How to Submit a Proposal to Change Policies

How to Submit a Proposal to Change Policies

Have an idea to improve our organization? Great! Submitting a proposal to update or change our policies is an important way for members to shape the future. Here’s a step-by-step guide to make the process clear and straightforward, including an example proposal for introducing a Code of Conduct Update.

Step 1: Understand the Process

  1. Submission Deadline: Proposals must be submitted to the Secretary ( preferably emailed to the entire Board ( at least one week before the scheduled meeting.

  2. Cite the Policy Number: Clearly identify the exact policy you want to amend by its policy number. If it’s a new policy, assign it a suggested number.

  3. Coordinate with Departments: If your proposal affects specific staff departments or alters existing responsibilities, please speak with the relevant departments beforehand. Note their feedback in your proposal.

  4. Format Your Proposal: Use clear formatting to show changes. For example:

    • Strikethrough for text you want to remove.

    • Bold or colored text for additions.

Step 2: Formatting Your Proposal

Follow this structure to ensure your proposal is clear and actionable:

  1. Title: Start with a clear title describing your proposal.

  2. Purpose: Briefly explain why this change is necessary and how it benefits the organization.

  3. Policy Reference: Include the specific policy number being changed (or the suggested number for new policies).

  4. Proposed Changes: Clearly outline the changes using formatting to show removals and additions.

  5. Department Feedback (if applicable): Summarize discussions with affected departments and their input.

  6. Conclusion: Restate the goal and encourage consideration.

Example Proposal: Introducing a Code of Conduct Update

Title: Proposal to Update the Code of Conduct Policy

Purpose: To ensure that the Code of Conduct reflects our commitment to inclusivity and respectful communication. This update aims to provide clarity and address gaps in the current policy.

Policy Reference:

Document: KGE-Code-of-Conduct
Point: 3.2.1

Proposed Changes: Below are the suggested updates:

Current Text:
Members are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner.

Proposed Text:
Members are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner respectful, professional, and inclusive manner. Discrimination, harassment, and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Department Feedback: The proposed changes were discussed with the Ethics Committee and the Member Relations team. Both agreed that the changes align with the organization’s values and provided the following input:

  • Ethics Committee: Recommended defining “inappropriate behavior” further in a future appendix.

  • Member Relations: Suggested providing examples during member training sessions.

Conclusion: This update strengthens our commitment to a positive and inclusive environment. I urge the Board to adopt this revision to ensure our policies reflect our values.

Step 3: Submit Your Proposal

When you’ve finalized your proposal, email it to the Secretary ( and ideally copy the entire Board ( to ensure everyone has adequate time to review. Use the subject line: "Proposal Submission: [Your Proposal Title]."

Tips for Success

  • Be concise and clear in your language.

  • Ensure your formatting is consistent and highlights the changes effectively.

  • Collaborate with relevant departments early to avoid last-minute revisions.

  • Respect the deadline to allow for thorough review.

Submitting proposals is a valuable way to contribute to the organization’s growth and improvement. We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Photo by Pixabay


March Announcements (3.31)

3.28 - Please Fill Out the Survey!

We're reaching out with a humble request: if you haven't already, please take a moment to share your thoughts in our Winter Feast Survey. Currently, we've received only 7 responses, and your input is crucial to us. 🌟🙏

👉 👈

Your feedback helps us understand what made it special for you and how we can make future events even more magical. 🧙‍♂️🌈

3.25 - Janurary BOD Summary

Apologies for the delay, but we're excited to share a recap of our Janurary BOD meeting with you! Despite the delay, we wanted to ensure that all members are kept in the loop about the important decisions and discussions that took place. Additionally, we want to remind everyone about our upcoming BOD meeting in April and encourage your participation. Your input and engagement are invaluable to us as we work together to shape the future of our community. Read on for a summary of our recent meeting and mark your calendars for the next one!

You can read the minutes in full along with the BOD, Committee, KGE & Game Staff Reports at

Highlights: J. Boulianne appointed as Media 1st.

