's the same cost to connect you trade skills are all five levels the same cost which is good and item creation like toxins alchemy scrolls potions and so forth they have nine levels you just purchased the skill one time per level and each level is at an escalating cost whereas spell slots nine levels you can buy them multiple times per level obviously and it's an escalating cost so the second difference and it's probably we talked a little bit before in the last video about how weapons are being changed individual weapons what my group skills first off because we have fewer individual weapons they can fit into a smaller number group weapon groups and what we're actually doing this we're trying to reduce the cost of weapon groups as the base cost of it by quite a bit so to kind of encourage newer players to buy a weapon group first that lets you try out a whole bunch of different weapons and see when you're familiar with not really we need to enjoy more and then go buy the individual weapons skill to kind of specialize it it further before you start buying other skills the best for those and then as far as individual weapon costs they're quite a bit different than they were before it's because now weapons are based on the same three things as we talked about the last video the longer the weapon is the more points that will cost to buy that that individual weapon is skilled polearm is obviously going to cost more points than a dagger in the same way if a weapon is allowed to have a cross card something that can block a weapon blow or catch it that that's a couple of points on top of that base cost and then if it has like an axe or hammer head something you can pin a weapon or pull a shield with it again that's another couple of points on top of that so that's where those costs came from to go further it's important to talk a little bit about how we calculated cost behind the scenes if this sounds dry fast forward you don't have to watch this video anything like that but what we did was we came up with a base cost for each skill and that's the amount of points that it cost a character to purchase it if they have a very easy time learning that skill so let's say I'm pulling this this example out of thin air I don't know if it actual point costs or not but let's say that fortune-telling should be easiest for mages so we decided that the base cost for that is 10 points mages have that 10 points and then for other classes there's a multiplier that's added to it either you know 1 times it's just the base cost one and a half times which is a little bit harder for that class to learn it over 2 times if it's very hard for that class to learn it in the case of spell slots it's actually 3 times that's the one time that it goes up more than that for all non spell slot skills we wanted it so that it is not more than twice as hard for any character to learn a skill that it is for any other gear so in that case you know if it's if fortune-telling is easiest for mages for at 10 points let's say it's a little bit harder for rogues and clerics dormant so they get it at 1.5 times so it costs 15 points and let's say that it's just real tough for a warrior to learn for some reason and they get at 2 times it cost them 20 points it's done so if something's off by 5 or 6 points when you're looking at the cost of the skill that's probably what it once was we had to set a base cost and we had to set up multiplier for each each class and we tried to get it as close as possible but sometimes that just met a few difference if you have more questions with logic behind that feel free to ask us so most of the other differences in costs arise from the fact that we actually listed out all of the different skills for each class their costs and we figure out averages across costs in order to balance be better when you look at point costs if a class gets very few it gets a poor body point progression if they don't get a lot of body points over the course of their career they should be getting skills cheaper then a character that gets a lot of bodies so for this reason mages have the worst body points they also have the cheapest skills warriors have most body points they have the most expensive skills as well the difficulty with this was when it came to clerics we've known for quite a while players of militant stamina versatility the clerks in our game as it exists they're just broken they're by far the most powerful class of the game to the point that it's kind of unfair and we didn't really understand the extent of that until we sat down on it figured out all the averages what we found was that clerks had the second best body points in the game but they had the cheap skill costs by far to the point that they compared with warriors they got their skills 30% cheaper than orders which is just just not okay so we had to balance that in our first way that we went about that the first way that we tried it was we said we don't want to put clerics at the point yet by doing this as much as we could possibly avoid that so what if we gave them the lowest