November Announcements (11.12)

11.12 - From the Desk of CBM

Hello everyone!

Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the October Live Event, as well as the November Live Rp Only Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you taken care of.

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event! Your CBM Staff!

11.07 - The Player Rep and PM Survey

The PM staff will be teaming up with the Player Reps for the year end survey!

What this means?

The Player Rep and PM surveys will be combined. This also means filling out the end of year survey will reward you with 10 PM xp!! Yes that's right PM XP for doing a survey!

Let's support the club and give feedback that the staff and Board of Directors need to help provide a wonderful club and experience for all our members!

Jeremiah Klabis, PM1

October Announcements (10.18)

10.18 - Alteresh Info Packet for Saturday

Hello, all!

This is the promised expanded information packet for Saturday's special event. There will be copies available for players to read on-field, and questions should be directed to the GM team (GM1 if available).

Here's to a memorable All Hallow's, see you this weekend!

Kiri, GM1

10.17 - Alteresh Final Reminder

Hello everybody!

Here is a final reminder to sign up for Alteresh!

For more information, please check out this info sheet:

After you finish getting a run down from the infosheet, please reserve a spot in one of the factions in the faction form! It’s first come first serve so make sure to sign up ASAP:

Here is the roster, so you can check what faction you are in:

We are really excited for this event and can't wait to see everybody there, Let's make it a great event! -The GM Team

10.16 - Guild updates

Good morning Members! Your GM staff is here with another exciting update!

I’d like to start off by saying thank you for all the feedback we’ve been getting. It really helps us know where to turn our attention and what you’re craving to get out of the game. Please continue to give feedback in your signouts or email them to us at If you’re not sure if your feedback is GM, PM, or CBM related, you can email all of them at

Now for our update! Due to the success of our between events governing system, we’ve decided to make an additional governing system for Guilds. This elective system will allow you to continue to govern Guilds between events while still giving the benefit of not needing constant care. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to go on modules for Guild endeavors if your signout warrants it. Due to this update, we’ve decided to make a few changes to the Guild system once the current Guild plot finishes this June.

  1. Guilds will now operate at a County level instead of a Baronial level. What this means is, once Guilds are up for grabs, they will not be operating strictly out of Bellanmo, you could purchase a Guild for a different County anywhere in Novashan.

  2. Resources will primarily be available based on the location of the Guild. For instance, if your Guild is located in a County that is primarily forest, it may be difficult to get stone for a Mason Guild or sand for a Glassblowing Guild. That being said, no County will lack resources needed for it to function.

  3. Only one type of each Guild will be issued per County. No two of the same type of Guild per County.

  4. The new Guild Governing system will work with our in-the-works crafting system update.

We hope this will make governing Guilds a little easier. We understand this is another change and we know you’ll have questions. Please give us time to get the system rolled out before giving feedback. Thank you all for your continued support, we’ll see you next game!

10.16 - On Field Photographer

A photographer will be on field during the next Kanar Event, if you aren't familiar with the Photo & Video policy you can read about it on our website at

10.16 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone!

Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the September Live Event, as well as the October Live Rp Only Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the ""Staff Comments"" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you taken care of.

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event! Your CBM Staff!

10.15 - Crafting is for Cool Kids

Hey members, Kay here! Some of you may know that I’ve been working on Kanar’s Crafting system while I’ve been working as a Theme Marshal and Game Master Second. I’ve made a decent amount of progress partnering with the Economy staff, but now it’s time to get you involved, the members and players! I’ve heard a lot of interest from people who also want to make our economy and crafting better. We all have a lot of ideas on how to improve, and it’s time to get all those items together.

I’ll be hosting a town-hall type meeting for Crafting, Gathering, and Economics on Friday, November 1st, starting at 6:30pm on the GM discord server:

If you are interested in the crafting system, the economy, gathering materials, types of materials, or anything else related to our crafting system, I encourage you to attend this meeting. If you can’t make it, don’t worry, I’ll be hosting future meetings until the Crafting system is finalized. It is our hope and goal to get this finished and rolled out by the start of next season. Your input and help will be greatly appreciated. I hope to see you November 1st.

10.14 - Alteresh

Hello everybody!

We just wanted to send a reminder to sign up for Alteresh!

For more information, please check out this info sheet:

After you finish getting a run down from the infosheet, please reserve a spot in one of the factions in the faction form! It’s first come first serve so make sure to sign up ASAP:

Here is the roster, so you can check what faction you are in:

We are really excited for this event and can't wait to see everybody there, Let's make it a great event!

-The GM Team

10.13 - GM Announcement

Orichalcum Update

While the GM staff has been reviewing the crafting system, we’ve come across several instances of items that need correction to become more balanced. While most of these items will receive updates during the transition, we have the need to address the Alchemy Orichalcum now. To address this balancing issue, the Alchemy Orichalcum will be changed to consume both the Ore and Mithril instead of just the Mirthril and enchanting time will be changed from “days to minutes” to “days to hours.” This change will be retroactive and affect all remaining doses of Orichalcum. This update will be reflected in the current crafting packets as soon as possible.

Additionally, going forward we will be removing all hidden items from the crafting packets.

We thank you for your understanding -GM Team

10.13 - October 2024 Alter-Garb Contest

Hey Players

I know this is short notice, but QM would like to announce a "Costume Contest" for the Field Wide Module Saturday night of event.

Rules of the contest a simple. Given the rules of the module, the Player who has the best alter/undead/amedamne will receive a prize of 20xp from the QM Department. There might even be some runner up prizes, as well, if enough people go all out for this.

To enter come find me (Atrum) during the module set up, let me snap a pic of you and your Module garb. I'll more than likely be near camp Amedamne. Cant find me, send me email at or DM me on facebook of a picture taken by a third party (not a selfie) of your garb for the night.

Have fun and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in their spookiest

Quartermaster 1st Thomas "Atrum Viscus" Cunningham

P.S. I have it under good authority that the current Team Rosters should be posted sooner than later.

10.13 - BOD Announcement

Hello. I am writing to you today regarding an incident that has been dealt with. On July 19 a member expressed a concern about another member cheating. Specifically, they felt that the member was creating counterfeit coins. The board responded to this allegation and had the GSOM investigate the matter. The GSOM did their investigation and unanimously found that this allegation had merit, and the member was found responsible for violation of the metagaming policy and violation of the narrative honor system due to suspicion of introducing counterfeit coins into K1 Events. The member was suspended on September 18 with potential further consequences pending a Judicial Review Board (JRB). The JRB was held on October 10 and the member was found responsible for “egregious Violation of the metagaming policy and egregious violation of the narrative honor system due to suspicion of introducing counterfeit coins into k1 Events ‘Kanar.’”

As of this time, Zachary Bacon’s membership is revoked and is permanently suspended from KGE. He is not allowed to participate in our events or to be on the property. We did not take this decision lightly and made sure to carefully consider the information provided before reaching a decision. We do not wish to see any member removed from the organization, but this kind of behavior cannot go without consequence.

This behavior has affected a large portion of the player base and will have ramifications for some time. The Board will be working with the GSOM to create an effective method of removing the counterfeit coins from circulation. We hope the player base works with the appropriate people to help in this endeavor.

Thank you for your time.

Erich Okonowski
Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc

10.9 - Alteresh

Hello, players!

It’s two weeks to the next event, and as you may have heard I’ve got something rather ambitious planned! While Friday night will have the typical All Hallows fare of undead, shadows, and things that go bump in the night, Saturday at sundown we will be in a field-wide module in an alternate version of Ilveresh (Alteresh).

For more information, please check out this info sheet:

After you finish getting a run down from the infosheet, please reserve a spot in one of the factions in the faction form! It’s first come first serve so make sure to sign up ASAP:

We are really excited for this event and can't wait to see everybody there, Let's make it a great event!
-The GM Team

10.3 - Castien's Chili Cookoff

Hello everyone! I will be hosting another chili cookoff at the October event. For those that have not participated, this is an event where some people make chili, others sample chili, and prizes are given for best! Some rules to be remembered.

  1. Please attempt to list ingredients so people with allergies can see what’s in them.
  2. Please make enough to feed at least 2 dozen people with small samples.
  3. Most of the cooking needs to be on field
  4. There will be a people’s choice and a judges choice for winners.
  5. To sample chili, it is 3 silver to participate.
  6. To be a cook, it is 5 silver to participate.
  7. Cooking needs to be ready and in Silverleaf by 5:30 pm.

I will need a few judges for this event, so feel free to volunteer. Free chili! Any questions, feel free to message me! Hope for a lot of participants!


10.2 - Adventure Academy Trick or Treating


At the October event, the Adventure Academy will be going around trick or treating at 12 o’clock. I am asking that various houses/locations/etc have a potential treat ready for those that come around. Also, if you have any knowledge you want to impart about your location please feel free to do so. This adventure is to teach those that want to (not just level 5 and below) some of the fun spots around our land!

Hope to see you there!


September Announcements (9.18)

9.18 - Wartime wedding

Hello, all!

This is a reminder that starting at 1pm Sunday of this coming event Ilveresh will be hosting a Scotian alliance wedding! This is a community potluck event, and we are pleased to offer 10 sweet, sweet GM XP as a thank you for participating (no need to keep receipts!).

Participating items can be just about anything you'd like (including decorations to liven up the space, playing musical instruments during the festivities, etc) and you can find a planning spreadsheet here so we don't end up with a dozen potato salads and no spoons: ( )

Please be kind to your fellow players and do your best to label things for allergens!

These festivities will take up the majority of Sunday and feature Scotian and Orcish games of skill and strength for any who would test their mettle!

Let’s have a great event!

-The GM team

9.15 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone!
Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the August Live Event have been completed.
As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you taken care of.
That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.
See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

August Announcements (8.29)

8.29 - BLD Gravel Work Day

Hello everyone!

There is a BLD work day coming up next weekend on Saturday September 7th and Sunday September 8th. This year, we are getting A LOT of gravel to improve our property. We will be providing double XP for players who participate. 

Work times will be: 

10am - 8pm on Saturday 


10am - 5pm on Sunday

 Please bring gloves, work boots, water, and any sunblock or bug spray you may need. Also bring a shovel or metal rake if you have one.

Hope to see you there,

BLD Team

8.23 - Econ Announcement

Hello players!

Are you interested in giving back to our wonderful community? Do you want to be included on a staff capacity?

Look no further! Our Econ staff is looking to expand our operational numbers. We are looking for four more passionate, driven individuals to join our exceptional team as field staff. The requirements for this position are quite simple, a few hours of your time each game to perform in game banking and basic economics and Veteran player status. Are you a newer player and still want to assist? Well there is a way for that too. We are also looking for non veteran players on a junior status. All that means is that you will be trained to assist the banker until you reach veteran status. Then you will be officially added to the team. If this sounds like an interesting fun opportunity to you, please reach out to Econ at with your interest. We look forward to meeting you.

Your Econ Team

8.13 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone!

Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the July Live Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you taken care of.

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

8.12 - New incentive for Lamplighters Guild

Good afternoon everyone!

The Safety Team and GM Staff are excited to announce an additional incentive for the Lamplighter's Guild. In addition to the 1xp/30 min already provided, we will be offering an in-game monetary benefit of 5 silver per day as well.

Players who wish to assist with lamplighting, are being asked to come find Safety First, Parisa, before starting work. Once completed, they will be provided with a signed and dated writ, that will then be brought to the GM shed, and exchanged for payment.