Still accepting of applications of Quartermaster 1st to be discussed at the April BOD meeting.

Creation of the Logo Committee. Learn more about it -

Proposals to update multiple SOP documents were approved. Specifically:
K1G-001 K1 SOP 23.02 to bring the CBM title in line with the other positions of the same level. Additionally a grammar correction, and rephrasing of sections to be gender neutral.

1.1-KGE-RO 23.10 to change verbiage to be gender neutral and fix an old acronym to be updated.

1.3-KGE-SPS 23.01 to change verbiage and update an old acronym.

K1G-002 POL 001-007 23.02 to change verbiage and update an old acronym.

K1-POL-002 now reads:
The use of tags in Kanar is vital to the game play. It is the intent of this policy to set up a process that shall enforce the use of tags without slowing the pace of the game as a whole. Therefore, the Kanar Game Staff Operations Managers (KGSOM) have set forth this statement of policy to be followed by all members of K1.
In order for your Player Character (PC) to use or carry any item requiring a tag, you must have both a physical representation (Phys Rep) and an item tag. Crafting Materials are an exemption to this policy; they do not require you to have a physical representation. However, crafting tags may be stolen.
If the Phys Rep is lost or taken, and there is no item tag to be found on you, then the item is still considered lost / stolen by a thief.
Items that a PC or Non-Player Character (NPC) could not physically carry require the use of a "Deed of Ownership". A deed of ownership is a piece of parchment with the word deed written on it, what it is a deed of, and the tag number it is associated with. Deeds of Ownership are stealable.
Armor worn by a PC cannot be stolen unless physically removed. You may only have armor tags on you that you have physical representations for.
Temporary Tags that are issued during the current event are stealable without a physical representation present. If a tag is lost and there is no Phys Rep, the item is lost forever. If a PC still has their Phys Rep, but the tag is lost, they may get the tag back.

K1G-001 K1 SOP 23.02 that allows the splitting of the rulebook into multiple documents. The Kanar Rulebook will be divided into the following book types: The Core Rulebook and Supplementary Rulebook Codex(s).
The Core Rulebook: This document will contain the core mechanical aspects of the game, which are deemed to be integral to the operation of the standard aspects of the game. Supplementary Rulebook Codex(s): These documents will supplement the Core Rulebook; they are intended to allow for more in-depth game play without bloating the Core Rulebook and its core mechanics.

Subclasses approved.

View the 2024 Rules -

View the Kanar Subclass Codex -

View the Kanar Master Spell Codex -

Stay Sparkly!
~ Tashina O.
Odd Year Rep

3.24 - Seasonal Reminder of the Personal Safety Policy

Hello, players! Safety 1st Kiri here. I've had a few questions this event about what to do if roleplay on field gets a little intense and causes some worry about whether the feelings are in character or out. Below is KGE policy #18, which covers personal safety while at our games. Please make sure you're especially familiar with the process for how to check on other players during gameplay. It's a long post, but important to know. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read through!

Personal Safety

Personal safety is important to Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc. We hope members make informed decisions before playing the game. Therefore, the KGE Board of Directors has set forth this statement of policy to be followed by all members of KGE.

  1. KGE sponsored games, like K1, use padded facsimiles of melee and ranged weapons in simulated combat.

  2. KGE recommends that every player wear an athletic supporter, padded gloves, and safety goggles.

  3. Pregnant members may attend KGE events as non-combatants.

  4. During any sponsored game a participating member may break character, putting their hand over their head and speaking out-of-game, to let other participants know that they are not feeling real-world safe in the situation. If needed, a hold may be called. Participants should assess their gameplay, consider whether they are roleplaying in line with the code of conduct, and either find a way to safely re-engage in gameplay or disengage from the situation entirely. Any participant can choose to walk away from any situation they feel is unsafe.

This guideline should be followed when handling unsafe situations:

If a participant communicates that they feel unsafe and is able to communicate what is making them feel unsafe, the participants involved are encouraged to have a short discussion on how the situation can be changed to resolve the issue.