body points what if we gave them equal to mages well when we gave the body points that were equal to mages they still had to lose some skill points and when we did that we got a lot of concern from other staff members and from the board we talked about it because there's a lot of clerics that want to be able to fight that's part of what they've done and we don't want to discourage that we won't even be able to do what you want to do but the fact is is that right now clerks are good at everything they're good at making potions they're good at making squirrels are going to be enchanting casting spells fighting so many different things that that there's better it needs to that that point class needs to go to someplace so we finally decided on the place that has to be increased for players is enchanting if we're not going to make their all their weapon skills exorbitant costs if we're not going to make it impossible for them to make potions or Scrolls if we're not going to make it impossible for them asserts water magic something has to go up to balance that out and it's got to be a chairman so with this change mages learn enchanting skills the cheapest I have 1 times robes and warriors still learn it at two times so it's twice as hard for them to do it we were able to put clerics in the middle it's it's one and a half times as expensive for them as it is for mages which is still an increase we understand this and we're willing to talk about it for those players who are clerics they're thinking you wanted chanting or they got into it chanting we understand that this might be a frustrating change for you but something had to change and we're very willing to talk about this to communicate about it so just just come and see us we can talk through it but that is the change we kind of decide on so the other couple of things that are changing when we talk to past staff members and experienced players they felt the surprise attacks what we used to call the robe attacks they're a little bit too powerful for their point cost you can use them an unlimited amount of time times you just have to surprise somebody which is very very powerful so on one hand we increase the cost of surprise tenex slightly for rogues and that it's more expensive for other classes in exchange for that what we did was we tried to decrease the cost of a lot of crafting skills at least keeping the same made them cheaper food in some areas so that it's it's easier to free to be able to make stuff we can we can provide that benefit to players because we increase its price tactics the other change that's kind of trying to major at least worth building is what we used to call damage plus and now it's going to be two different skills because what we had was in a very in elegant way before the first four times he purchased the damage plus ability it was somewhat cheaply was still one most expensive skills in the game but it didn't increase a whole lot and then between four and five it went up steeply we wanted to keep doing that even with this new scheme of you know base costs multipliers categories and how that had to happen is now there are four skills damage and if damaged one at a damage two three and four that are general skills that you can find that add that they're fairly expensive they're a little bit cheaper for workers and they used to be a little bit and then after that and it damage for is a prerequisite for a new skill that's a Marshall Marshall skill called massive damage and that gives you your 5th point of extra damage and the costs for that go up quite a bit hundreds of points each additional what this is going to do is it's gonna make it more expensive linking for people just to don't point that what we've had is once you get a certain point in game you've got points to spare you start dumping it into damaged horses with this you can still do that but it keeps becoming more and more expensive so we can kind of close that power gap between extremely veteran players and nobody feels like when you're still gaining something you're still progressing but it's not that after a few years you're just out of the gates so those are the basics of that change again let us know if you have any questions there will be a because of these changes these point cost changes we need to reassure you a character sheet and if for some reason like for clerics that we're changing if you did go into point debt we want to provide you different options rather than just saying this is the way it is but what we need to do is with the new board meeting and there being a new CBM elected we need to talk to them about what options that allow for that and then we're once we do that we're going to issue a third video with information about that about how we're gonna need your character sheet and so forth so I appreciate greatly the patience with this and your understanding as we're working to make our game better we truly believe what we're trying to do that we truly believe that we're clear that thank you for watching this and again just keep communicating with us.