This is a new system, so bear with us as we work out the kinks. See you all this weekend!

Safety 1st

8.11 - Snake Safety

Hello Players,

Due to some sightings of snakes at the July event, the Safety Staff thought it would be helpful to make people aware of what type of snake is being spotted.

This is an Eastern Hognose snake. Even though it looks like a venomous snake or escaped pet, it is native to Michigan and is considered non-venomous. It also primarily eats toads and poses no risk to humans. When threatened, these snakes hood up and hiss, making them look similar to a cobra, or they will flip over and play dead. If one is found, it is preferred that players leave it alone, and notify Safety Staff that one was found and where.

Please do not kill or injure native wildlife, or handle animals you are not familiar with.

Parisa, Safety 1st
Kasey, Safety Staff

8.02 - New GM Discord and Map Update

Hello everyone!

The GM team has created a new server to help communication between us and the players and to communicate with NPCs and volunteers! Feel free to join and ask any questions you have for the GM Team!


Additionally, The map has been updated on the website to reflect wartime border changes, as well as events happening up north!

Can't wait to see you at the next event,
-GM Team

July Announcements (7.18)

7.18 - Common Knowledge and an NPC Raffle System

Hello, players! Newly appointed GM1 Kiri here with two pretty nifty announcements:

GM Staff is releasing a common knowledge story review covering the last three years of plot every citizen of Novashan would generally know about. We hope this will make it easier for new players to create characters by having a sense of what’s currently going on in the world. You can find it at the link below.

Common Knowledge for All Players:

Secondly we’re trying out a raffle ticket system to incentivise players to put in NPC hours!

Players will get a raffle ticket for every 30 minutes they NPC. This includes NPC hours over the event XP cap! After players receive and sign the tickets they’ve earned, the tickets can either be put into random-chance drawing boxes for a shot at fabulous prizes or given back to GM staff to be stored in a labeled envelope and spent later on items from our prize tiers. The tiers are similar to a ChuckECheese-style arcade: the higher the prize tier, the better the prize, and the more tickets it costs. We’re starting small with a few lovely raffle rewards and the lower-tiered prizes; if everything goes well, GM staff will begin expanding this NPC appreciation system and hopefully make it a long-term fixture. Please be patient with us while we get this thank-you up and running!

Important points:
1 ticket for every 30min of NPC time (for all ticket levels) Two spending options: random drawing boxes or multi-ticket prize tiers
If players want to save their tickets, GM staff will keep them in an envelope with the player’s name on it. This is just starting up, please don’t try to break it before it’s established

If you have questions, please email, or find me at the event if you need a quick clarification. Here’s to us, and here’s to our future, and here’s to a weekend with daytime temperatures below boiling!

Kiri, GM1

7.17 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone. I hope you all are doing well and having a great morning.

Lately we have been receiving a lot of emails regarding department XP and donation xp and the fact that some of you have not received your xp, etc. That being said, I felt it might be useful to explain the process to the membership to better prepare everyone moving forward.

When a member submits for bonus xp, be it from money donations or otherwise, that submission MUST be approved by a manager or an appointed person from that department. We as the CBM cannot put it on your sheet until it has been approved.

Once it has been approved, the CBM team will add this bonus xp to your sheet during the NEXT character sheet update cycle. This is after an event and the 8 day time limit has passed.

When the CBM team starts performing sheet updates, we do the bonus XP first in order to be sure we have all of your xp at the time of the sheet updates. We only do this ONCE. If the department manager has not approved the XP by the start of each sheet update cycle, it will likely not make it to your sheet this time around. Same goes for if the department manager were to approve it during or after the updates have been completed.

The CBM team knows how important your XP is to you and we want you to have what is due, meanwhile its important to understand that if your xp is not on your sheet, it's likely because it either has not been approved yet or it was approved after sheet updates were completed. Rest assured it will eventually get there!

I hope this helps everyone to better understand the process and to explain the delays.
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you
Glen “Rath” Adkins

7.16 - BLD Gravel Day

Hello everyone!

BLD would like to announce our next work day - Saturday September 7th & Sunday September 8th. We will be spreading gravel.

Work times will be:
10am - 8pm on Saturday
10am - 5pm on Sunday

Be sure to bring a pair of gloves, work boots, water, & any sunblock / bug spray you might need.

Hope to see you there,
BLD Team"

7.15 - From the Desk of CBM 1st

Hello everyone!
Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the June Agelong (10day) Live Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the ""Staff Comments"" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you taken care of.

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

7.05 - Last day For Membership Voting for the Logo Competition

Hello Everyone!

Here is a reminder to vote in the new Logo for our community, today is the last day! The Logo committee is happy to share with the club our favorite 5 logos out of those that were submitted. Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the competition!

Here is the link to the poll, which will be live until the end of the day today!

After the poll has run its course, the logo committee will then use the votes for each logo to help guide our decision on what the final logo will be.

The winner with the highest number of votes will receive an additional free event ticket Level B.

If you submitted a Logo that is in this poll we would ask that you refrain from telling others which logos you submitted until after the poll closes to prevent any vote skewing!

The Logo Committee

June Announcements (6.30)

6.30 - Reminder from the Treasurer on the upcoming Election

Reminder: nominations for open Board of Director Positions will close today at 9 PM 06.30.2024
Even Year Player Representative

Voting emails will be sent to eligible Veteran Members in Good Standing by 9 PM on 07.01.2024
I will be hosting an open forum in the KGE Discord from 8:30-9:30 PM on 07.02.2024
If you have questions about voting please email

Reminder: email is the official form of communication and please respect our Volunteer's time. I will attempt to answer emails during a time block every other evening but it could take a few days.

Voting will run for a full 7 days and will close at 11:59 PM on 07.08.2024

The Secretary will announce the winners on 07.09.2024

Thank you

KGE Treasurer

6.25 - Membership Voting for the Logo Competition

Hello Everyone!

Here is a reminder to have a vote in the new Logo for our community! The Logo committee is happy to share with the club our favorite 5 logos out of those that were submitted. Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the competition!

Here is the link to the poll, which will be live from now until July 5th, just over a week away!

After the poll has run its course, the logo committee will then use the votes for each logo to help guide our decision on what the final logo will be.

The winner with the highest number of votes will receive an additional free event ticket Level B.

If you submitted a Logo that is in this poll we would ask that you refrain from telling others which logos you submitted until after the poll closes to prevent any vote skewing!

The Logo Committee

6.21 - BOD Meeting Review

Here's a quick rundown of some key decisions made at the April Board of Directors meeting and two emergency meetings:

Departmental Updates:
• Quartermaster: A. Cunningham has been appointed as the Interim Quartermaster. Applications are open for a permanent replacement.
• Safety: K. Brasseur has resigned as Safety 1st but will remain as the Interim Safety Officer until the position is filled. Applications are open!

Winter Feast:
• The budget for the Winter Feast has been approved. We're still looking for a fantastic committee chair (applications open), and the committee is eager to hear your suggestions for a new venue.

SOP Updates:
• Changes were made to SOP 1.4-KGE-SOP, removing "Inactive" as a possible membership status.
• SOP 1.4-KGE-SOP was also amended to require payment before the end of an event instead of prior to participation. The wording regarding missed payments has also been revised.
• Proposal #04022024-5 Regarding Removal of 1.4-KGE-SOP 23.12 8.3.3 was moved to the BOD committee for further review.
• Proposals #09012023-1 and #09012023-2 regarding adjustments to XP allocation (in 1.3-KGE-SPS and K1G-001 K1 SOP, respectively) were passed and will be implemented in 2025.

Emergency Meeting Update:
• The "Fresh Start" policy, after gathering member feedback through a survey and an additional emergency meeting, has been passed. Full details can be found at:
• In a separate emergency meeting, the BOD approved a price drop for the June event.

Want to Know More?
Minutes are posted for review online,, if you don’t see minutes for a meeting and its been over two weeks email the secretary.

Other Announcements
Don’t forget the GM position is open and applications are being accepted.
The BOD seats for Even Year Rep and President are also up for reelection learn more at:

We appreciate your continued engagement and support!
Odd Year Player Rep
Tashina O.

6.13 - Econ Weeklong Announcement

Greetings players,

Econ would like to announce information regarding the Week-long event. Econ will be in full operation both weekends. This entails tag pick ups, temp tag trade ins and all banking needs. Monday through Thursday, the GM staff and/or any Econ present will be handling bank transactions at the GM shed or Econ building.

Note: Econ will not be running during the time of Age-Long to give all players the opportunity to participate. Econ will be open prior to the big event.

Econ also welcomes Zach Bacon and Jason Cooley to our team. Please be patient with us as they acclimate into their roles.

We're also allowing players to complete TWO on field crafting sessions as well. Please remember to fill that in on your item creation forms.

May our Week-long be victorious!

Your Econ team

6.12 - June Playtest

Good day adventurers.

We will be extending the may playtest to the June Event. All Players and even some NPCs will be able to use the following skill once per day at the June event.

Skill: Step Back: This ability is used with a strike and verbal call of "Step Back" that cannot have damage attached to it. The strike does not need to be successful and cannot be stopped. The target must take 2 steps back before continuing in combat. Target must be within a 2 feet range of user. This ability can not be used to interrupt a spell.

(This ability simulates pushing someone away from you)

Jeremiah Pm1

6.12 - Membership Voting for the Logo Competition

Hello Everyone!

Here is your chance to have a vote in the new Logo for our community! The Logo committee is happy to share with the club our favorite 5 logos out of those that were submitted. Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the competition!

Here is the link to the poll, which will be live from now unitl July 5th!

After the poll has run its course, the logo committee will then use the votes for each logo to help guide our decision on what the final logo will be.

The winner with the highest number of votes will receive an additional free event ticket Level B.

If you submitted a Logo that is in this poll we would ask that you refrain from telling others which logos you submitted until after the poll closes to prevent any vote skewing!

Thanks, The Logo Committee

6.09 - Weeklong Schedule and Hype

Get ready everyone! The height of summer is upon us, and that means far more than just the Summer Solstice.

As the heat churns through the thick swampy air, elves and orcs come out of the cracks and woodwork to rage against each other in a tradition as old as their bloodlines. The orcs are out in force this year, promising to host a grand festival with games and competitions against the rival elves before the night of Agelong. Not only are the orcs hosting The Great Hunt, but they say they’ll lend their roaming army of tribal mercenaries against Narrdmyr. That is, if the two groups show great valor during the hunt.

The elves and orcs aren't the only ones anticipating the Summer Solstice. The Fae courts are buzzing with nervous gossip over this summer's power struggle, and politics are expected to spike in the coming days. Will the Fae Wilds accept help from outsiders? Will the Seasonal Courts be stable after the height of the year?

Meanwhile, Narrdmyr is being edged away from the border with a decisive push by the Novashani baronies. Will their success continue, or does Nardmyrr have something up their sleeve? All this and more at Kanar’s Weeklong event!