  • If a solution can be reached, players are encouraged to re-engage in gameplay with changes made.
  • If a solution can not be reached or the changes do not remedy the situation, the unsafe participant is encouraged to disengage from the situation and seek out a member of staff as needed.

If a participant communicates that they feel unsafe and is not able to communicate what is making them unsafe:

  • Without a communicated way to resolve the issue, it is highly recommended that the participant disengage from the situation and seek out a member of staff as needed.

If a participant is concerned that another participant is feeling unsafe or unwell, they are encouraged to put their hand on their head and briefly check in. We recommend the following methods:

  • Verbally, by quietly asking if everything is 'mundanely okay' and getting a verbal response from the other participants. This should not interrupt surrounding gameplay unless a hold needs to be called.
  • Nonverbally, by giving a thumbs up and receiving either a thumbs up for safe or thumbs down for unsafe.

If all participants are safe, gameplay should continue. If they are not, participants should follow the resolution guide listed above.

If a participant is leaving the event due to not feeling real-world safe, a member of the Safety Response Team must be informed of the issue before the participant leaves the property so an investigation can begin. The Safety Response Team member must report the situation to Safety 1st for further investigation. If needed, see the guideline for extreme situations below.

In case of extremely unsafe situations, the following procedure should be followed:

  • A hold should be called by the participant that does not feel safe.
  • A member of the Safety Response Team must escort the unsafe-feeling participant to an out-of-game area.
  • If a member of the Safety Response Team is not present, the participant who called the hold should designate someone to escort them to an out-of-game area and stay with them until a member of the Response Team arrives.
  • The Response Team member or designated escort and unsafe participant will walk off the field of play with a hand over their head. The escorting party will designate someone to call off the hold for those not involved with the safety issue once they are fully clear of the situation.
  • A Response Team member will remain with the participant at all times until the situation is resolved or the participant leaves KGE property.
  • A member of Play Master, Game Master, and Safety Staffs are required to address the situation with the other participants involved, investigate whether rules or policies have been broken in the situation, and deliver warnings and removal from gameplay as warranted. This is to be done in an out-of-game area which may not be the same area where the unsafe-feeling participant and Response Team member have gone.
  • If the participants involved are removed from the event, a member of the Board of Directors must be contacted to escort the removed participants from the field of play as per procedure.
  • If the situation is investigated by a member of staff who is not the head of their department, their department head must be notified of updates as soon as possible.
  • Disciplinary actions must be documented with the Safety department.
  • If the investigation determines that action beyond the scope of the GM, PM, and Safety staff is required, a Judicial Review Board Request should be submitted by the unsafe-feeling participant. The Board of Directors will review the investigation findings and actions suggested by the investigating party and determine whether removal from a staff position, suspension, or removal from KGE is warranted via the Judicial Review process.

Thank you for reading to the end! If you have any questions about any of this, please talk to me on field or send an email to

-Kiri, Safety 1st

3.22 - Start of 3/22/2024 Game pushed back to 7:00 pm

Good afternoon, KGE Membership:

While we are all excited to start the 2024 Kanar Season, The Game Master Staff, Safety Staff, and Building & Land Department have all met and agreed to push the start of today’s event back to 7:00 pm due to inclement weather and poor road conditions. Players can still access the property before 7:00 pm, but “Game On” will not start until that time. This is in hopes that members and staff have extra time to travel to the property safely.

We do not make this decision lightly as we respect our membership's commitment to the game and the playtime you dedicate to your characters.

With thanks,
The Game Master Staff, Safety Staff, and Building & Land Department

3.22 - Formatted Rulebook and Codex

Hello All!

The final formatting for the 2024 rule book as well as the subclass and master spell list Codices has been completed and is now viewable of the downloads section of the website! Link:

P.M. Staff

3.22 - Fighter certification

Hello All!

The link provided bellow is the written part of the fighter certification, take it early now instead of verbally on field to speed up the process!