Video 3 Transcript

Hi folks this is the third video on the three that we were saying we're going to put out we appreciate you being patient why we worked on this I'm a member of our play master staff and our rule book committee but a lot of the things that we're discussing in this video we needed to get clearance from our new CBM character manager which is kindly I'm able to do that so that I can kind of speak on her behalf here so first off we want to give a really big show that a really big thank you to our beta testers when we first started looking seriously and making some point cost changes our primary concern was that we didn't want to make it horrible for everybody we didn't want to put everyone in two-point debt or even most of our players I know of one at least one time in our history where that did happen and it didn't go over very well there was a lot of very unhappy players and we wanted to avoid that if at all possible so what we did was we asked players if they would be willing to share their character sheets with us so that we can run the numbers on them and test these out and we did have a good number of players and we were willing to do that which we were really appreciative of by having access to those we were able to run these numbers and we found that less than about a third of those sheets went into even a single point of debt and of that third half of them would be able to make up that just by attending an event or two so we thought that that was a very reasonable margin for these changes and we decided to go forward with them based on that so we couldn't have done that without you know the openness of those players and as a thank you since your sheets are already in the database like we've already transferred them over to a new character sheet order to test out these changes you're gonna be getting your sign now it's your character updates first now that's from the CBM side your GM updates are going to come out of the same schedule there were before but you're actually sheets are gonna be going to you first as I make here so we really appreciate the as far as the actual update and transfer process how this is going to go is we have a lot of paperwork to do I really can't underestimate how much there is to do here not only do we need to take recent character sheets and put them into a new character sheet format a new database but we also still need to apply the updates from the November sign out and then it isn't just the characters that had that attended the November event we're actually going to be doing all of the characters that attended in 2018 so that we have those on hand just in case so we are adding volunteers to our CBO staff which we've already talked to but even with those volunteers this is going to take time we are expecting to have all character updates sent to you by February 15th we ask that you be patient with during this process fortunately so far everyone's been absolutely marvelous were incredibly grateful but if we do have you know players that become verbally aggressive or start acting unreasonable you know build their top it's going to have to be the end of that conversation for right then until people can kind of collect their tempers and ease up a little bit we're going to be doing our best to be professional with you and provide the best customer service that we can but in the same way we need you to understand that we're volunteer staff we're not being paid for this we're just members of this club with you we're just your friends so we appreciate your civility during this your kindness we appreciate it as far as the new sheets themselves I want to tell you a little bit what to know what to expect from those the new character sheet is going to be in what's called Google sheets it's an online database that's going to give us a lot more options for managing this which should reduce you know staff time and effort the staff have put in there and so we can you know just have a better time doing that pay attention working the new sheet is going to automatically calculate a lot of things related to experience body points and levels and so forth so there's gonna be a lot fewer accounting errors there were none before what they did happen we just want to eliminate those in order the big advantage to you the thing that you might be excited about is that instead of sending you a copy of the spreadsheet in your updates you're just going to be sent an internet link a link to a web page and it's gonna be a link to that spreadsheet or database that link will be automatically updated in real time when a member of CPM staff applies your update to it so what that means is that you're not gonna have to around with you know explainer copies duplicate copies of you know character sheets and not being sure which one is the most recent you'll have one link and you can see it updated in real time now the thing that you as a player be be cautious about is when we send you that link you need to keep it in a safe place that you can keep track of if someone else if you provide that link to somebody else they will have access to view your character sheet you can't close that off at a later time so it's a security thing you need to keep an eye on but yeah it's it'll be instantly visible we're incredibly proud of it it's going to love you know work from our end and a lot of errors and generally better it's going to be an attacked format just like this current one is but that first page that very first tab of the spreadsheet is actually going to list all your skills and like how many spell slots you haven't so forth the number of body points you have level so you can actually just print that front page off use it like an actual character we're really proud so when you do receive that sheet by February 15th we want you to take some time to look at it first we review it because it's going to be different than your regular one first off your skills might be changed slightly this is due to the fact that some skills were removed and others had you know prerequisites that were slightly changed for instance you might have noticed from the the new rule book that there's no longer a nice skill that dagger is listed as being anywhere between six and I want to say 24 inches which is the total length of both knife and dagger from before so if you had nice before you're going to have dagger on this new sheet so just be aware that if you have a slightly different skill set that might be why but there there's not going to be a bunch of that or a trailer that it is possible when we are changing these over we're going to give you the most compatible skills that we can based on our CBN's best judgment if you for instance if you have handle toxin the prerequisite for that was changed from poison or because there's no longer a poison Lord now it's for or fall or if you are for some reason assigned floral or but you say hey I would rather have fun the Lord let us know that's something it's very easily changed not you know to your advantage to