Scheduled Events

First Weekend

  • Adventure Academy - Saturday 15th @ 12pm
  • Summer Court Showdown - Saturday 15th @ 2pm
  • Economics 101 with Ro Tanvor - Saturday 15th @ 4pm in Ilveresh
  • Orc-lympics: Feats of Strength, Skill, and Mind, plus Colosseum Fights! - Sunday 16th @ 2:00pm-5:00pm
  • Way Dao We Go with Sha’an - Sunday 16th @ 6pm, after Orc-lympics

Weekday Plots and Encounters

  • The Trouble with Prophecy -Sunday 16th @ night, thru Thursday 20th with Finale @ 6pm
  • Living Library - Monday 17th thru Thursday 20th
  • Concepts and Conversations - Monday 17th thru Thursday 20th

Second Weekend

  • Ro Tanvor’s Safari: Learning About The Arctic Tundra (Arctic tundra not included) - Friday 21st @ 5pm
  • Adventure Academy - Saturday 22nd @ 12pm
  • Agelong - Saturday 22nd @ 7pm - 1am

6.07 - Announcement: Gamemaster Staff Procedure Update to Conversations During Game

KGE Membership,

The Game Master Staff (GM) has updated its best practices to address the increased time demands members are putting on GM staff during events related to issues not directly involving the story being run for the event. We have witnessed increased player requests for long conversations regarding macro-game ideology, individual character development, and story disagreements during events. This pulls our staff away from their primary duty of running amazing stories at live events and creates a situation where important conversations are taking place without any documentation. We understand and respect how important this game is to the membership and want to be able to give you our full attention when you bring us your concerns and/or ideas.

Thus, the GM Staff will be implementing the following guidelines starting at the June 2024 event.

  1. All non-personal conversations with GM Staff need to take place at the GM Shed. This building, serves as our office during live events, and as such, we cannot focus on running the game if we are having conversations with the membership in the parking lot or away from this area. If you arrive at the GM Shed and the staff member you wish to speak to is not there, a note will be taken for your request for a conversation and relayed to that staff member when they arrive. The GM Shed is the designated space for non-personal conversations, ensuring that our staff can efficiently manage their time and responsibilities.

  2. All conversations that will take more than ten minutes, and are not related to immediate safety concerns, are requested to be sent to the GM email “” to be addressed after the event. Our members have made it clear that they want more stories to run during live events, and it is not sustainable to achieve this goal when we are constantly being pulled away for 1on1 conversations that do not address the story at hand. This change is to ensure that our staff can focus on running the game during the event and then address these important conversations in a more structured and efficient manner after the event.

  3. Notes may be taken by the GM Staff during conversations. At the end of the conversation, both the GM Staff and the player(s) involved will sign off on the document to ensure its accuracy. This provides a refresher for GM Staff after the event and a paper trail to ensure that all parties are on the same page.

We understand that this is a more formalized process than what has been in place in the past. We assure you that these changes will allow us to put our full attention on running the best stories we can at the live events that people have paid for with their hard-earned money. We respect that you choose to spend your time in Ilveresh and want to deliver the best experience possible.

With thanks,

The Gamemaster Staff

6.07 - From the Desk of CBM 1st

Hello everyone!
I hope you are all doing well and getting excited for the upcoming weeklong event that is just around the corner!

I am writing to let the membership know that in keeping with the long standing weeklong event tradition, the limit for the number of skills you can learn during an event will be increased to 8 skills for this event!!

Also, after careful consideration, the GSOM has decided to remove the limit on the number of lessons you can teach for this event as well!

We believe this will create more roleplay situations and give more opportunities for players to create some of their own fun during the long event!

That being said, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send us an email at
See you all at the event!
Glen “Rath” Adkins

6.07 - From the Desk of CBM 1st

Hello everyone!

Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the May Live Event and the June RP Only Live Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you taken care of.

We would like everyone to welcome the newest member of our team, Alex Stachowski as CBM 3rd!

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

6.05 - From the Treasurer by Emergency Vote of the BOD

Fellow Club Members,

KGE is in a good financial position at this midway point of the year and I felt it was in the best interest of the social club to amend Weeklong pricing for 2024.

I called for an emergency meeting and 4 of 5 Board of Directors met on the evening of 06.05.2024 and voted 4-0-0 to suspend standard Weeklong pricing as outlined in K1G-001 K1 SOP 24.04, and institute regular event pricing for the 10-day event but with standard weeklong benefits.

Season Pass Holders will be given 10 in-game tickets for an in-game activity. Please excuse the vagueness as I don't want to ruin the fun of the experience.

Weeklong Event Tickets are available now!

~ KGE Treasurer

May Announcements (5.23)

5.23 - June Work Day

Hi all, with how hot the weather has been, BLD is shifting the times for our June 8th work day to 10am - 4pm, to hopefully take advantage of cool morning temps. We'll be focused on splitting wood, lifting the econ shed, and moving railroad ties.

Hope to see you out there! ~ BLD Team

5.20 - Open Staff Positions

There are currently two open positions that we are taking applications for: Game Master 1st and Safety 1st

The positions are open for application and will close Sunday July 7, 2024. Our current intent is for applicants to be interviewed on July 10th and voted upon at the Board of Directors meeting the following Sunday July 14th 2024.

Applications for this position should be sent to the Secretary or Board of Directors email addresses, and respectively. Applications will then be reviewed and the President will schedule interviews with the applicants. Approved applicants will then be motioned for discussion and approval at the Board of Directors meeting.

Applicants who do not submit both a cover letter and applicable resume will not be considered for the position.

Members desiring to apply for this position must meet the following general requirements:

  • Currently hold Veteran KGE Membership Status and be a KGE member in Good Standing. (As a reminder, returning Inactive members are Probationary members for 1 year, and not eligible to run for election until they return to Veteran status.)
  • Not have been released from any other KGE position due to disciplinary action in the last five years.
  • Have a current and working telephone number.
  • Have a working e-mail address with access on a daily basis.
  • Have a current and valid mailing address.
  • Have participated at least (1) scheduled work day or work day activity as approved by the BLD or QM in the last 12 months.
  • Have attended at least one scheduled Board of Directors meeting within the last 12 months.

Thank You, KGE Board of Directors

5.20 - A Letter from the Secretary

Hello everyone,
Jerimy Herpel, has informed the Board of Directors of his decision to step down from his position of Game Master 1st. The Board would like to thank him for his time, dedication, and patience with the position. Jerimy has helped the game and community grow in many ways during his time as our Game Master.

I would like to personally thank him for the many wonderful stories he has told and coordinated over the last two years.

-Christian Colarossi, Kanar Secretary

5.16 - New Kingdom Map!

Hello Everybody!

The GM team is happy to reveal the newest Kingdom map of Novashan! Special thanks to Marcus Schwimmer for creating the new map. Full res version is viewable here! The map can also be found on the About the World section of the website.

Lets make this weekend a great event! -GM Team

5.15 - From the Desk of CBM

Hello everyone!
Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the April Live Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you take care of.

We would like to apologize for the delay in getting these out to you as I am sure you are all waiting patiently. We had some staff changes and were working around that. We really appreciate your understanding.

We have not completed your most recent RP Only Event updates and will be completing them with the upcoming event update. Feel free to include the RPO Event XP in your totals for this event when you are planning your skills.

Also, CBM is looking for eager members to add to the staff! We are accepting applications to join the team. We will be performing interviews via discord for those that show interest! Please contact us at

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.
See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

5.15 - Tick Season

Hello Players!

As we head into our May event, please be mindful that this year's tick season is going to be extremely bad!

Check yourself often and wear bug repellant! Ticks remain low to the ground in tall grass / brush, so spraying shoes & pants with DEET can be helpful for keeping them off. Adult ticks are usually pretty easy to spot, but younger ticks are much smaller than might be expected.

An imbedded tick needs to be removed carefully, as to not leave any part of the tick behind. Please ask for assistance if needed.

Stay safe, BLD Team

5.14 - Last Day for Frest Start Survey


We want your feedback on the reworked "Fresh Start" policy that was sent to committee at the last BOD meeting. This will be a quick survey and today is the last day Your input is crucial! 📝

Please take the survey at and help us make informed decisions! 🤝

5.08 - Playmaster and Safety announcement

Dear club membership we are aware that fighting can get intense sometimes. We do have to remind you of several things that are not OK.

You cannot cross check with a spear. This is highly unsafe and not the proper use of this weapon.

You may also not remove a hand from a two handed spear to give yourself more range for a strike. 2 handed weapons require the use of 2 hands at all times.

These unsafe practices cannot be allowed to continue as it puts our membership at risk.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Play Master Team and The Safety Team

5.06 - Reminder Frest Start Survey


We want your feedback on the reworked "Fresh Start" policy that was sent to committee at the last BOD meeting. This will be a quick survey, only accepting answers until the 14th. Your input is crucial! 📝

Please take the survey at and help us make informed decisions! 🤝

April Announcements (4.30)

4.30 - Proposed 'Fresh Start' Survey

We want your feedback on the reworked "Fresh Start" policy that was sent to committee at the last BOD meeting. This will be a quick survey, only accepting answers for the next two weeks, asks for your feedback on the 3 key points of the proposal.

Please take the survey at and help us make informed decisions!

4.21 - Playtest

Good day adventurers.

We will be running a playtest at the may event. All Players and even some NPCs will be able to use the following skill once per day at the May event only.

Skill: Step Back: This ability is used with a strike and verbal call of "Step Back" that cannot have damage attached to it. The strike does not need to be successful and cannot be stopped. The target must take 2 steps back before continuing in combat. Target must be within a 2 feet range of user. This ability can not be used to interrupt a spell.

(This ability simulates pushing someone away from you)


4.19 - Photographer on Field April

A photographer will be on field during the April Kanar Event during the Saturday Knighting, if you aren't familiar with the Photo & Video policy you can read about it on our website at

4.17 - ARF- Required to be in Good Standing

Did you forget to fill out your ARF?

Not sure, its ok fill it out anyways

The ARF is rquired to be In Good Standing.

thank you,

4.16 - Site Caretaker Forms

Hello all,

We've emailed out the Site Caretaker forms to everyone we have listed. Please check your emails and get those back to us as soon as you can!

If you haven't received an email from us or wish to relinquish your site, please let us know as well so we can update our records. Don't forget you must be a valid member of the club to have a site, so be sure to complete your ARFs and pay your membership dues if you haven't already.

BLD Team

4.15 - Last reminder for the Logo committee

Hey Everyone!

We wanted to give one final reminder of the Logo Competition because we are rapidly approaching the submission due date of 4/19/2024!

We also wanted to thank the members that have already submitted, thanks so much for participating! We want to invite everybody, from 10 year veteran to first event member, to participate in shaping the clubs art identity. We are looking forward to seeing more submissions come in as we approach the deadline!

Blog post with specifics:

The form to submit is: Deadline for submissions is 4/19/2024

Thanks for your participation!
-The Logo Committee

4.14 - From the desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone! Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the March Live Event have been completed.
As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us via email and I am sure we can get you take care of.
That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.
See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

4.10 - Calling All Leaders! Feast Chair and Family Day Revival Open!

Calling All Leaders! Feast Chair and Family Day Revival Open!
Do you thrive on planning spectacular gatherings? Are you a master organizer with a knack for creating unforgettable experiences? If so, we want YOU to apply for the 2025 Winter Feast Chair! If you want to join the committee as a member and not the chair reach out to the Odd Year Rep for additional information.
Dreaming of bringing back our Family Day? Have a heart for creating fun and engaging events for all ages? You could spearhead the revival of Family Day! If either (or both!) of these opportunities ignite your spark, we'd love to hear from you! Simply email us at
Don't miss this chance to make a real impact on our community and create lasting memories!

4.8 - BLD Work Days

Hello Club Members!