-P.M. Staff

3.22 - March Hype Post

As Spring fights to break free from the grasp of winter, Ilverash awakens and starts the new year in uncertainty. The army of Narrdmyr sits at the border, waiting to strike. The North has become reclusive. The King is absent from the public eye. The swamp holds tight to its secrets. What enemies lie in wait for our returning heroes?

3.4 - Feast Survey

Hello everyone!

🌈 Take a moment to fill out the 2024 Winter Feast Survey and let us know what worked, what delighted you, and how we can make next years even more magical! 🧙‍♂️✨


Tashina - Odd Year Rep / Feast Coordinator

Post BOD Meeting Summary for Members

Dear KGE Members,

I am excited to share some highlights from the recent Board of Directors meeting. You can read the meeting minutes in full at The dates for our 2024 Events and BOD meetings have been set.

Kanar Event Dates:

  • March 22nd – 24th

  • April 19th – 21st

  • •May 17th – 19th

  • June 14th – 23rd

  • July 19th – 21st

  • August 16th – 18th

  • September 20th – 22nd

  • October 18th – 20th

  • November 22nd – 24th

Role-Play Only Events:

  • May 3rd – 5th

  • May 31st – June 2nd

  • October 4th – 6th

  • November 1st – 3rd

BOD Meeting Dates:

  • January 7th

  • April 7th

  • July 14th

  • October 6th

Rulebook Updates:

  • A new rulebook for the 2024 season was approved with alterations. A google doc with the finalized changes is being created and will be shared to view while the document is going through final formatting. It will be announced as soon as possible.

  • Subclasses were removed from the proposed rulebook and will be further refined by the newly created subclasses committee, led by PM1st.

Document Updates:

  • The XP policy has been sent back to the committee for further review and improvement.

  • Some policies were reorganized and renumbered for better clarity, and the Code of Conduct has been separated into its own document.

  • An amendment to KGE-RO 5.6 was approved, changing "3 of 5" to "4 of 5" to resolve inconsistent math within the SOP.

  • The creation of a Community Sponsorship program was approved, additional details to be announced at a later date.

General Updates:

  • The BOD reviewed and approved the financial report.

  • The BOD approved the BLD fund requests.

  • The BOD approved the 2024 Feast Fund request.

  • Reports from the BOD, staff, and the Feast committee were presented.

  • A new mission statement for our organization was approved.

    • “Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc. (Kanar) is a 501(c)(7) non-profit corporation promoting live action role play (LARP), comprised of a member population who organize scheduled events in the State of Michigan and participate in the hobby all over North America. By serving the local LARP community, we provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and offer mutual support and assistance within and about the hobby. We collectively promote the LARP industry and strive for innovation to keep the hobby relevant for the next generation.”

Thank you for your ongoing support, your participation is vital to our continued growth and improvement. If you have any questions or comments regarding the meeting or its outcomes, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Odd Year Rep, ~ Tashina O.

August Announcements (8.29)

8.29 - Updated Calendar URL

Important Update: Our Public Calendar has undergone some necessary changes, including a new URL for subscription. Instructions on how to subscribe can be found at

Thank you for your understanding!

8.29 - BLD Appreciation

The BLD Team would like to give a big thanks to Holly E for their assistance and work on staff! They have taken a different direction with their volunteer time, but we want to acknowledge the great work they did for us!

8.27 - Econ Reminder

Hello players,
Econ would like to remind everyone that you are allowed to craft for coin or items in addition to your sign out action. All you have to do is fill out the item creation form right here after completing your sign out.

It's an easy way to earn coin between events so take advantage of it with your crafting skills. You have till midnight Monday the 28th to submit for these.
Also please remember to put in for your temporary tag replacements (pink tags) in order to get your permanent tags. If you have any questions please reach out to Econ at We'll be happy to walk you through the process.
Thank you again and see you next festival

Econ 1st/ Rebecca

8.23 - Join Our Team

BLD staff is always looking for additional hands to help manage the lands! Shoot us an email at if you'd like to join us in this rewarding work. We can use all kinds of skillsets from organizing & planning, large equipment & regular tool use, hard labor, policy / caretaker guides updates, cooking for work days, etc.