change it necessarily will just get you updated the other thing that might have changed is your total remaining points as and the number of XP that you have left to buy skills there's two reasons as when changed one is in very rare case is if there was an accounting error with your previous sheet this new sheet is going to fix it it automatically read totals all your skills it takes the amount of XP you've earned over the course of your career and then deduct the correct amount of points from skills the blog from its automated so if there wasn't a count of here that might count for a small part for many many more people the reason is going to be because you know what cost is changed because of this you might end up with more XP than you used to have as far as XP that's free that you can use to you know immediately buy skills if you end up with extra great good for you if you end up with a negative number in that box it's what we call point debt and there's a couple of different options for dealing with this that we're going over here we have four different options for you once you receive your characters your name character sheet you will have two weeks from the date that you are sent your new character sheet to decide which of these four options you want to go with now just a heads up will not be completely restating characters we will not be giving you free XP but we do have much different options that we think for most cases it's going to meet your means and let you continue playing your character the way you want to as best as possible with the new system the first option which is a default option is just to state what if we don't hear from you within two weeks we're going to assume that you're staying with this option and what that is is if you nothing changes you keep your same skills so you just continue playing as normal you just got you shootin your character sheet if you have if you are in point debt and you decide to stay put that's okay you get to continue playing with all of the skills that you had before what you will need to do is you need to earn enough XP to make up that point at that negative number before you can buy new skills the second option is only four characters who went into debt and you can only choose one of these four options you can't mix and match between to be traded for but the second option which is only four characters who are endpoint debt is you may choose a number of skills to forget in order to make that point debt back up what you would do in this option is you would send us a list of skills that you prefer to forget and we will start at the top of that list we're removing those skills from your character sheet until it's removed you've pointed this you cannot remove more skills then you can't choose to forget more Skills than the amount of point debt that you have it's only up to that it's only so that you know if you want to immediately start purchasing other skills rather than waiting to make up that point day you can do that right away the third option is a bit more drastic and it is open to anyone regardless whether you have point out or not you may choose for you know during those two weeks to change your class for instance if you are amazed you can choose to be a warrior a robe or cleric now if you choose this you keep the same skills that you currently have it's not like if I'm choosing to change from a cleric to a mage that I can swap my you know earth water spells for fire air spells you're going to keep the exact same skills that you already have it's just going to change your class that's going to recalculate your skills according to the new class and I mean for some characters like if you're a fighter that's bought a ton of weapon skills and you say I want to be a mage now it might actually put you into a lot more point that you don't then get to choose to refund any skills you have to stay with that point but this is an option that we wanted to be able to extend to if the new you know class point costs the fourth option is actually something that game staff approved earlier this year and you might have already noticed it in the is available at any time but we wanted to offer it to you as soon as possible in case you wanted to do anyway and that's you can choose to or title your character if you're playing Bob declared and you just with these new changes Bob is never going to be able to do what you wanted to and you just rather play a completely different character you could choose to retire Bob in that case you will be provided 40 percent of the amount of XP that you earned not including your card for a sturdy XP but 40 percent of the total XP d earned you'll be provided to put towards a new character if you choose that option let us know as soon as possible so we can get started on helping you creating a character so those are our four options again if we don't hear from you within two weeks we're going to go ahead and assume that you wanted to stay put which is the first option as far as characters no like we said we are going to process all the characters that played in 2018 if the last time that you played was sometime in 2017 or earlier we're not automatically gonna process your character sheet what you're gonna do is if you come to play again we hope you do but when you come out to play in 2019 you're going to use your old character sheet for that first event as it is and then when you do that sign out at that point we will recalculate things and send you the new character sheet once you are sent that new character sheet you will have the same two weeks that players are currently getting to choose between those four options so we really really hope that you you folks like the options that we've been able to put forward here we want to do whatever we can within the framework that we have to give you as many options as possible to you know keep you happy playing your character we're really excited about this year we're looking forward to it and they want you to be too so the liver gall from here is this is the last video we put enough for right now we're going to get to work on this we will talk to our new CBM into our play master staff and we're going to be having a Q&A; thread on the Facebook group because we know that with these changes you're gonna have a lot of different questions that you'll want to ask and we'd like to give you answers as quickly as possible with that so we're going to try to have a very structured Q&A; burger than that it will get back with you a goal but that's going to happen just like everything else please be patient it's not going to be within the next week or so if you do a question with during that time feel free to email us or put it into the playmaster Foreman well you know how we here again we just really really appreciate your support through this process a lot of our own staff are going to point that over this but everybody that's involved with this really believes in the changes that we're making we hope do you do too so thank you for playing.