BLD is happy to announce 2 planned work days (so far) for this year - Saturday 6/8 & Saturday 10/12. We wanted to give as much notice as possible for these particular dates so people can plan ahead. The projects to be completed will be decided as we get closer. Because of the time of year, the hours for the work days will be slightly different from each other. June's work day will be 12pm to 6pm and October's will be 11am to 5pm.

Additionally, we will also have impromptu events, with less notice, as weather & time allows for. And don't forget BLD has a list of tasks, if you're looking to help on your own time! You can email us for ideas, but typical things that always need to be done are clearing leaves, twigs, & tree limbs from trails, splitting / stacking wood, disposing of trash / debris, cleaning out community fire pits, or helping to manage the vegetation overgrowth. You can also earn XP by helping others with their site upkeep, but please communicate directly with site owners if assistance is needed before doing any work.

As a reminder, BLD XP is awarded 1 XP per 30 minutes worked or 1 XP per $2.00 contribution.

The more volunteers we can get, the more progress we can make on this list. We hope to see you out there!
BLD Team

4.8 - Join the Logo Committee

Hello everyone!

We wanted to invite anyone who wishes to participate to join the logo Committee! joining the committee will preclude any participation in the competition itself, but serves to help shape what the Logo will be! Time spent working on the Committee counts as media volunteer time and is a good opportunity to help the club.

Please email if you are interested!

-The Logo Committee

4.7 - Logo Compitition reminder

Hey Everyone!

The Logo committee wanted to give out another reminder about the logo competition! For more information about rewards/prizes for the competition please check out the Blog post!

We also wanted to take this opportunity to add more clarity with the attached picture showing what the expectations for a submission are, and by that we mean we don't expect anything! Anything from written concept to rough sketch to fully finished logo will be considered for the contest! This is an opportunity for everybody to get involved with shaping the clubs identity.

The form to submit is:
Due Date for submissions is 4/19/2024

Thanks for your participation!

4.1 - Announcement from the GM/Econ

Hello players!

At this past event, Econ staff discovered silver coins in circulation that had been painted gold. While some of our gold coins are anodized, it was quite obvious this was paint as the color was different and it was flaking, not rubbing off like anodizing would. It goes without saying that painting coins is against the rules and spirit of the game. If you have any suspicious coins in your possession, please turn them in to Econ at the next available event. If another player passes one of these coins off to you as gold, please report it to the GM staff. Thank you. Any coins turned in will be replaced with the appropriate currency.

Jerimy H


December Announcements (12.17)

12.17 - 2024 Rulebook changelog

Dear Players,

The 2024 rulebook changelog has been completed and has been added to the website for your convenience.

Thanks for your involvement!
~Media team

12.15 - 2024 Rulebook Partial Character Rerolls

Dear Players,

We hope you are having a great winter. We are excited to see you again in March for more mysteries and adventures! The Game Staff Operations Managers met and voted unanimously to allow the following partial rerolls at the beginning of the 2024 season because of the new rule book! To partial reroll your character if you qualify under the allowances below please contact the Character Book Marshall at

Allowances for Partial Rerolls with the release of the 2024 rulebook.

If you have bardic spell slots and associated bardic skills and you don't like the new bardic spell list you may refund all your bardic spell slots and related bardic skills.

If you are a rogue with bardic spell slots and associated bardic skills and don't like the new bardic spell list you may refund your bardic spell slots and related bardic skills and change class but you are required to keep all your other skills.

Weapon size change. If you want to change your weapons skills up 1 size or down 1 size because of the size changes to Physical Representations of weapons you may. This includes your skills tied to that weapon.

Anything outside of this structure will be reviewed by the GSOM on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the new rulebook please contact the GSOM at

Selflessly Yours,
The Game Operations Management Team

12.15 -Fighter Certification

Dear Players,

The playmaster staff would like to take this time to let everyone know they are requiring recertification of all club members before they enter the field of play to recertify for fighting safety for the 2024 season. Please see a member of the Playmaster staff to recertify in the parking lot at the event.

Thank you for your time,
The Playmaster Team

12.15 - 2024 Rulebook

Dear Players,

We are happy to bring you the 2024 rulebook. The version you are receiving is not in its final format. We are excited to get it out to you though so you can start familiarizing yourself with it for the 2024 season. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to the playmaster staff! You will notice there are no subclasses in the book. The BoD and the PM staff are working hard to get subclasses finalized in committee with the hopes that we can bring you the subclasses in January!

Jeremiah Klabis,
Playmaster 1st

12.12 - End of the Year Club Contributions

Did you max out on your donations to KGE this year? There is still have time to contribute for 2023!

We have a lot of great plans for next season and could always use more financial contributions

As a reminder most departments have a limit of 100 xp to reward and BLD has a limit of 400 xp. All of this bonus xp is per member per year. Don't forget to fill out the Between events XP form if you contribute.

Thanks for being part of our club

Maria -KGE Treasurer

November Announcements (11.15)

11.15 - A Winter for War

As the year draws to a close, opponents make moves with the last of the usable time before winter crystalizes the situation. Forces to the south prepare with anticipation for a push before the snow stops movement.

At the same time, the forests of Ilveresh are unusually loud for this time of the year, with cackles, howling, and loud metallic stomping ringing out.

Welcome to the last event of the year we hope to see you there!
-GM Team

11.14 - BLD Tree Work Day

Hello Club Members!

The BLD Team's next work day will be Saturday 12/2, 10 am - 4pm (6 hours). If there is more work by the end of Saturday, we will continue on Sunday 12/3 10 am - 4pm (6 hours). Info will be posted as applicable.

We have several large trees throughout the property that need to be taken down, cut, and stacked. We are having a professional drop the largest ones leading up to Sat 12/2. There is not a ton of daylight to work with this time of year, so we need all the help we can get! Some loppers will be available for small limbing work.

Be sure to dress warmly, bring a pair of thick gloves, and brings some water. If you have your own loppers or saw, please bring your tools.

BLD will be offering double XP for the work day(s) = 4 XP per hour worked!

We are looking forward to clearing up what we can, and hope to see you out there!

-BLD Team

11.10 - From the Desk of CBM 1st

Hello everyone!
Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the October Live Event and the two most recent Role Play Only Live Events have been completed.
As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information.
Otherwise, you can always reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!
We wanted to thank everyone that took the time to read the updated "Skills Learned" section of the signouts form and submitted the skills in the desired format. This makes our job easier as it allows us to simply copy and paste your skills right from the form and into your sheet. We hope to see more players doing this in the future!
That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.
See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

August Announcements (8.29)

8.29 - Updated Calendar URL

Important Update: Our Public Calendar has undergone some necessary changes, including a new URL for subscription. Instructions on how to subscribe can be found at

Thank you for your understanding!

8.29 - BLD Appreciation

The BLD Team would like to give a big thanks to Holly E for their assistance and work on staff! They have taken a different direction with their volunteer time, but we want to acknowledge the great work they did for us!

8.27 - Econ Reminder

Hello players,
Econ would like to remind everyone that you are allowed to craft for coin or items in addition to your sign out action. All you have to do is fill out the item creation form right here after completing your sign out.

It's an easy way to earn coin between events so take advantage of it with your crafting skills. You have till midnight Monday the 28th to submit for these.
Also please remember to put in for your temporary tag replacements (pink tags) in order to get your permanent tags. If you have any questions please reach out to Econ at We'll be happy to walk you through the process.
Thank you again and see you next festival

Econ 1st/ Rebecca

8.23 - Join Our Team

BLD staff is always looking for additional hands to help manage the lands! Shoot us an email at if you'd like to join us in this rewarding work. We can use all kinds of skillsets from organizing & planning, large equipment & regular tool use, hard labor, policy / caretaker guides updates, cooking for work days, etc.

Don't forget we have our Wishlist and 'BLD XP Earning Project List' under the Building and Land Resources page on our website.

If you've completed a project or purchased something for the department, be sure to fill our the Between Events Department XP Request, found here:

And of course, if you have any questions at all, shoot us an email! We are currently planning out our next work day, to spread gravel. More info to come soon.

-BLD Team

8.22 - New BLD Staff Member

Karigan has joined the BLD staff. She will primarily be focused on paperwork and organization. If you have sent in an email that you're waiting on a response for, please send a new reply to bump it to the top of the inbox, and she'll try to get it resolved ASAP for you.

Pending XP requests will be reviewed within the next week or two, so please keep an eye on your email in case there are any follow-up questions, and make sure to get in any requests you haven't already submitted!

Our current staff:
Marcus S (1st)
Stephen W (2nd)
Adam R
Amanda A
Dan W
Holly E
Jason C
Karigan N
Rath A

Thanks for your understanding & patience as we get caught up!
BLD Team

8.22 - Mid-Year Survey Reminder

Hey there! 🌟

We wanted to give you a friendly nudge to make sure you've had a chance to fill out our Mid-Year Survey! 📋 Your input is incredibly valuable and will help us shape the future of our club. So, if you haven't already, please take a few minutes to share your thoughts by completing the survey 🗣️

🌼 This survey covers some important topics, like whether we should consider adjusting the length of the 10-Day June event, continuing scheduling Role-Play Only Events, thoughts on the current pricing structure, and more 🎉

👉 👈

Thank you for being a part of this fantastic journey! 🚀🌈

Tashina O.
Odd Year Rep

8.16 - From The Game Masters Staff For The August 2023 Festival

With the shadows of war fully upon Novashan, the knights meet in the traditional festival grounds of Illvaresh, will they pull together to face the threat of the Narrdmyrian king William or will they fracture under the pressure?

Duke Kieran D`Kalin long absent from the festival must make a decision of whether to support the south of Novashan against the deceitful King William or listen to the council of the Northern Elves of Ashan?

Tensions rise on the border of Wildemere, will Novashon retain its long-held territory?

All the while the great swamp stirs from its slumber, will a forgotten threat rear its head!

[The Knights Conclave will be held this coming Saturday. There will be a field swap on Sunday to help determine how the war is going]

We hope to see all who can make it this weekend, let's make it a good event!

-GM Team

8.10 - From the desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone!
Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the July Live Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information.

Otherwise, you can always reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

Photo by Pixabay:

July 2023 Announcements (7.16)

7.16 - From the desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone! Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the June Agelong (10day) Live Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information.

Otherwise, you can always reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

Also, we wanted to take a moment and welcome Melissa Jones to the team as the new CBM 2nd! Melissa has been a part of CBM teams in the past and we look forward to working with her again!

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.
See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

7.2 - BOD Open Voting

Hello all, The voting ballots for the 2023 KGE Directors positions have been emailed out to all eligible members.If you did not receive a ballot and you think this may be an error, please reach out to the Treasurer and Secretary. You may be missing something such as a valid ARF or 2023 dues.

As a reminder, the ballot will close on Saturday 7/8/23 at 11:59pm. You will have until then to submit your vote. Thank you all for your dedication to KGE and its future. This club is nothing without its members.


06.28 - QM Projects and Ideas

Friendly reminder to the membership. QM has a group chat in Messenger for all crafters of all skill levels looking to assist with projects. We use this to communicate ideas as well as what the game is looking for in real-time. If you are interested in joining the group chat please comment below or send me a PM.

Thank you,
QM1 Daniel Miller

June Announcements (6.21)


Hello everyone!

Now that I am mostly functional, I want to write a bit about Friday night which is Agelong. I’m going to pull back the curtain a little bit so that you guys can understand what is going on.