Don't forget we have our Wishlist and 'BLD XP Earning Project List' under the Building and Land Resources page on our website.

If you've completed a project or purchased something for the department, be sure to fill our the Between Events Department XP Request, found here:

And of course, if you have any questions at all, shoot us an email! We are currently planning out our next work day, to spread gravel. More info to come soon.

-BLD Team

8.22 - New BLD Staff Member

Karigan has joined the BLD staff. She will primarily be focused on paperwork and organization. If you have sent in an email that you're waiting on a response for, please send a new reply to bump it to the top of the inbox, and she'll try to get it resolved ASAP for you.

Pending XP requests will be reviewed within the next week or two, so please keep an eye on your email in case there are any follow-up questions, and make sure to get in any requests you haven't already submitted!

Our current staff:
Marcus S (1st)
Stephen W (2nd)
Adam R
Amanda A
Dan W
Holly E
Jason C
Karigan N
Rath A

Thanks for your understanding & patience as we get caught up!
BLD Team

8.22 - Mid-Year Survey Reminder

Hey there! 🌟

We wanted to give you a friendly nudge to make sure you've had a chance to fill out our Mid-Year Survey! 📋 Your input is incredibly valuable and will help us shape the future of our club. So, if you haven't already, please take a few minutes to share your thoughts by completing the survey 🗣️

🌼 This survey covers some important topics, like whether we should consider adjusting the length of the 10-Day June event, continuing scheduling Role-Play Only Events, thoughts on the current pricing structure, and more 🎉

👉 👈

Thank you for being a part of this fantastic journey! 🚀🌈

Tashina O.
Odd Year Rep

8.16 - From The Game Masters Staff For The August 2023 Festival

With the shadows of war fully upon Novashan, the knights meet in the traditional festival grounds of Illvaresh, will they pull together to face the threat of the Narrdmyrian king William or will they fracture under the pressure?

Duke Kieran D`Kalin long absent from the festival must make a decision of whether to support the south of Novashan against the deceitful King William or listen to the council of the Northern Elves of Ashan?

Tensions rise on the border of Wildemere, will Novashon retain its long-held territory?

All the while the great swamp stirs from its slumber, will a forgotten threat rear its head!

[The Knights Conclave will be held this coming Saturday. There will be a field swap on Sunday to help determine how the war is going]

We hope to see all who can make it this weekend, let's make it a good event!

-GM Team

8.10 - From the desk of CBM1st

Hello everyone!
Just your CBM crew here to let you know that your character sheet updates for the July Live Event have been completed.

As always, if you find something of concern or you did not get an update, please be sure to check the "Staff Comments" tab on your sheet first for possible information.

Otherwise, you can always reach out to us at and I am sure we can work together to get it taken care of!

That all being said, we thank you all for your understanding and patience.

See you at the next event!
Your CBM Staff!

Photo by Pixabay:

Mid-Year Survey

Hey there folks!

I wanted to invite you to participate in a Mid-Year Survey and share some highlights from our recent BOD meeting.

Mid-Year Survey: We want to review possible changes for next year with enough time to implement them effectively. The post-season survey would happen after the timeline for decisions to be made, so your input in the Mid-Year Survey is especially important. Please take a few moments to complete the Mid-Year Survey:

BOD Meeting Highlights: New Board Members: We are thrilled to welcome three new board members to our team - President Erich O, Secretary Christian C, and Odd Year Rep (myself) Tashina O. We look forward to serving you and working together to make our community even better!

Code of Conduct Update: Our Code of Conduct is currently under review to ensure it reflects our values and fosters a safe and inclusive environment. Your input is encouraged, share ideas in the above linked survey.

Winter Feast Planning Committee: We are delighted to announce the approval of the Winter Feast planning committee! If you're interested in contributing your ideas, creativity, or helping with the festivities, please don't hesitate to reach out to me to get involved.