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

2018 Membership Survey

The 2018 Membership Survey from the Player Representatives went out in our last newsletter. They want to hear your voice to better represent you and guide the game in a positive direction.

Better hurry, the cut off date is February 23rd for survey answers!


Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

January 2019 BOD Meeting

Hello everyone,

With the New Year just around the corner, I want to take a moment to remind everyone that the next Board of Director's meeting is coming up soon. The next meeting is on Sunday, January 13th, 2019 at 1PM, located at the Pittsfield Township Building Department.

If you have something that you would like to submit to make it on the meeting agenda, please send your submissions to either bod@kanar.org or secretary@kanar.org at least seven days prior to the next meeting, this deadline being January 6th, 2019.

In addition to the upcoming Board of Directors meeting, the annual Winter Feast is also just around the corner. Winter Feast will be held on Saturday, February 2nd, 2019 at Cobblestone Farms in Ann Arbor. Doors will be opening at 2 PM. For additional details, please see the Event page.

The first KANAR event of the 2019 season will be on March 8th, 2019. The new season's Annual Registration Forms will open for submission in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for those. We will announce when the new registration form is available.

Thank you and happy New Year,

Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

Coming Soon: Meeting Files

Below you will find the Agenda and minutes for the 2019 January Board of Directors meeting.

Thanks to Breather for making this photo available freely on Unsplash

CBD Staff Position Open


Good afternoon everyone,

Your Corporate Secretary is here to announce the availability of a K1 Game Staff position that has been opened. The following position will be opened for application and appointment, effective immediately, and will close January 12th, 2019 to be discussed and voted upon at the Board of Directors meeting the following day:

  • Character Book Marshal 1st

Applications for this position should be sent to the Secretary or Board of Directors email addresses, secretary@kanar.org and bod@kanar.org respectively. Applications will then be reviewed and the President will schedule interviews with the applicants. Approved applicants will then be motioned for discussion and approval at the Board of Directors meeting. Members desiring to apply for this position must meet the following general requirements:

  • Currently hold Veteran KGE Membership Status and be a KGE member in Good Standing.

  • Not have been released from any other KGE position due to disciplinary action in the last five years.

  • Have a current and working telephone number.

  • Have a working e-mail address with access on a daily basis.

  • Have a current and valid mailing address.

We would like to take a moment to thank Amanda Reyes-Aquino for her tireless work as CBM 1st over the last year, and to thank her for her service to the game and its operation.

Corporate Secretary,
Jacob Smith

Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

Recreational/Medical Marijuana Use

Hello and good morning everyone,

Your KGE Corporate Secretary is here to clear some things up about KGE's currently standing policies regarding the use of recreational marijuana in regards to Knights, and Nobles, and Rogues (KANAR) and other LARP games and groups that make use of the KGE lands for their games.

At current, the Safety Staff has decided to use our currently existing policy of "8 Hours, Bottle to Blade (8HB2B)" as a base policy for handling how members should conduct themselves in regards to the use of recreational marijuana. This means that from the moment of the last method of intake you must wait eight hours before picking up a weapon and engaging in combat. This will be our policy regarding the use of marijuana until a policy change is presented to the Board of Directors and approved at a meeting.

Furthermore, the use of marijuana on the field of play is prohibited during KGE sanctioned events. This includes KANAR and any other games which may rent the grounds for their endeavors. We have a number of members who have voiced concerns over this issue, as many of whom have allergies that respond to the inhalation or contact of marijuana smoke.

If the use of marijuana is medically necessary, we ask that you, please do so in your vehicle and at least fifty (50) feet from the front staffing area. If you are prescribed marijuana for medical purposes, please do not share your prescribed medication with others. The sharing/distribution of prescription medications is strictly prohibited and will result in the removal of all involved parties from the field.

The policies regarding the use of tobacco products remain unchanged. Cigarettes and other forms of tobacco smoking are limited to the direct area around a Building and Land approved fire pit, and the waste produced must be disposed of properly.

These policies are subject to change at the Board of Director’s discretion. If you would like to submit a policy change, please send your proposals to secretary@kanar.club or bod@kanar.club at least seven days prior to the next board of directors meeting.

The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 13th, 2019. Agenda submissions are due seven days prior on Sunday, January 6th, 2019.

Thank you and have a good day,

Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary


Photo by Rick Proctor on Unsplash

KGE BLD Announcement: Building Materials

KGE Building and Land Department Announcement

Members of the KGE community,

The Building and Land Department is happy to provide an area on KGE’s property for in game organizations to store their unused building materials. Since the creation of this area the amount of building materials in our area of play has drastically decreased providing a more decorum aesthetic that adds to our role-playing and story. We thank the community for working with us to improve the safety and look of our lands.

As we close out on the 2018 season the BLD staff has noticed that many of the building materials that are being stored have been the same materials that were first transported when we created the storage area. While we are happy that these materials are no longer on field, this area was never created as a permanent storage area.

The BLD department is asking all land caretakers to meet with us before the end of the November 2018 event to assess the building materials that are being stored under your supervision. We wish to know what the plan for said materials are, a timeline for material use, and if the materials are still usable. Much of the materials have started to rot due to being exposed to the elements.

If an organization does not meet with the BLD department by the end of the November 2018 event then the BLD staff will consider the reserved building materials abandoned and they will be disposed of. We will also work with the BOD to schedule an additional dumpster pick up if a large amount of building materials need to be disposed of.


The current list of stored building materials is as follows:

  • Tuth

    • 2x2’s and Rubbermaid container with tarps

  • Fort Morinar

    • 42 pallets, landscaping timbers, 4 x 4’s, carpeting, and gardening supplies

  • Building and Land Department

    • 4 x6’s, 4 x 8‘s, and plywood

  • Vanari

    • 2x4’s and 2x6’s, futon frame, and pallets

  • Silverleaf

    • Fence sections, long 4x4‘s, and 2x4’s

  • Craig

    • One section of wall made by pallets and concrete footings

  • House Mallard

    • Fireplace bricks

  • Unknown

    • Pellets and disassembled pellet timbers

  • Unknown

    • Pellets and tarp covering concrete footings

  • Chaos

    • Pallets and plastic shelves

If players have any questions they should reach out to the BLD staff via BLD@kanar.org Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone at the next event.

- The BLD Staff

Photo by Malaya Sadler on Unsplash

KGE BLD Announcement: Caretakers

KGE Building and Land Department Announcement

KGE site Caretakers,

The Building and Land Department would like to thank you for volunteering your valuable time to help maintain the lands that we all enjoy. The BLD staff appreciates the volunteer hours that have gone into maintain our structures and the creation of some new ones this season. As we get ready to close out the 2018 season the BLD staff would like to walk all sites that have been issued a caretaker with the person who holds that position before the end of the November 2018 event.

The current list of assigned caretakers is as follows –

  • Aeracon’s Keep: Tim Schafer

  • Silverleaf: Jake Smith

  • Bein Amar: Eric Thornburgh

  • Claddagh: Jennifer Blair

  • Drunken Duck: Amanda Aquino

  • G’nip’s Shacks: Fred Sher

  • Grove: Allison Fogle

  • Hawkstone Keep: Kaitlin Bereczky

  • Mahala Nar: Robert Hubbard

  • Mallard Camp: Marcus Schwimmer

  • Nothrim: Steve Jones

  • Silvermaple Inn: Wilm Pierson

  • Tribe Land: Russ Fox

  • Everything else: BLDept

If you see something wrong with this list please inform the BLD staff so that we can reach out to the appropriate parties. The BLD staff is also going to get all caretakers to fill out a new caretaker form at these walkthroughs. If any organizations wish to change the caretaker that represents them the BLD staff would like to have that process completed before the end of the November 2018 event.

If a caretaker does not schedule a walk through with the BLD staff before the end of the November 2018 event then this letter will serve as a three month warning which starts the process of reassigning an area of KGE land to a new party or back to the BLD staff. This process is documented in KGE-POL-007.

This season we have seen a large decrease in the use of our already built structures. One of the main goals for the BLD staff, going into the 2019 season, is to work with the player base to find ways to have these areas used more regularly and by more of the player base. We look forward to hearing from all of the caretakers. Please schedule your walkthrough by sending an email to bld@kanar.org

The BLD Staff

Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

October 2018 BOD Meeting

Hello everyone,

This is a friendly reminder that the next Board of Directors meeting will be Sunday, October 8th. The deadline for proposal and agenda submissions is Sunday, September 30th.

If you have a proposal or an agenda submission, please send them to secretary@kanar.org or bod@kanar.org before the submission deadline. Late submissions are not guaranteed to make it onto the agenda.

Thank you,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

Update: Meeting Files

Below you will find the Agenda and minutes for the 2018 October Board of Directors meeting.

Some highlights include; updates to the Standard Operating Procedures and the Code of Conduct, approval for two more port-a-potties to be onsite year round, a request to rent the land by the new Larp Dark Straits has been approved for November 3rd, additionally the 2019 Kanar Event Schedule has been approved and will soon be posted on the events page and our Facebook Page.

BOD Meeting.jpg

Thanks to Breather for making this photo available freely on Unsplash

July 2018 BOD Meeting

Below you will find the Agenda and minutes for the 2018 July Board of Directors meeting.

K-Zero Proposal for July 2018 Board Meeting

BOD Meeting.jpg

Thanks to Breather for making this photo available freely on Unsplash