For the first bit, this Agelong will be very different than ones in the past. Instead of Elves vs. Orcs, we are having Elves/Orcs/people vs Rising Dawn. This is a protect the VIP’s style mission and have a lot of story behind it. This is also going to roll into what the next year’s agelong will be which is so far titled “The Hunt.” I won’t give much more information on that, but it’s something that I feel will be a very unique and fun experience moving forward.

Field will not be closed for the night. In Agelong’s past, we have made the whole field closed so that you needed to participate in the event as either PC or NPC. We have had some where it was partially closed where only few people could sit in one area. But at this point, it is going to be open so that if you don’t want to participate, you don’t have to. Enjoy hearing about the stories.

I will need NPC’s Friday night. It is always appreciated for those that help and will help serve the greater good. My hope is roughly post dinner till about 11, with some different stuff happening after that. Agelong used to go all night, but for various reasons (safety being a major one) this is not happening.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I will try my best to answer them. I am still a little foggy with things as I’m working through getting better with the sickness, but I’m doing much better than before. Thanks everyone and I can’t wait to see you out!

Erich O. GM 3rd"

6.12 - Skills Information About Weeklong

Hello everyone!
I hope you are all doing well and getting excited for the upcoming weeklong event that is just around the corner!

I am writing to let the membership know that in keeping with the long standing tradition, the limit for teaching and learning skills will be 8 with a single signout at the end of the event!

This means you will be able to participate in 8 teaching lessons and 8 learning lessons! Either in individual lessons or group lessons!

We believe this will create more roleplay situations and give more opportunities for players to create some of their own fun during the long event!

See you all at the event!
Glen “Rath” Adkins

6.12 - A letter from the Treasurer

There seems to be some confusion. If you are new to the club and Weeklong is your first event then the event is free as this SOP currently applies.

K1G-001 K1 SOP 23.02 8.1 First Event. To provide prospective members the ability to familiarize themselves with the activities of K1, the first event a person attends in that person’s lifetime is free.

RPOE are excluded from this SOP as well as any special event such as "Winter Feast".

Thank you,
Maria KGE Treasurer

6.11 - Missing Payment Arrangements

Were you super excited to get to larp and forgot to make sure you paid or make payment arrangements before hitting the field of play? Are you unsure if your payment went through online or did you just simply forget?

Please reach out to the Treasurer to make payment arrangements and or pay the missing dues / event fees by Wednesday, June 14th.

Thank you,
Maria KGE Treasurer

6.11 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello fellow past and potential new members,

With the June 2023 Weeklong event rapidly approaching, we wanted to pass along some very important information to everyone:

If you are currently not a member and you are considering attending the June Weeklong event, it is very important that you get your character information submitted to no later than Thursday June 15th 8:00PM! If you are unable to do so, you will still be able to play but you may be asked to NPC or pick a premade character until such time that staff can assist you.

If you are a past member and you currently have a legacy character sheet (Pre-2020), your character sheet must be converted to the current version BEFORE you can play that character on field. The conversion process is somewhat tedious and can be quite time consuming so we ask instead that you reach out to no later than Thursday June 15th 8:00PM to get your sheet converted to the current version. Otherwise you may choose to play a premade character (1st Level) or NPC the event instead.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, We can’t wait to see you on field! Your CBM Team!

6.9 - Port-a John cleaning

I just got off the phone with the Disposal company, they had service issues this week and our units did not get cleaned. They hope to have someone out to take care them on Saturday.

Thank you,
Maria KGE Treasurer

6.9 - QM Work Day!

QM will be having a work day on July 1st starting at noon. The goal is to clean up, organize, and inventory the QM shed. All hands welcome. The more the merrier. There's always stuff to be done. If you have any questions feel free to contact staff at

Thank you, QM1 Daniel Miller

6.1 - Photographer on Field

A photographer will be on field during the next Kanar Event, if you aren't familiar with the Photo & Video policy you can read about it on our website at

5.30 - Tag Audits

From the desk of the playmaster.

Starting at the June event tag audits will be performed. Any tags found on a player on the field of play without physical representation will be confiscated and given to the Game Master 1st. These tags will not be returned to the player. The player will also receive a step of disciplinary action.

Temp tags will be ignored for tag audits to provide a reasonable amount of time for players to get physical representation for their newly looted items.

For horses houses and other items that there is no way to have a physical representation you should make paper writs of ownership for them that will act as the physical representation of these items.

Thank you Jeremiah Playmaster 1st

Update to PM clarification log

6/1/2023 You may use a number of similar physreps to represent small items which may be very visually similar to each other (such as potions, alchemies, or raw materials). For instance, you may choose to carry seven small bottles to represent the potions you are carrying, even though you may be carrying ten. In this case, after you have used seven potions of any type, you may not use any more potions until you have left the field of play and returned in order to simulate a trip to retrieve more potions.

This contradicts the k1 tag policy and has to be ignored. All tags on the field of play carried by a player are required to have physical representations with the exception oftags freshly looted from a npc.

Jeremiah, PM1

May Announcements (5.22)

5.22 - Additional Econ Staff Needed

Hello players! Your current Econ here. I am posting this announcement to catch the interest of those players who would like an opportunity to give back to the game on an economic level. I am currently looking for an Econ 2nd and field staff to assist with the bank and crafting tags. If you enjoy spending time helping out other players, have decent math skills and want to learn more about our economic system, you could be a fit. Please send all inquiries to Econ at Thank you for your interest.

Econ 1st Rebecca Coleman

5.19 - Safety Request: Lamplighters

Good morning, everyone! Friendly neighborhood Safety 1st Kiri here with a special request for the May event.

The torches on field need to be filled for tonight and tomorrow, and we may need more kerosene. I'm offering 5 Safety XP to volunteers for each night this event to take the kerosene container in a cart around the trails to fill all torches with pink tape on them, and 1XP/$1 for a filled kerosene jug (please keep receipts). This task is best done in pairs, and this XP does go on top of the normal 30XP event cap!

As of right now, we have had zero Lamplighters Guild volunteers for this season. If you would like to become a regular Lamplighter volunteer, there is an in-game aspect to joining the Lamplighters Guild in character, which includes coin among other things.

To remind players, you are encouraged and welcome to light torches you come across once it starts to get dark on the trails.

For questions please email or see me at the GM shed at the event. I'm not on Facebook, so I won't see anything posted here.

See you all out there! Kiri, Safety 1/GM 2

5.19 - GM Event Hype

EVENT HYPE: The Bugbear flip module will take place on Saturday starting at 1:00. This flip mod will take place on the NPC Land section of the property so if you do not want to participate the town of Illveresh will be open to you.

A few reminders - players are responsible for providing their own water. This is going to be a combat heavy mod, with things for non-coms to do, so you are going to want to hydrate before, during, and after.

We have started to see poison ivy pop up. Please be mindful of where you fall down to die. We want everyone to have a good time and a bad case of poison ivy post event will be a downer for everyone. If you do not know what poison ivy looks like, please find me before the mod so I can point it out to you.

There will be a number of staff in pink sashes to make an encounter of this size work. These staff will not only be helping with logistics for the module but will also be watching for safe fighting. If a staff member comments on your fighting, please follow their lead. If you disagree with their call, then please let the staff know after the module has concluded. Staff will not tolerate arguments from players during the module. We will likely have over 100 players on this mod and maybe a dozen staff. It's not that we don't want to hear your concerns, we just need to have our eyes on the situation at hand.

Loot will be handed out after the module. There will be no need to loot every NPC. This is to make sure that our NPCs can get off the ground and to a safe spot as soon as possible. Please stay after the module has concluded to get your loot.

Please remember that "Hold" is our word for everyone to stop and check for a safety event. We have recently encountered some scenarios of people using the word "hold" to indicate that a fighting line should be stationary. Any use of the word "hold" will be considered a safety call and combat will be stopped. Also, "Healer" is the call that should be used for magic healing folks. "Medic" is a term for OOG safety members.

All PCs will be split into two groups. An NPC will be sent to Illveresh on Friday night with more information on how PCs should split themselves and to answer any questions about the encounter IG. The Adventurer's Academy will still be taking place this month with the Academy teachers showing up to Illveresh around 11:00 am. We will not be able to wait around for players to get ready due to the full timeline we have planned for Saturday. If you are under 6th level and want to go on the Adventurer's Academy adventure, please be ready at 11:00 am to roll out.

Thats all for now! - Marcus S.

5.17 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello Everyone, We hope you are all looking forward to this coming event! We wanted to reach out and let you know about some changes that have been made to the Character Signout Form.

Recently it was decided that the number of days that a member attended an event was not relevant anymore for XP purposes unless they purchased a one day event pass. That being said, with the creation of the different ticket tiers and season pass tiers, it became more important to track attendance and xp awarded by the ticket and not the days a player attended.

Once this distinction was determined, we decided to change up the signout form to reflect the membership level or ticket tier purchased for any given event.

When you do your next signout, you will notice that there is no longer a question asking you how many days you attended and rather the ticket level or membership tier instead.

We hope that the changes will not only assist CBM but will also make your signout experience just a little bit easier. There are now 13 options to choose from.

The number of days is no longer being asked and instead the question is:

‘What tier of membership/ticket did you purchase? If you paid but were unable to attend, please choose your corresponding membership/ticket - Did Not Attend.’

We ask that you choose the option that most represents your ticket or membership/ticket/attendance level for that event or season.

For Example, if you attended the most recent Role Play Event, please pick that option when doing your signout for that event.

If you attended a regular event and you are a season pass holder, please choose the option for “Season Pass” and the tier of Season Pass you purchased for that season.

If you paid for the event or are a season pass holder and for whatever reason you were unable to attend, please choose the appropriate ticket level or season pass level and “Did Not Attend”.

With all of this being said, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at We will be more than happy to assist you.

See you all at the event, Your CBM Staff

5.9 - CBM

Hello everyone! Just your CBM crew here to let you know your character sheet updates for the April Live Event have been completed!

As always, if you find something of concern or issue or you didn't get an update, Please check the ""Staff Comments"" tab on your sheet for possible information, or you can reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

Just a friendly reminder, we ask that players refrain from sending emails with questions regarding updates to their sheets or any missing information or XP until after we have posted that all of the current event updates have been completed.

Often we do updates in waves and sometimes we are not done with your sheet even if it says your update is complete for that event.

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event! Your CBM Staff!

April Announcements (4.22)

4.22 - Afters Are Back

Join us at Great Lakes Eatery and Pub in Dundee this evening at 6pm (after the event) for food, drinks, and comradery.

Address: 123 Whitetail Dr, Dundee, MI 48131, or scan the QR code for directions.

While Afters were gone a member of the club graciously hosted people at her home to keep the tradition alive. Thank you Christi!!

Hope to see you there!

alt text

4.18 - From the desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone! We hope you are all getting ramped up for the upcoming event and we can't wait to see everyone. That being said, we are asking any and all new members who are planning on attending the event, if you haven't already done so, please submit your character sheet information ASAP to, prior to arriving on field as due to circumstances beyond our control, the normal CBM & ECON functions will be unavailable at certain times during this event.

We are asking staff and current members to direct any players with ECON needs and all new players who do not already have a character sheet submitted, to the GM shed.

As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding and hope you have a great time at the event! CBM1st - Glen "Rath" Adkins ECON1st - Rebecca Coleman

4.14 - From the PM: Spell Checks

The playmaster staff would like to remind everyone to have spells written in their spell books and a spell list on them at all times if they can cast spells.

Starting at the may event random checks will be taking place.