I want to express my enthusiasm for serving as your Odd Year Rep and working closely with each of you. Your support and participation are the backbone of our organization, and together, we can achieve remarkable things.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Warm regards,
Tashina O.
Odd Year Rep


Tags ,

2023 Budget and Fees

2023 Budget and Fees

Hello Kanar members!

We hope that everyone is having an enjoyable and relaxing winter season. We are coming to you today with an important announcement.

One of the things that has been most difficult for our community (and the world as a whole) is dealing with the rising cost in supplies, upkeep, and general operational costs. 

During our last budget meeting the Board of Directors unanimously approved the 2023 Budget which can be found at the bottom of this page. Starting in 2023, it has been approved that the cost of dues and ticket prices for KGE will be going up.

Starting January 1st 2023 the dues and tickets will cost:

  • $40 for annual membership dues (benefits listed at the bottom)

  • $45 for standard event tickets

  • $25 for Role Play Only Events

  • $90 for the Weeklong event

  • $450 for the Tier 1 Season Pass

  • $550 for the Tier 2 Season pass

We realize this is a large jump in price and that this has been something that has been talked about for a long time by many different boards and different staff members.

Because of this increase the following projects will be able to begin in 2023:

  • Additional parking 

  • Additional Porta-John’s 

  • A structure in town for staff members to conduct business

  • Merchant stall structures in town

  • Coins and materials for a currency playtest 

  • Safety improvements including solar trail and town lighting

  • Gravel for trail improvements

  • Professional tree removal for dangerous trees and problem areas

In 2022 the known administrative costs for KGE alone was just under $10,000, a cost which had been very unsustainable for our club with the previous membership fees. The goal for KGE is to be able to cover all standard operational costs with the membership dues alone, and income from K1 event fees can go towards field improvements, upgrades, equipment, and anything else the club or staff may need. While our increase in dues will not yet cover this cost in its entirety, it will be a significant help in making sure our club is provided for, and improvements to the land can be made.

We have all known that dues and event fees have needed to be increased to match the growing costs for a while now, and we are looking forward to the many improvements and additions that will be made possible by this increase.

KGE values its history and is excited about the future. The growth in our community over the last several years has been exponential and we are very much excited and looking forward to the many improvements and additions that are in store for us.

We would also like to thank the many, many members of KGE who have contributed their time, money, and dedication to this club. Without them, we would not be able to continue. KGE has a passionate and diverse community with KANAR and we look forward to building and growing together. 

We will have further announcements about the 2023 Feast in the coming weeks as details are finalized, so please stay tuned.

Thank you for your time and dedication to our wonderful community,

KGE Board of Directors

Rights of an Active Member in Good Standing

  • Access to KGE property
    • 10418 Plank Road Milan, MI, 48160
  • Access to KGE sanctioned social engagements
  • Access to participation in K1
  • Members with Veteran status (2 or more consecutive years of active membership)
    • Voting privileges
      • Access to Site Caretaker privileges
      • Site Caretakers have the privilege of hosting private parties when applicable
        • KGE Proposal #100922-13 resolution passed 10/9/2022
        • Guideline

A small clear glass sits infront of a white wall with a window. Inside the glass is a mix of local and foriegn coin currentcy with two plants sprouting out of it with two leaves each.

Post-BoD Meeting Announcements

Hello everyone,

For those of you that weren’t able to attend the October 2021 BoD meeting, I’ve included some of the highlights of that meeting here.

A link to the full meeting minutes is at the bottom of this post.

Have a wonderful weekend!

- Aaron

KGE Secretary

2022 Season Event Dates

  • February 2/5 (Sat)
  • March 3/18
  • April 4/15
  • April RPOE 4/29
  • May 5/20
  • May RPOE 6/3
  • June Weeklong 6/17 - 6/26 (Father's day)
  • July 7/22
  • Family Day 8/6 (Sat)
  • August 8/19
  • September 9/16
  • September RPOE 9/30
  • October 10/14
  • October RPOE 10/28 (Halloween)
  • November 11/11

2022 Winter Feast

Hello everyone,

It is with great sadness that we must announce that we will not be having an in person Feast in February 2022.

