Mid-Year Survey

Hey there folks!

I wanted to invite you to participate in a Mid-Year Survey and share some highlights from our recent BOD meeting.

Mid-Year Survey: We want to review possible changes for next year with enough time to implement them effectively. The post-season survey would happen after the timeline for decisions to be made, so your input in the Mid-Year Survey is especially important. Please take a few moments to complete the Mid-Year Survey: https://forms.gle/mTst5pVAiSH4ZcWW8

BOD Meeting Highlights: New Board Members: We are thrilled to welcome three new board members to our team - President Erich O, Secretary Christian C, and Odd Year Rep (myself) Tashina O. We look forward to serving you and working together to make our community even better!

Code of Conduct Update: Our Code of Conduct is currently under review to ensure it reflects our values and fosters a safe and inclusive environment. Your input is encouraged, share ideas in the above linked survey.

Winter Feast Planning Committee: We are delighted to announce the approval of the Winter Feast planning committee! If you're interested in contributing your ideas, creativity, or helping with the festivities, please don't hesitate to reach out to me to get involved.

I want to express my enthusiasm for serving as your Odd Year Rep and working closely with each of you. Your support and participation are the backbone of our organization, and together, we can achieve remarkable things.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Warm regards,
Tashina O.
Odd Year Rep


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2022 Membership Survey

It’s that time of year again where we want to hear your thoughts on how the 2022 season went. We want to know your opinions and suggestions on what was great and what could be improved in 2023.

Cut off date for submissions is May 5, 2023

2021 Membership Survey

It’s that time of year again where we want to hear your thoughts on how the 2021 season went. Especially with how this was such a unique year. We want to know your opinions and suggestions on what was great and what could be improved. You may not think you have much to say but we think you do!

Cut off date for submissions is February 5th, 2022

Live Events?

5.7 - Live Events?

Hello everyone,

I want to take a second and thank everyone who filled out the last covid survey. After monitoring our numbers and discussing with the safety staff it was determined we didn’t quite have enough at the time. Now that the vaccine has been opened to the general population for more then a month, we want to know where our club is at with the vaccinations once again. This survey is anonymous and having the numbers will help the board evaluate the safety of returning to live events. Now that the state of Michigan is starting to change its restrictions I am asking for you all to fill this survey out one more time and I thank you all for your understanding.

Thank you.

4.7 - Live Events?

Hello everyone,

As some of you already know the board is planning on having a meeting at the end of April to evaluate whether we can have live events. We have been monitoring our numbers and discussing the safety of our players. Now that the vaccine has been opened to the general population, we want to know where our club is at with the vaccinations. This survey is anonymous, but having the numbers will help the board evaluate the safety of returning to live events.

Thank you.


Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash


2020 Membership Survey

It’s that time of year again where we want to hear your thoughts on how the 2020 season went. Especially with how this was such a unique year. We want to know your opinions and suggestions on what was great and what could be improved. You may not think you have much to say but we think you do!

Cut off date for submissions is February 5th, 2021


Winter Feast 2020

Winter Feast 2020

Competition Winners

  • Table Decoration: Bein Amar

  • Fighter: Adawulf (Tenderfoot League), Adala (Veteran League)

  • Arts Crafts: Lydell

  • Science: Lydell

  • Bardic: Kay

Photobooth by Pixie Light

The below photos are just a few of the amazing pictures taken by Pixie Light photography. You can view more of the Feast pics on their website gallery and also purchase high-resolution, un-watermarked images or prints. To ensure member privacy, it is also password protected. The password is: KaNaR022020. It is caps sensitive.

Lastly, there were some technical snaffoos, they had a couple of people who ended up missing prints. If anyone was shorted please let them know so they can make it right!


You can read more about our Photography/Videography Policy here and add yourself to the Media Exclusion list here.


BLD Review 2019

BLD Review 2019

Let us know how you think the BLD did during the 2019 season and what can be improved! If you complete the survey, you'll be entered into a drawing to receive a $15 gift card to Lowes! Thank you for your time, your feedback is truly appreciated!


Photo by Thijs van der Weide from Pexels

2019 Membership Survey

It’s that time of year again where we want to hear your thoughts on how the 2019 season went. We want to know your opinions and suggestions on what was great and what could be improved. You may not think you have much to say but we think you do!

Cut off date for submissions is February 24th 2020


2019 Winter Feast

We hope you had a wonderful time at our 2019 Winter Feast. Each year we strive to improve and make it better than the last, if you haven’t already please fill out the event survey and don’t forgot about the membership survey!

Check out some of the beautiful photos taken by Pixie Light Photo at feast! You can view and purchase these and more of the fantastic photos on their website.

These beautiful awards were created and given out during court at feast by Countess Kali.

2018 Membership Survey

The 2018 Membership Survey from the Player Representatives went out in our last newsletter. They want to hear your voice to better represent you and guide the game in a positive direction.

Better hurry, the cut off date is February 23rd for survey answers!


Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

Membership Survey & Newsletter

We are pleased to announce the first newsletter has been sent! The highlight of this months issue is the Membership Survey from the Player Representatives. They want to hear your voice to better represent you and guide the game in a positive direction.

Better hurry, the cut off date is May 1st for survey answers!

Kanar Newsletter.png