Jeremiah PM1

4.12 - Character Sheet Updates

Hello everyone! Just your CBM crew here to let you know your character sheet updates for the Event have been completed!

As always, if you find something of concern or issue or you didn't get an update, Please check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet for possible information, or you can reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

See you all at Feast in February (I know! I can't wait either)! Your CBM Staff!

3.24 GM Map Update

The winter ends, the snows melt, and the heroes of Ilveresh return for another year of adventure, intrigue, and magic! Here's a new map of our home in the swamp, look for more updated maps in the future! Artist credit: Amanda Aquino and Kevin Rush, GM Maps Team.

New Map of Ilveresh

Jerimy H, GM 1st

3.24 Safety Ruling

The following is a Safety field ruling in effect for March. Physical copies will be available to review on the bulletin boards, and a digital copy can be found at the link below. For any questions, please see me (Kiri, I'll usually be at the GM shed).

Safety Field Ruling: Guideline for Handling Unsafe Situations Ruling in effect March 24, 2023

This ruling was made with input from the Playmaster, Gamemaster, and Board of Directors

During an event a participating member may break character, putting their hand over their head and speaking out-of-game, to let other participants know that they are not feeling real-world safe in the situation. If needed, a hold may be called. Participants should assess their gameplay, consider whether they are roleplaying in line with the code of conduct, and either find a way to safely re-engage in gameplay or disengage from the situation entirely. Any participant can choose to walk away from any situation they feel is unsafe.

Please read the guidelines for the full ruling.

Kiri, Safety First

3.23 Game Master Update

The material component Alchemical Steel is being removed from the game. If you have any tags for this material or items created from it, please turn them in to the Econ staff or GM and you will be refunded the purchase price for said tags or given the option to trade them in for materials of equivalent value.

Thank you!

Jerimy H, GM 1st

Winter Announcements (3.21)

3.21 - NPC Shift Sign-UP Form

With the event coming up the GM team is pleased to announce a new system for NPC sign-up before the event. Fill out the form and show up to the GM shed during your shifts for some fun NPCing. As shifts fill up they will disappear from the selection options so hurry to get your ideal time slots!


3.17 - From the BLD: Land Cleaning

Today was a great day for Illveresh. The BLD, with financial support from the BOD, reclaimed some of our property. We brought in CP Quality Cleaning to clear ground cover, remove some small trees, and to grind up debris. This doubled the size of the field of honor, opened up a whole area of land across the trail from the Field of Honor that will soon become our Illveresh Marketplace, doubled the size of Tent City, and made the area around the new GM shed look like a park.

In the name of transparency, I will note that this project cost $2000.00 out of the 2023 BLD budget.

I hope that you take a moment to look at some of the photos.

With thanks,

Marcus S., BLD 1st

2.19 - PM Clarification

Clarification: Spears do not require a cross guard.

Jeremiah, PM1

1.15 - Open CBM Staff Position

Hello Everyone! Your CBM team is currently looking for a couple of eager members to join our staff!
Duties would include but are not limited to:

  • Performing Character Sheet updates in between events
  • Updating Documentation and Forms as needed
  • Attending CBM/GSO Staff Meetings
  • Taking a CBM shift during events

So if you’re eager to give back to your club and you are somewhat computer savvy with a general knowledge of spreadsheets and the sort, send us an email at

Thank you,

Glen “Rath” Adkins


12.27 - Department Contributions

There are 4 days left to get in a "cash" contribution for the 2022 season. We look forward to 2023!

12.26 - Possible BLD Workday

I hope that everyone had a relaxing and merry holiday. This time of year I often reflect on how blessed we are to have the community that we have.

Between now and March we need to cut and split between 6 to 8 face cords of firewood to start drying out. We maybe have one cord left from last year that will get burned throughout the winter months as people utilize the property.

Next Saturday is looking like no rain and in the 50s. Would anyone be interested in hauling some firewood? I’ll plan an official day if we get enough interest.

-- Marcus, BLD 1st

12.12 - From the desk of CBM 1st

Hello everyone!

Just your CBM crew here to let you know your character sheet updates for the November Live Event have been completed!

It's been a very busy season with tons of growth. Not only for the lands but also for the membership! By my count, it looks like we had 60 new members this season! I believe that might be a Kanar record for the number of new players in one season and with retention being high, its looking like we will see nearly all of you again next season!

Also, your CBM crew and the rest of staff, wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude and say a special thank you to all of the members that maxed out the 400xp Bonus XP limit for this season! I can assure you that your club thanks each and every one of you for your time, sacrifice and dedication to the club! May you continue to be a community example for all of us!

As always, if you find something of concern or issue or you didn't get an update, Please check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet for possible information, or you can reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

See you all at Feast in February (I know! I cant wait either)! Your CBM Staff!

12.12 - Feast Date & Location Selected!

I am pleased to announce that the 2023 Winter Feast location and date has been selected! On February 4th, 2023 we will gather at the Marygrove Conservancy in Detroit for our annual Feast. I hope to see you there, if you have any questions please reach out to me on Facebook at Tashina Marie O or on Discord as Wavewatcher#7401.

~ 2023 Feast Coordinator, Tashina O.

Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash

October Announcements (10.13)

10.13 - Pre Event Hype

The falling leaves are bright and crisp as the world churns out another chilly autumn in the wake of the hot summer sun, and smiles abound as the harvest comes in more bountiful than expected. But beneath those smiles is the looming fear of what approaches. Smith's hurry to forge silver weapons and towns fortify their walls and graveyards in fear of what the season brings at its apex, when the darkness encroaches and the veil is thinnest. Despite being a yearly ritual, the anticipation haunts those preparing. These things are known, and planned for, but what of the unknown? What of the fires that seem to whisper to each other, refusing to burn brightly? What of the impending army of fey folk, sworn to vengeance? Will they join forces with the hordes, or will they wait to take down survivors when the dust from bones and bodies clear?

10.12 - Safety Updates for October 2022

Hello, everyone! Friendly neighborhood Safety 1st here with a few announcements.

Covid: Updates have been made to the Covid Guidelines. There are no new guidelines, and a few have been relaxed and clarified. Please remember that all members are encouraged to mask to their personal comfort levels and respect any requests for social distancing made my another member.

These changes will be in effect for the 2022 October event and, if everything goes well, will be in place for the rest of the 2022 season. If you have any questions or feedback, please email me at


Cold Weather Larp: It's supposed to be chilly this weekend, so remember to bring your cold weather garb! Layers of clothes and multiple socks will help keep you warm. If you don't have period garb for the cold yet, try layering modern clothes like thermals underneath your normal garb. If you'd like more advice for surviving the colder months, reach out to more veteran players for their own tips and tricks!

Lighting: The main trails on the field of play and the trail leading to Tent City have torches placed for lighting. If it's dark on the trail and you come across a filled torch that hasn't been lit, please feel free to light it! If there are any spaces that need more lighting, please let a member of Safety staff know. If you'd like to volunteer to fill and light torches, please contact me by email or at the GM shed and get 5 Safety XP as a thanks!

Donations: We have a few things on our list, and new things are always being added! We're still on the hunt for solar lights that are bright enough to light the trails, but aren't obviously modern. Take a look and email me your receipts for XP awards!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email Stay safe, and see you out there!

  • Kiri, Safety 1st

10.10 - October Monthly Econ Update

Hello players,

It's that time already for the monthly update from Econ. We apologize for the late update, with the volume of tags turned in last event the Econ team has finally finished this month's submissions. We are requesting at this time that all players who are attending the October All Hallow's Event who HAVE NOT turned in their tags to please prepare for turn in. October 2022 is THE CUT OFF for current players to turn in, this excludes the groups that have already been made aware of their turn in time for the month of November. Please make arrangements to get your tags turned in. Please remember if you missed your month and you've attended an event after your designated turn in and you do not turn in your tags this season, they will be invalid and cannot be used next season.

Please take photos of your tags prior to turn in for your records. You may turn in your tags at anytime the Econ is on duty and may use your photos as proof of your tags during game time to speed up the process of tag turn in.

We would also like to remind the player base to please use the item creation form to submit their pink temporary tags with their sign outs at the end of the events.

Temporary tags do have an expiration date for submission written on them for the following month. We are encouraging players to please be mindful of that and submit them in a timely fashion. We do understand this is a new practice that will take some transition time which we will be accommodating for this season.

Here is the link to the item creation form found on the Kanar website. Please reach out to Econ at for further questions and inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you all in Ilveresh.

Kind Regards, The Econ Team

10.10 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone! Just your CBM crew here to let you know your character sheet updates for both the September Live Event and the September Role Play Only Event have been completed!

We apologize for the longer than usual wait time in between updates, as we normally have them out before now, but we wanted to get all of the updates in before the big upcoming All Hallows event, so that everyone knew how much XP they had to spend on skills and learning!

This past two events tallied up to more than 156 signouts! We also added all of the Dept XP requests that had been approved at the moment. So, everyone should be all set there as well!

As always, if you find something of concern or issue or you didn't get an update, Please check the ""Staff Comments"" tab on your sheet for possible information, or you can reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

Hope to see you all at All Hallows!!

Thanks again, Your CBM Staff!

10.10 - Cash Payments October Regular K1 Event

I will be available during the event to take cash payments in the parking lot from 4:45-8:30 PM on Friday October 14th. Information will be posted on the bulletin board for procedures during the event.

Maria KGE Treasurer

"Before you go on the field to play, it is mandatory that you sign the check-in book at the designated staff area. Also, be sure to check for (and read!) any important messages posted on the bulletin board." pg 6 of the KANAR rule book

9.30 Ye Olde Shambly Guys Needed


Most of you know me, you know what I do on field.

I've been put in charge of assembling ye old Shambly Melee crew for All Hallows. I'm looking for 10 individuals willing to follow me into glorious battle in the very thick of it. Participants should feel safe fighting and marching in formation, comfortable working in a team and following commands.

If you are interested, please FB message me directly and I'll get you on the roster and the discord so we can go over more pertinent details.

Hope to see you, and happy gaming!♡

Scott Manley

Theme Marshall

9.29 All Hallows Costumed NPCs

The All Hallows event is coming up and the GM staff is looking for NPCs. In the spirit of Halloween, the All Hallows event is traditionally a costume-encouraged event for our NPCs so if you'd like to sign up and dress the part for an evening, please reach out to for more information. We're very flexible with NPC concepts so if you already have a costume or idea that fits in with a spooky encounter, we'll work with you and help you craft an NPC that fits in with the shenanigans. For all our elves that hunted Agelong this year, this is a great opportunity to return the favor for our dedicated orcs!

Jerimy H

GM 1st

9.21 Out of Game Calls

The Playmaster staff would like to remind everyone of that mechanical calls are out of game. A few examples follow:

Example 1:

A Rogue walks up to someone pokes them with their dagger boffer and says "Silent Kill".

The words "Silent kill" are an out of game mechanical call. You can't react to hearing the call. If you watched the Rogue slip the blade into the target you can react to seeing that. You would not know they struck a perfect blow. If you used forensics on the corpse you may be able to establish they recieved a perfect blow.

Example 2:

A caster incants and says "Create Undead IV". You watch as the target of the spell gets up from the ground.

"Create Undead IV" is a mechanical call of the spell being used and is out of game so you can't react to it. The target getting up from the ground depending on what was created may appear to be a human or whatever race they are. If you have Undead lore then you would definatly be able to identify it as an Undead by saying "Undead Lore". Without Undead lore if the Undead isn't obviously not alive you may think you just watched someone get a "Life spell".