While we have made the decision to host outdoor in-person events with restrictions, the current COVID numbers and Michigan's vaccination rate make us hesitant in our ability to safely host an indoor Feast event. With how far in advance reservations need to be made, a decision needed to be made now, despite the uncertainty of the future.

The Game Master staff is actively working on something that can be done in its place, including discussing the logistics of an in-person Summer feast. An announcement will be sent out to the membership as soon as a decision has been reached.

In the mean time, we look forward to the time that we get to spend together at the events, and we hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy.

We look forward to what the 2022 season will hold,

-Board of Directors

Role Play Only Events (RPOE)

The Board of Directors has just passed a proposal that creates 4 extra events per year taking place approxamately 2 weeks after the April, May, September, and October events. You may see them on the calendar as Role Play Only Events (RPOE).

These events will cost $15 for the weekend, and are designed for roleplay. As such, combat mechanics, crafting, and plot will be turned off.

Alcohol will be permitted to be consumed by participants 21 and over; all participants are required to sign in and show a valid ID as proof of age. All participants in RPO events will be granted 10xp for attending, and will be able to do a separate sign out form that is due by Wednesday at 11:59pm following the event. The RPOE sign-out cannot be submitted prior to the start of the corresponding RPOE event, and will be applied after the following regular event.

Please see the below link for more details.

Click here to read the policy on RPO events.

Season Passes

With the addition of the RPO events, there are now 2 tiers:

  • K1 Season Pass Fee - Tier 1: $180.
    • Tier 1 covers the per event fee for every scheduled K1 regular event, excluding RPOE.
  • K1 Season Pass Fee - Tier 2: $240.
    • Tier 2 covers the per event fee for every scheduled K1 regular event and RPOE.
  • Season passes afford the member the benefits associated with applicable event attendance, should they be unable to attend. All benefits are received in time, and the pass does not provide benefits prior to the event.

Click here to read the full policy on event fees.

8 Hours, Cannabis to Combat

The Board of Directors has passed a new policy proposed by the Safety director in regards to the use of cannabis at Kanar.

The new policy reads as follows:

8 Hours, Cannabis to Combat

The KGE Board of Directors acknowledges that cannabis use is recreationally legal for adults in the state of Michigan and that some members of our organization engage in the use of prescription cannabis for health reasons. The Board of Directors understands that cannabis may have an intoxicating effect on persons not actively consenting to consume the substance based on proximity, and that intoxication times vary depending on the method of consumption. It is our mission to ensure that persons participating in KGE events do so in a manner that is safe and fun for all members. Therefore, the KGE Board of Directors has set forth this statement of policy to be followed by all members of KGE.

1) No cannabis is to be consumed on the field of play during any KGE event.

2) Persons consuming cannabis in accordance with prescription may do so in the KGE event parking lot. Persons who medicate using methods which produce smoke or vapor must be inside a closed vehicle at least 50 feet from the field of play.

3) Persons consuming cannabis during a dry KGE event shall not be allowed to participate in any combat for eight hours from the last moment of consumption. This includes prescription cannabis consumed according to section two (above) and recreational cannabis consumed off-site.

4) Persons who have waited the required eight hours and are still unable to safely engage in combat due to intoxication may be removed from combat by a member of the Safety Response Team until the substance has been better metabolized and the person can safely engage in combat again. Abuse of this section will not be tolerated and repeated removal from combat will be considered a violation of this policy.

5) Any person found in violation of this policy will immediately be removed from the field of play, and the member of staff who conducted the removal shall issue a JRB request for that person.

6) Second time offenders of this policy will lose their KGE membership rights for one year.

7) Third time offenders of this policy will lose their KGE membership rights from that point forward.

Click here to read the 1.5 KGE Policies

Quarter Master's Position Open

The former Quarter Master, Kay B. has resigned from their position. As such, the Board of Directors has opened the position to be accepting applications. Applications will be accepted until December 5th, 2021.

Application information is available here.