The above are just 2 examples of out of game mechanical calls. We are trying to make sure that we are all of the same understanding of the rules of our game.

Thank you for your time,

Playmaster Staff

9.19 Missing Weapons

I have noticed a shortage in the weapons supplied by QM for NPCs and players that are without physreps. Specifically, latex-styled weapons and a Calimacil bastard sword. (Damaged weapons have already been checked.) If you find that you have accidentally taken an item home that belongs to KGE, please return it at your earliest convenience. If this continues I will be forced to implement a checkout system where a personal item is given to QM as collateral until physreps are returned.

Thank you,

Daniel Miller QM1

A small, orange, pumpkin sits on a beat up white table in front of a red paneled wall.

September Announcements (8.26)

9.15 - Player Shout Out

Attention Players

If you were involved with eating the “Exotic Oranges” that were handed out last festival (August) please email the GM Staff at before coming to field this Friday. Thank you so much and we’ll see you soon.

9.14 - Module Update from the GM

Hey folks! The GM staff will be playtesting some new processes during the next event and we wanted to give you all a heads up. As modules have become increasingly popular, last event highlighted several issues with the process. Too many modules combined with a lot of waiting around for people as well as a lack of NPCs made things less than ideal, and at one point there were not enough PCs on the field for us to safely run NPC encounters. To help keep things on schedule, we are going to try something different.

For the September event, the GM staff will have time slots specifically assigned for modules. These time slots are tentatively 8pm Friday night, 1pm and 4pm on Saturday, and 12 noon on Sunday. If you have a module you are supposed to go on, it will be in one of these time slots. We have also placed three new clocks on the field to help players keep track of the time without having to resort to electronic devices. These new clocks are located on the front of the GM shed, the front of the safety shed in the center of town, and on the side of the Vanari camp in new town.

Additionally, we have installed a cast iron bell atop the sign post near the crossroads entering the field. GM staff will ring this bell ten times ten minutes prior to the start of a module. This will give players time to finish up any roleplaying they are currently engaged in and to report to the GM shed for their module. Players that are interested in NPCing can also report to the GM shed at this time. After ten minutes, the module will begin so if players are late, they will either miss the module or have to be worked into it through storytelling.

The GM staff will also be using a chalk board to keep track of module schedules and rosters, so players can come sign up for NPC spots or check module times in advance. It is our hope that this process will help the game run smoother as well as allowing GM staff more time to focus on field encounters.

As a final note, effective this last event and moving forward, all players that complete an event sign out will have an additional 5sp added to their player banks. This is to represent money that all players should be able to scrape up in a month doing odds and ends outside of crafting. Hopefully this little bit of silver can help players enjoy their events a little bit more.

If you have any questions regarding any of these changes, please reach out to us or come see us at the GM shed this weekend. PLEASE keep in mind that this is all a playtest and subject to change. We hope to see you all in Ilveresh this weekend!

Jerimy H., GM 1st

9.14 - NPCs for Saturday of the September event

Hello, all! GM2 Kiri here. I'm looking for NPCs for a Harvest Festival Saturday of the upcoming event for the afternoon, evening, or all day. We're going to try to get some costuming and pre-planning together, so if you're interested, have some neat season-appropriate garb (summer/autumn) and are not involved in the ongoing Fae plot, please follow the link below! Let us know what time you're available, and we'll get you added to the right planning section. Thank you everyone in advance!

9.11 - Monthly Econ Update

Hello players,

It's that time already for the monthly update from Econ. The Econ team has finished this month's submissions for the tag turn in. We are requesting at this time that all players who are attending the September Event with LAST names starting with V, W, X, Y and Z, to please prepare for turn in. We are also requesting for players that missed their turn in month to turn in their tags at THIS event as well. October 2022 is THE CUT OFF for current players to turn in, this excludes the groups that have already been made aware of their turn in time for the month of November. Please make arrangements to get your tags turned in. Please remember if you missed your month and you've attended an event after your designated turn in and you do not turn in your tags this season, they will be invalid and cannot be used next season.

Please take photos of your tags prior to turn in for your records. You may turn in your tags at anytime the Econ is on duty and may use your photos as proof of your tags during game time to speed up the process of turn in.

We are also requesting to players who have missed their tag turn in date to please turn them in at the next event attended excluding RPO events. We are trying to avoid a mass build up of tags turned in at the end of the season. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in the matter.

We would also like to remind the player base to please use the item creation form to submit their pink temporary tags with their sign outs at the end of the events.

Temporary tags do have an expiration date for submission written on them for the following month. We are encouraging players to please be mindful of that and submit them in a timely fashion. We do understand this is a new practice that will take some transition time which we will be accommodating for this season.

Here is the link to the item creation form found on the Kanar website. Please reach out to Econ at for further questions and inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you all in Ilveresh.

Kind Regards, The Econ Team

9.7 - From the Desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone!

Just your CBM crew here to let you know, with the exception to a few clarifications and some department XP, your character sheet updates for the August live event have been completed!

As always, if you find something of concern or issue or you didn't get an update, Please check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet for possible information, or you can reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

See you there!

Thanks again, Your CBM Staff!

9.7 - Feast Coordinator Seeking Heads of Tables

Good day! I have questions specifically for those who have previously been in charge of decorating tables for feast. I want your thoughts on logistics involving dishes, set-up & tear-down, and more. Please send me a message on Facebook (Tashina Marie O) or Discord (Wavewatcher#7401) so I can get your input.

~ Tashina O. Feast 2023 Coordinator

8.28 - Econ Reminder

Hello players,

Econ here just wanting to remind everyone that you are allowed to craft and do another action in your character sign outs. You don't need to submit another sign out, simply click on the item creation form below the character sign out.

You can craft for the Kingdom and make coin, or you can craft items with your crafting skills. The cut off for item submissions is tomorrow Monday August 29th at midnight. Don't forget to get them in as soon as you can.

A simple reminder to also put in your submissions for temp tag replacements through this form. There are expiration dates on them and though we are understanding, we are encouraging you all to be mindful of them. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to as our official means of communication.

Thank you, Your Econ Team

8.27 - Family Day Success!

I want to say thank you to all of the members that took the time, spent the money, and put in the effort needed to make Family Day possible. We wouldn't have been able to do it without every one of you. The children looked like they had a wonderful time fighting the bad guys, crafting their heraldry, and went nuts for the obstacle course I know my son did. All of you are truly amazing.

P.S. Don't forget to do your paperwork for your exp!

P.S.S. You guys are awesome!

Daniel Miller, QM1

8.28 - The Knights Conclave

A Call to the Chivalry of Novashan: Knights, Armigers, Squires, and Armsmen:

It is an honor to announce the annual Knights Conclave on October the 1st, 1022 at One O'Clock to Six O'Clock in the evening, in the town of Ilveresh in the County of Bellanmo.

The Knights Conclave will be open to the public of Ilveresh for the duration of the discussion, followed by a small meal for the chivalry and guests. If you wish to donate time or monetary resources, please contact Squire Korra, Squire Adawulf, or Squire Bell. We look forward to your attendance.

8.26 - Autumn Harvest Festival

Good Evening Ilveresh,

As Autumn falls upon us, Seneschal Rima SIlverleaf of Brisbane has decided to celebrate the changing of the seasons with a Harvest Festival on the saturday of the September moon. The fete will begin in the midday and allow for snacking, music and games to extend through the evening, focusing in the town center.

One of these prestigious seasonal games come from a long tradition of the Seneschal’s heritage, which will be a ‘hunt’ in which we will be looking for volunteers to be the ‘hunted’ as a celebrational event. There will be no life credits taken or life spells needed; so no one need to worry about volunteering. Prizes will be given at the end of the hunt to those who volunteer. Please just give us your name and we will happily add it to the list.

If you enjoy baking or cooking, anything seasonal will be welcome and if we can get a variety of baked goods, we can have a baking contest. Please see the feast food thread in the kanar fb group to offer help and additions.

Anyone NPCing will also have special games to play and prizes to win.

-Jenna F. (TM)

8.26 - GM: Module Logistics Help

The GM staff is working hard to improve the logistics surrounding modules, and we need your help! Last event saw several modules running throughout Friday and Saturday, and at several points throughout the event we had more people on modules than we had on the field. This is not ideal, as the goal is to bring more things to the field for general enjoyment.

Many of the factors contributing to the module bottlenecks were timing and NPC availability. It is very difficult to start a module on time when we have stragglers running late, and it can be hard to retain NPCs for modules when people are standing around for a half hour or more waiting for it to start. So, to combat this issue, we have need of a few player donations for items on this wish list.

First off, the GM shed needs some additional items to maximize staff efficiency. Lights, lanterns, and green tape are needed.

Second, we have received a few complaints about cell phones being visible during the event. Often times, this is likely due to people checking the time. We have a nice outdoor clock on the list, and we could use a couple of them to put around the field and at the GM shed. This should help reduce the need for mundane cell phone use as well as help player keep to module schedules.

Third, there’s a cast iron bell on the list. It’s a little expensive, but the GM staff plans to use it to signal to players when a module is about to begin. With the combination of clocks displayed on the field and a bell ringing ten minutes before a module, we are hoping to improve the flow of modules and reduce the impact they have on the field when they occur.

For players that might not be aware, Kanar has a donation policy that allows a player to donate items to staff and get award XP, up to 100 per year at a rate of 1xp per $2. For these items, the GM staff is offering a 1xp per dollar rate if we receive them before the September event. For the bell we will offer 100 xp and 100 silver. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at

Jerimy Herpel

GM 1st

8.25 - BLD Work Day

The Building and Land Department is having a work day on September 3rd, from 10am to 6pm. We will need a lot of help, and are offering double XP for anyone who assists. As further thanks, the BLD will also be providing lunch for those that attend. Thank you in advance, we hope to see you there!

Holly Eatinger

BLD Team

8.22 - Family Day is Upon Us!

We have been working really hard with a great group of volunteers to organize a great event for the whole family. There's a sneak peek in the photo.

Family Day is this Saturday, August 27, from 1 - 6 p.m.

Family Day Photo

Plans for the day include:

  • Welcome to Ilveresh!
  • Outfitting the Adventurers
  • Face painting
  • Sword training
  • Magic training
  • Assassin game
  • Battle of the Minds
  • Gambling Den
  • Artistry/Heraldry
  • Running in the woods time!
  • Gauntlet of Courage
  • Reward Loot

Want to help make Family Day as awesome as possible? Sign up to help on the day of the event. Volunteers are also needed earlier in the day to set up, as well as after the conclusion to clean up.

Or reach out to Alicia Secord or Daniel Miller for ways that you can help before the day of.

The assumption is that guests to the field will not be in any camps that have not approved participation, but if you would like to include your site in the Family Day festivities, please shoot one of us a message.

Per the BOD, Family Day is for members and their guests.

Alicia Secord

Family Day Co-Organizer

8.22 - QM Projects and Ideas

Are you looking to donate time but unsure how? Are you interested in using your crafting skills to help the game but you're not sure what to work on? Feel free to message any of the QM staff to be added to the Facebook Messenger group "QM Projects and Ideas." Here we communicate and exchange information in real-time about current and upcoming projects/ideas. All crafters are welcome. Not a crafter but still want to help out? Check out our Amazon wish list :)

Daniel Miller QM1

8.17 - Safety Wishlist Updated

Hello, all! Friendly neighborhood Safety 1st Kiri here with a lighting update!

We ran into a few issues last month with the lighting situation, and we're working on a few short and long term fixes:

For the short term, we need to replace a number of torch canisters which began leaking last event and have a reserve for any which may start failing this season. We're offering 1xp per $1, including shipping if you send it through our Amazon wishlist. Please bring your receipt to the event or email it to

For the long term, we're looking into solar lighting options for town and the trails. Not only will this prevent issues with kerosene getting on anyone's garb, but it also tackles the issue of having open flame lighting at hair and clothing level and torches being knocked over or backed into during combat. We've got a few torches to test for brightness before we choose one type, tall shepherd's hooks to hang them from, and a few other items we need. We're offering 1xp per $2, including shipping.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email me at See you all out there!


Safety 1st

The top half of a yellow and orange stripped sunflower against a gray sky.

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

August Announcements (8.13)

8.13 Monthly Econ Update

Hello players,

It's that time already for the monthly update from Econ. The Econ team has finished this month's submissions for the tag turn in. We thank you all for turning in when we requested. For the month of August we are requesting all players with LAST names starting with R, S, T and U to please prepare for turn in.

Please take photos of your tags prior to turn in for your records. You may use your photos as proof of your tags during game time to speed up the process of turn in. The Econ Team will be taking Tag Turn Ins ONLY on Saturdays of each event. There are two posted turn in times for players to plan their turn in time around.

We are also requesting to players who have missed their tag turn in date to please turn them in at the next event attended excluding RPO events. We are trying to avoid a mass build up of tags turned in at the end of the season. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in the matter.

We would also like to remind the player base to please use the item creation form to submit their pink temporary tags with their sign outs at the end of the events.

Temporary tags do have an expiration date for submission written on them for the following month. We are encouraging players to please be mindful of that and submit them in a timely fashion. We do understand this is a new practice that will take some transition time for which we will be accommodating for the 2022 season.

Here is the link to the item creation form.

Please reach out to Econ at for further questions and inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you all in Ilveresh.

Kind Regards,

The Econ Team

8.12 QM Lost & Found Reminder

Hello everybody,

I want to put out a reminder to let everybody know that QM is now handling all lost and found items. If you find an item that is not yours in your camp, turn it into QM. Players are not to take home other players physreps. Taking home other players physreps that were lost/left behind has caused multiple issues in the past with the proper owner getting their items back.

If you have lost an item and believe it has been turned into lost and found, please contact one of the QM staff members(Daniel Miller, Atrum Viscus, and Holly Eatinger) or email If you have another player's lost item, please turn it in to QM.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Daniel Miller, QM1

8.9 CBM Update

Hello everyone! It's your CBM crew here to let you know, with the exception to a few clarifications, your character sheet updates for the July live event have been completed!

As always, if you find something of concern or issue or you didn't get an update, please feel free to reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

See you there!

Your CBM Staff!

8.1 New Rulebook

Hello club members the rulebook has been updated to be in compliance with KGE and K1 policies. There are no major changes in this book. It is strongly suggested you read the section on tags as it was the most out of compliance. This book will not be in effect until the standard September event.

Jeremiah Klabis, PM1

2022 Rulebook - Rulebook 2022 Changelog

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

July Announcements (7.19)

7.19 July Pre-Game Hype

As the summer sun is strong overhead, the forests seem to be dancing in the light. The fires burn brightly. The faces that seem to pop up in both just slightly unnerving. The rumors surrounding Ilveresh and the dealings that they make with the supernatural have been resurfacing throughout the kingdom. And there seems to be growing struggles of the common folk both within and out of its borders against both knights and nobles alike. Will those that feel scorned arise to the occasion or will they attempt to squash any resistance?

And the dust of Fenrest continues to settle with little to no interactions from the Mer. Have they been beaten, or are they just lying in wait?

Find out all this and more during the next event, July 22-24 at 10418 Plank Rd, Milan, MI 48160.


7.19 Updated Check-in Policies

Pending any unforeseen circumstances, the KGE Treasurer will be accepting cash on Friday, July 22nd from 4:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Other staffed check in times will be posted on the bulletin board.

Paying in cash saves the organization electronic processing fees, paper receipts will be available. Must see Treasurer for cash payments/receipts.

For check-in process please have ready

  • Proof of any electronic payment (screen shot)
    • Payments received Thursday or prior will be registered ahead
  • Proof of vaccination or negative covid test within the last 24 hours

If you are new to KGE

  • Fill out the Annual Registration Form (screen shot as proof)
  • Pay KGE 2022 Annual Membership Dues $20 (screen shot as proof)
  • Formal disclosure of COVID-19 Vaccination Status
  • Proof of vaccination or negative covid test within the last 24 hours
  • Read the rules and general policies of the club
  • Plan ahead for meals and bring water, KGE does not provide these things

7.19 - Printable Spell Lists

In an attempt to make spell tracking simpler, the Playmaster staff is making these printable spell lists available to the players. Please feel free to print the relevant spell lists and use them in tracking your daily spell selections during events.

The sheets can be found in this folder.

Thank you to Matt Borders for making these for everyone.

Jeremiah Klabis

Play Master 1st

7.17 - Monthly Econ Update

It's that time already for the monthly update from Econ. The Econ team has finished this month's submissions for the tag turn in. We thank you all for turning in when we requested. For the month of July we are requesting all players with LAST names starting with M, N, O, P and Q, to please prepare for turn in.

Please take photos of your tags prior to turn in for your records. You may turn in your tags at anytime the Econ is on duty and may use your photos as proof of your tags during game time to speed up the process of turn in.

We are also requesting to players who have missed their tag turn in date to please turn them in at the next event attended excluding RPO events. We are trying to avoid a mass build up of tags turned in at the end of the season. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in the matter.

We would also like to remind the player base to please use the item creation form to submit their pink temporary tags with their sign outs at the end of the events.

Temporary tags do have an expiration date for submission written on them for the following month. We are encouraging players to please be mindful of that and submit them in a timely fashion. We do understand this is a new practice that will take some transition time which we will be accommodating for this season.

Here is the link to the item creation form found on the Kanar website.

Please reach out to Econ at for further questions and inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you all in Ilveresh.

Kind Regards,

The Econ Team

7.17 - June 10 Day Character Sheets Complete

Sorry for the delay as mundane has been very busy! Just your CBM crew here to let you know, with the exception to a few clarifications, your character sheet updates for the June 10 day live event have been completed!

As always, if you find something of concern or issue or you didn't get an update, please feel free to reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

See you there!

Your CBM Staff

7.16 - Map Manager Position Open

The Game operation staff is in need of a map manager and we're reaching out to the players for interested candidates! As the story of the game continues to grow beyond Ilvaresh, we need to improve the resources available to the players for their adventures. The map manager will be responsible for maintaining and formatting all current and future maps, including updates to names, places, and political boundaries as well as occasionally creating adventure-specific maps.

If you're interested, please send an application to by July 31st. Discord interviews will be held during the first week of August.

Thank you!

Jerimy Herpel

Game Master 1st

7.13 - Mystic Quill Position Open

Hello players! As many of you know, Rebecca Coleman has assumed the role of Econ 1st on top of being our Mystic Quill editor. Econ is a lot of work and we thank Rebecca for taking on that responsibility, but trying to do both Econ and MQ is a lot to ask when there are many of you that are looking for ways to volunteer. So, Rebecca will be stepping down from the Mystic Quill in September and we’re looking for a new editor to resume her hard work!

If you are interested in becoming our new Mystic Quill Editor, please send an application to with your name and a brief summary of applicable skills and/or KGE staff experience. Applications will be accepted until July 31st, after which Discord interviews will be held.

Jerimy Herpel

Game Master 1st

7.10 - 2022 KGE Director Election Results

Hello everyone,

Thank you to everyone who voted this week for Kanar's 2022 Director Elections. Here are the results.

With 50 of 99 votes coming in, our new Board of Directors members are:

  • Maria Kehoe, Treasurer (44/50, 88%)
  • Rob Hubbard, Even Year Representative (39/50, 78%)

They will be sat to the Board at today's meeting, at 1pm on the Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc Discord channel. I would like to take a moment to thank Karigan Nash for her time on the Board and for her efforts in supporting and serving our LARP community and club as a whole.

Adventure Well, Jake Smith KGE President

7.5 - GM Interview

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend! This weekend coming up is the BOD meeting, in this meeting we will be selecting the new GM 1st. But the board is changing things up a little bit.

On Saturday 07/09/22 we will be holding the GM interviews at 7pm. Members are welcomed to come and listen in to the interviews if they would like. The new GM won’t be announced till the board meeting on Sunday. Players are encouraged to submit questions they have for the GM applicants via email to the player reps. The email for the player reps are and The player reps will be going through the questions adding them to the list for the board to ask. We are accepting player questions until Friday night at 11:59pm. So please feel free to email anything you may want to ask or see of the future GM.

Thank you, Odd Year Representative Melissa Jones

6.30 - 2023 Feast Coordinator

Hello everyone!

I, Tashi, am pleased to announce that I have been appointed the 2023 Winter Feast Coordinator. If you have any suggestions or discussion points you would like to bring up please message me. Additional information such as tournaments, venue, cost, date, vendor sign-up, etc. will be announced through the year as it is finalized and approved.

For those who are not aware Winter Feast is an annual event that happens at the start of February. It is hosted at a different venue than the field and is role play centric in a courtly setting. It's primary purpose (so far as I am concerned) is a chance for the membership to get together during the winter break, enjoy food, tournaments, and generally have a good time.

~ Tashina O. 2023 Feast Coordinator

6.28 - Submitting PM Complaints

Hello fellow members. The Playmaster staff would like to remind everyone that your sign out is not the proper way to file a formal complaint to the PM staff. Any complaints submitted via sign outs will be read and documented but will not be treated as formal complaints. The only method to file a formal complaint is to email or depending on the nature of the complaint. Thank you all and we hope you had a wonderful event.

Jeremiah Klabis, Playmaster 1st

6.27 - From the GM Team

The GM team wants to take a moment to discuss the Weeklong event. I know we are all still recovering but we want to reach out and thank people who helped make the event run as well as it did.

Thank you to Christian, Josh, Fox, Rob, Brad, Jenna, Rebecca, Michael, Marcus, Melissa, and Kay for either sitting at the shed and running NPC’s, writing up modules, or running said modules. When the GM team was busy you guys had stepped up and helped us out immensely.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to NPC as we really could not have done it without you all. You have helped bring more live to our little city and create stories that can last a lifetime. A special shout out to Atrum and Matt who helped run some early morning NPC’s on their own. Thank you to those that helped clean up throughout the week. It is not the most fun, we know, but it keeps our lands nice. Thank you to the other staff that put in their time throughout the week as well. The amount of communication that was had really kept things going smoothly.

And thanks to everyone that attended and participated throughout the week. It was hot, it was muggy, but in the end we feel it was an enjoyable time. We can’t wait to see you all at the next event! Thank you again!

6.26 - Report of Positive Covid Test

Hello all,

A player who attended the weeklong event has reported to Safety that they tested positive for Covid this morning (Sunday June 26th). Please monitor how you are feeling and take a Covid test if you feel you are experiencing symptoms similar to the cold, the flu, or allergies. Thank you all for a low-injury weeklong!

Kiri, Safety 1st

A field full of white flowers with yellow centers.

Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash