Open Safety Staff Position

The Safety Staff is looking for volunteers!

As Kanar’s Safety team, we’re here to make sure players stay safe and healthy. Our primary job is responding to medical issues that arise on the field of play; this includes things like checking cuts and sprains, treatment for dehydration, and getting more seriously injured players proper medical attention. As this is a job done during events, we ask that volunteers make sure they can attend events regularly.

If you have medical experience (especially first responder training) and are interested in joining the Safety team, please email or find Kiri (Margaret) at an event.

Thank you for your interest,
Kiri B.
Safety First


Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

Introducing the Lamplighters' Guild (spots open!)

Introducing the Lamplighters' Guild

Are you a new player interested in helping the community while making some in-character coin in the process?

In collaboration with GM staff, we’re excited to introduce a new in-game group called the Lamplighters’ Guild! Charged with keeping the dark streets of Ilveresh safely lit each night, a character working for the Lamplighters’ Guild will receive payment (in-game coin) for each day worked and a small magic item as a badge of office. Tasks include:

  • Fill and set out torches at the beginning of each event

  • Re-fill torches before dark each night

  • Light torches at nightfall

  • Collect and store torches at the end of each event

If this sounds like something you and your character would be interested in, please email or find Kiri (Margaret) at an event for more details!


Photo by Batuhan Alper Bilginer from Pexels

Open Treasurer Position

Hello everyone,

It is with a heavy and weary heart that I must announce the opening of the Treasurer position on the Board of Directors, effective immediately. Kanar Gaming Enterprises thanks Matt Ash for his services and contributions as Treasurer, and wishes him well on his future endeavors within and without the scope of the game and club.

Nominations for Treasurer open immediately and will be open for one month's time, until March 28th, 2020. At that time, polls will open and veteran members will be sent an electronic ballot via the email address sent with their most recent Annual Registration Form.

As an important note - the 2020 season for Kanar has begun and a 2020 Annual Registration Form will be needed to be considered in "Good Standing" for the purposes of voting. If you or those you know wish to be considered for this position or vote in the special election, please be sure to have filled out your Annual Registration Form and paid your yearly membership dues. Links to the Annual Registration Form and to pay your membership dues can be found on

Members wishing to be nominated for the Treasurer position must meet the following general requirements:

  • Currently hold Veteran Membership status with KGE (meaning you've been playing and paying dues for more than two years)

  • Not have been released from any position with KGE due to disciplinary action in the last five years.

  • Have a working phone number

  • Have a working email address and access to email on a daily basis

  • Have a valid mailing address

  • Have a valid photo identification card recognized by the US government

In addition to these general requirements, the Treasurer position works with a number of forms, files, and people to ensure that Kanar events run smoothly and so that we can continue to make improvements to our game and lands. Experience with accounting is highly recommended.

Nominations for Treasurer can be sent to or the Board as a whole at

Thank you,
Jacob Smith
KGE Corporate Secretary


Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

March Announcements

Saftey: Trails Closed to Motor Vehicles - 3.4.20

In an effort to keep our paths as even and safe for player use as possible, no motor vehicles are allowed past the parking lot at this time. Another announcement will be made when the trails are open to vehicles again.

Saftey: Policy Reminders - 3.4.20

Hello, players! The following are a few safety policies and procedures you may run into at a Kanar event. Keep them in mind to make sure we all have fun and stay as safe as possible!

Non-Combatant Policy: Non-combatants are players who do not engage in combat for health and safety reasons. They can be identified by their red and white sash with a string of yellow lights for nighttime visibility and MAY NOT be physically attacked or touched for any reason. If you wish to attack a non-combatant, point your weapon at them from within 10 feet and state ‘I attack you’, which will drop the non-com to unconsciousness (0 hp). If you wish to become a non-combatant, please contact Safety staff at or talk to us at an event.

Holds: If a player needs immediate out-of-character assistance, they can get help by yelling ‘hold’. This will instantly stop combat and Safety staff will come to your location. If you hear someone call a hold, immediately stop, take a knee if it’s safe to do so, and check your weapon padding to make sure your weapon is still safe for use. No one other than Safety staff may move during a hold unless instructed to do so. A hold is ended and combat resumed by the person who called it yelling ‘hold off in 3...2...1… game on!’. Please do not call a hold for someone else unless they physically cannot call it themselves.Firepits: As a fully outdoor game, we have several open fire pits. Combat is not allowed within 10 feet of any pit at any time. Each pit must be tended by at least one player while in use and fires must be completely put out before the pit may be abandoned.

Smoking: Cigarette smoking must be done within 5 feet of a firepit and must be disposed of into said pit or other trash receptacle. Camps with cigarette butts on the ground may be considered ‘trashed’ and may be denied that event’s experience points.

Structure Combat: Players may not engage in melee combat inside a structure at any time. This includes cabins, tents, and other permanent buildings. If you wish to start combat with players inside a structure, please announce that you’re attacking the people inside and ask them to move outside to a safe combat area. Players then move outside the structure, re-set to as close to the correct distances from other players as possible, and combat begins by calling ‘game on in 3...2...1… game on!’.

Eight Hour Bottle to Blade: Kanar does not allow alcohol during events. Players who consume alcohol or marijuana off-site must wait a minimum of eight hours before they may engage in combat. Players found in violation will be removed from the event immediately.

Saftey: A Few Annoucemnts - 3.4.2020

Hello, players! As we’re gearing up for the 2020 season, the Safety team has a few announcements:

Freezing and unfreezing over the winter and this year’s early spring means trails are muddy and uneven. The worst spots are along the trail onto the field of play and on the north end of town in front of Claddagh. Be careful of your footing and try to avoid slippery and uneven spots when possible, especially at night.

In an effort to keep our paths as even and safe for player use as possible, no motor vehicles are allowed past the parking lot at this time. We’ll make another announcement when the trails are open to vehicles again.

There is construction debris next to the dumpsters in the parking lot. This includes boards with nails and other dangerous items. Please don’t move or otherwise touch this area.

Dress for cold, wet weather. Wearing layers of clothing will help keep you insulated and lets you adjust if you get warmer or colder. Wear appropriate footwear (we’ll forgive modern boots for player safety) and bring extra pairs of socks to make sure your feet stay dry.

Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you don’t need water! Make sure you stay hydrated for peak larp performance.

The Safety staff is looking for volunteers! We need general safety staff to respond to on-field emergencies. We’re also excited to announce an in-character opportunity aimed at new players called the Lamplighters’ Guild! These volunteers will help make sure the field of play is safely lit every night. Details on both will be in their own post.

Stay tuned for an overview of Safety policies to keep in mind for the new season!

GM: Saftey & Emails - 3.3.20

SAFETY NOTE: The Ordu towers in NPC land has been taken down. There is a pile of wood that still has nails in it that has not been removed. The GM staff will be working with the BLD staff to get this area operational again soon. Until then, please be advised for your safety, be careful around this site. Thank you.

Please double check your email address when you type it in. A simple mistake here will cause a disturption in chain of communication. Thank you for your help.

Media: Emails - 2.29.20

FYI all of the old .org email addresses are currecntly not working. Please use the new .club addresses, specific addresses can be found on the staff page. Efforts are being made to restore the old .org functionality.

GM: NPC & Tone - 2.28.20

March 2020 Event (Call for NPCs) - There are many players that need resolution to adventures that happened over the winter. I, GM 1st, will be busy most likely all day Friday and a better part of Saturday. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note: Saturday afternoon there will be a larger group going to the southern borders to take on the orcs there. This happened over the winter but still could use a bunch of NPCs for this.

Thank you all and dress accordingly. Remember, no one should care about your non period warm boots during winter.

Tone! My wife noted that I do not like typing contractions. This makes some of my communications come across stronger than they should when reading dry text. I do not know if this is a habit I picked up while (2) finger typing or what but I hope this provides some insight to those who read my posted information. Thank you.

CBM: Character Updates - 2.26.20

November character updates are complete and we have closed out all 2019 stuff. If you notice any issues or have questions, let us know as soon as possible (through email) so we can try to handle things before the event.

As a reminder, you can still submit signouts for up to 1 year after the event BUT late signouts are not eligible for NPC XP or skill purchases. Submitting your signout on time makes things better for you AND us!

Note that the CBM staff will be switching over to the new account over the next couple days so please direct emails to that account beginning March 1st.

Truck Stop - 2.24.20

Quick announcement that might make a lot of people happy. Not sure if you know this but Milan recently got a Loves Truckstop right at the exit of 23 on Plank rd. It also has a hardee's and fresh deli apparently. The really cool thing though, is that since it's a truck stop they will have showers for all you campers! I also feel like the prices will be cheaper than Seabres down the road and will most likely have a decent selection of snacks and various other needed things you may have forgotten to pack, including rolls of duct tape! -- Cristie

CMB: Reminder - 2.21.20

We appreciate and understand that everyone is excited for the start of the season and is reviewing their character sheets. However, we request that players do NOT email us questions regarding when their update will be done or tell us that certain things regarding their update are wrong until we post that we are done. The more questions we get, the longer it takes us to finish things. If we announce that we are done and all necessary emails are sent, and something still doesn’t seem right on your sheet, then please let us know. Thank you for your patience.

GM Staff: Norsican Question - 2.20.20

Who are my Norsican players? Please send me an email so I can send you some information.


Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

All About Season Passes!

This information is currently (1.3.23) out of date and in process of being reviewed and updated to reflect policy changes.

We've had some confusion lately as to what Season Passes are and how they function. As such, even if you feel you have a pretty good understanding of them, we are asking that you read this brief FAQ to make sure everyone is on the same page. Additional questions can be directed to

Q: What ARE Season Passes?

A: Season Passes are a payment option that we offer members who would rather pay for an entire season upfront rather than making payments at each individual event. They are a good option if you plan to attend most of the year's events. Most of our Season Pass holders choose to pay for one year at a time, but options for three and five years are also available.

Q: How much are they?

A: Currently, a one-year pass is $180, a three-year pass is $510, and a five-year pass is $800.

Q: What do I get for buying a Season Pass?

A: A Pass covers all of your Event Fees for the entire season in which it is purchased. It provides you with a free ticket to Feast, and allows you to gain attendance XP for events which you are unable to attend.

Q: Can I use my free Feast ticket right away if I purchase a Season Pass in January?

A: The free ticket is for that season's feast - since Kanar's season begins in March, that season's Feast occurs during the next calendar year. So, if you purchase a 2020 Season Pass, you will receive a free ticket to the Feast that occurs at the beginning of 2021.

Q: If I pay Event Fees for every event of the season, does that count as purchasing a Season Pass?

A: NO. As of January 2020, event fees may NOT be retroactively applied to the purchase of a Season Pass. If you would like to purchase a Season Pass, it should be purchased prior to attending your first event of the year.

Q: I've bought a Season Pass. Is there anything else I need to do other than attend the event?

A: A Season Pass only covers your Event Fees for the year. You still need to pay for your Annual Membership Dues ($20), file an Annual Registration Form, sign in at the event, complete signouts, and so forth.

Q: Do I get the entire season's worth of XP upfront? 

A: No. You receive XP as normal during the event's signout process.

Q: How do I get attendance XP if I'm not attending an event but have a Season Pass?

A: Fill out a signout form as normal, and make a note for CBM that you did not attend but are a Season Pass holder.

Q: How can I get volunteer/NPC XP if I'm a Season Pass holder not attending an event?

A: You can't. You can only get the base attendance XP. Attending events will always provide more opportunities to gain XP as quickly as possible.


Photo by Benjamin Sharpe on Unsplash

Winter Feast 2020

Winter Feast 2020

Competition Winners

  • Table Decoration: Bein Amar

  • Fighter: Adawulf (Tenderfoot League), Adala (Veteran League)

  • Arts Crafts: Lydell

  • Science: Lydell

  • Bardic: Kay

Photobooth by Pixie Light

The below photos are just a few of the amazing pictures taken by Pixie Light photography. You can view more of the Feast pics on their website gallery and also purchase high-resolution, un-watermarked images or prints. To ensure member privacy, it is also password protected. The password is: KaNaR022020. It is caps sensitive.

Lastly, there were some technical snaffoos, they had a couple of people who ended up missing prints. If anyone was shorted please let them know so they can make it right!


You can read more about our Photography/Videography Policy here and add yourself to the Media Exclusion list here.


BLD Review 2019

BLD Review 2019

Let us know how you think the BLD did during the 2019 season and what can be improved! If you complete the survey, you'll be entered into a drawing to receive a $15 gift card to Lowes! Thank you for your time, your feedback is truly appreciated!


Photo by Thijs van der Weide from Pexels

From the Player Representatives

Good Afternoon,

It has been brought to Angelo and mines attention that there are some issues our player base would like resolved, however they have a fear of making complaints due to possible retaliation from staff and directors.

The best and only official way of lodging a complaint is by email. We do it this way so that we have physical proof through documentation of a problem. We keep all the emails so that if the same issues arise again, we already have a file on that specific problem which will help us build a stronger case against whatever that issue may be. It also helps us stay organized and follow issues and complaints much easier. If all we have to go on is word of mouth and parking lot conversations, it’s not nearly as helpful as written documentation. Interpretations and perceptions can get misconstrued and information can get lost that way. Whereas when it is sent in email form it is in writing and the information is right there in black and white. Details can't be forgotten when in writing, there is no "telephone game" he said/she said going on. This is why it is absolutely imperative that you email us. 

Please, if there is an issue you would like discussed or you feel something unfair is going on, we urge you to email us. Our email addresses are 📧 (Me) and 📧 (Angelo) we will make sure we both are aware of the issue and will take the necessary steps to investigate and fix it. Your complaint/issue will remain as anonymous and confidential as possible. However, as with any issues sometimes more details are needed from other parties in order to properly deal with the situation. But, we can assure you that we will stand against any and all retaliation should that become an issue or concern, as that is not an acceptable reaction to a member complaint and will be dealt with immediately.

Our job as Player Representatives is to be your voice and to make sure you are provided the wonderful experience you not only expect, but also invest time towards and pay for. 

I understand talking with each other about your issues and concerns is a great way to vent your frustration, however, if Angelo and I are not emailed or notified, then there is nothing we can do about it. We need the individual players to let us know what is going on. If you don't tells us what the issue is, then we can't fix it because we didn't know about it. We can't fix it if we don't know it's broken. 

My favorite saying is "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" for a reason. Keep talking to us and keep informing us of the changes you want made, what fears you have, how things can be improved, and stuff that you feel is unfair. 

We won't be able to fix things overnight but at least we will know where to start and can put together a plan of action 

You can always come to Angelo and me for anything, we are here for YOU 100%, we work for the PLAYERS, we speak on YOUR behalf, we represent what YOU want. But we can't help you if you don't let us know what's going on. Please, utilize our email address, you can even message me and I will listen but I will tell you to email me, we do this so we have proper and official documentation about the problem so that if that problem comes up again, we already have something to help back it up. 

So, please let us know, contact us, talk with us, be open with us. We can't fix it without you. Thank you and sorry for the long post, I just want to make sure everyone know how important emailing us and getting us information is. We truly want to work together as a community to make this a better game, but we can't do it without you. 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. 

Angelo -

Christiana -


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

2020 Rulebook Version B

2020 Rulebook Version B

You provided some good feedback regarding our rules changes at the end of last year, and we listened to it. We proposed the resulting changes at the next possible Board meeting, which was this last weekend, and they were accepted. This video describes ALL of the changes that have been made to the Rulebook since the end of the 2019 season. We will have a Q&A thread about them soon, please save questions/comments for that thread to avoid confusion.

Video Transcript

hi folks my name is Matt, I am currently a member of our board of directors and prior to that I was the head of our 2019 rule book committee. there were some changes that the 2019 committee made to our rule book they're going to take effect in 2020 and we wanted to let you know what those were. a couple of notes before we get started . first off these changes were put out in a couple of different phases, so if you had heard something if you read previous version of the rulebook, please know that the documents that are being issued in this video cover all of the changes between 2019 and 2020. so all of its in one place. secondly we're trying to provide you as much information as possible we want you to approach us with any questions. so there's three documents that are going to be provided with this video one of them is the rule book itself with all the updates. the second one is a list that I'm grading off of right now that lists just in brief what the changes are and then the third one is going to be a spell conversion guide because we've made some changes to the spell list and we want you to know exactly which old spells equal which new spells and what the changes are to those once you've read all that information please please feel free to ask us questions and you know approach me or a member of our play master staff we're all very happy to answer any questions that you have we're going to go over these in brief right now but yeah once you've read the rule book I'm sure there's more in-depth information if you have more questions just let us know so but we thought we put a video because seemed to work out pretty well for last year's changes and we thought we'd do that this time too I have a list of 21 total changes we're going try to go through these as briefly as possible so I'm not taking up too much of your time number one we've overhauled the master spell list there's been a lot of changes to it let's see the biggest ones are probably that some of the categories have changed we'll get into that a little bit more later but a lot of the names have changed so whereas previously you had a whole bunch of different spells that did damage at different levels that had basically the same effects we tried to put those in line as much as possible so that if you have three spells that do the same thing at different levels and different levels of potency rather than being you know breadth of the dragon and breadth of the lizard and breadth of the fire-eating whatever now it might be lesser firestorm firestorm and greater firestorm this will be a little bit confusing at first we understand that we're gonna understand if people accidentally call it spell names incorrectly for the first year here there for a little while until we used to it but we think long terms can make it a lot easier for everybody to understand it and probably the there's a couple of names that have changed there's a couple levels that have changed we used to have sleep and slumber which were two different spells that did the exact same thing but they were on one was on the fire error list and one of them was on the bardic list the dispel levels got changed to the same level with that but probably the biggest change to it and again you'll want to look at that that conversion list is that we've added a lot of spells to the bardic list prior to this change bards had access to half as many spells as some of the other classes it was just a massive imbalance there the spells are in the same line there along the same theme as they were before bards have not gotten damaged spells which they didn't have before anyways but they've gotten a lot of new ones what's important to note about this is that even if you were a master bard before even if you had all of the spells at that time from the master spell list that does not mean that you have all of these new spells now if you do not already have the spell in your spell book you need to learn it there a real list of which ones those are you can learn those a couple of different ways either you can learn it by way of plot or a module that you went on and NPC to taught you spell something like that or you can use the spell research skill to to learn that from the master spell list but take a look at that conversion guy it'll give you more information about that number two we're going to require recipe books for Alchemy's and toxins this functions a lot of the same way as our current spell books do our crafts are people with craft book binding or book binders now have the ability to create recipe books it works a lot of the same way if you're an alchemist or a toxin person you are going to have a book with recipes for creating those specific toxins and Alchemy's so reading up the spell the rule book for more information about that number three clarification clarify that non damage resistances follow the same progression as damaged ones unless otherwise stated magical and then physical that means that unless something specifically states otherwise such as a spell when you take damage it first gets applied to magical armor and then physical armor ear wearing and then magical body points and then physical body points that's pretty straightforward probably isn't something any of you really but through to had heard previously or were too confused about but we just clarified that for a couple of situations number four clarify that in the case of someone physically attacking and non-combatant any safety response staff member may address the issue this does not require the direct tension of a GM if you see someone with a noncombatant sash on the field you should not be attacking them no matter what there should not even be combat that's occurring within ten feet of them this change means that if any safety response staff member so a member of our Board of Directors member or field staff several other people if they see that happen they can approach you about that directly they don't have to wait for a member of GM staff we want to emphasize there's a lot of reasons if somebody can be made a noncombatant and it's very important that combat doesn't happen around them so please pay attention to that number five this is probably one of the larger ones as well we've updated racial skills to a new model which will be calling racial resistances which provides each full-blooded race with two resistances rather than skills with costs that vary from class to class what I should mention is we have talked to the CBM well what I should say first is that that means that our full-blooded races like halflings dwarves and so forth they get two resistances like resist sleeper resist charm based on what your race is as well as you know changes to body points and whatnot rather than getting like ranged group or damage control so we've we've talked to our CBM staff about that and this is in their purview this is not under authority is play master staffer rulebook committee to change that but they're pretty sure that I can't imagine we're going to be taking a skill away from you let's say you're a halfling and you really like ranged group I can't imagine we're going to take that skill away from you you will probably have to pay for it in order to keep it but we're not going to make that change regardless your wishes our CBM staff will be forthcoming with more information about them but we didn't we didn't want you to get worried about that up front um in any case moving on number six add the option of denoting a weapon special materials using a white ribbon or cloth tied to the weapon in a visible spot which has been marked correctly we're doing this because latex weaponry is becoming a lot more prevalent out there there's a lot more people that are buying expensive latex weapons and we don't want you to have to damage that with tape or with paint so what this will allow is read the rulebook for the exact wording on how to do it but it'll allow you to put a cloth to tie a cloth around it that represents it appropriately it's not marked with the correct colors but will no longer require you to damage your weapons number seven changed the requirements for memorizing spells on field so that any spell regardless of level requires 10 minutes to fill a slot want to be clear about this because there was some confusion during this winter about it when you walk on field at 8 a.m. or whatever you do after dawn you can start play with all of your spell slots filled you don't have to wait hours to do that what you have the option of doing though is leaving one or more spell slots open and then deciding later the day oh there's been a lot of undead that have been coming through I want to fill that spell slot with an undead spell rather than you know a protection spell so this opens up more more options for people to do that but definitely you don't have to spend eight hours preparing spells it is considered good form it's not a rule book when it's considered good etiquette that if you are caster to spend some time role-playing preparing your spell's it's just good roleplay we suggest it we highly recommend it but it's not required number eight clarify the projectile weapons past their benefits on to their ammunition the arrow or bolt is only a method of interpreting whether the attack is successful or not if you have a silver bow and you attack a creature that arrow is dealing silver damage this is one of those places where practicality and simplicity are more important than realism in our game we realized that if you want to be so you know in real life if you want to be shooting silver arrows you better go make a bunch of silver arrows but for the purposes of this game if you have a bow that deal that adds one damage to every shot that's fired that's a property of the bow the weapon and the arrow is just a method to show that you hit somebody same thing with like cold steel bows they deal cold steel damage regardless of what the arrow happens to be made out of number nine note that a character may only have one boon and one protection spell of each element active on them at one time and items can only have one augment spell active on them list of whatever element it is this is part of the spellbook changes take a look at those categories have been changed but you can have one boon of each element and one protection spell of each element active on you at any point in time that is eight different spells that you could have active on you items however can only have one spell one augment spell on them whether that's a fire spell or a wire spell you only have one let's see note that you can make a copy of a spell book by physically copying everything in the book on field if you want to make a backup of your existing spell book and you have a tag for a second new spell book you can make a copy of your existing one by writing down everything from it into a new physical representation that means you are going to copy every word of every incant every description spell description word every duration every name of every spell from your old spell book into a physical representation for a new one if you do that you can copy your spell book it's gonna be tweeted quite a time-consuming process but it allows you to do it where it wasn't before number 11 make spell concentration process more visible and engaging by requiring casters to hold one arm extended away from their body with an empty hand in order to maintain a concentration spell you can no longer just cast a concentration spell walk that way and say yeah I've been keeping an eye on you know James back there he's I'm still concentrating you can't do that what you need to do is you actually need to hold your hand out in point as the person that you're maintaining that concentration on in order to do that if you drop your hand concentration ends number 12 we've changed the name of a couple of different skills that were a little bit confusing to new players previously we used to have three spoke 3d skills called read magic cleric lore and bard song these skills did not let you read anything new they were not lore skills what these skills let you do is have the ability to cast those spells either from a spell slot or from a scroll so these skills are now called fighter air ability earth water ability and Bartok ability those skills now let you cast those spells one other thing of note regarding that is that what was called Bartok ability before is now called musical training so musical training is the ability to physically non magically sing compose music and so forth number 13 reduce the area of vapor toxins from a six foot radius to a five foot radius this just makes it conform with other spell areas we've got some spell areas that are five foot radius we have no spells that are six foot this will prevent you from having to go is it the spell that's six feet or is it the toxin that's the area of the vapor it'll be clear this time number fourteen we have noted each spell with whether it can be made into a potion a scroll or an enchantment when you look at the new spell list it's going to save bindings P s and/or E on there if the spell has bindings P it can be made into a potion if it has s listed as a binding it can mean either scroll if it has et listed as an binding it can be enchanted something this clears up a lot of community a lot of miscommunications and confusion about what's bells could be put in what familiar allow enchanted items to be recharged using a spell the same name regardless of the list it came from previously if you had an item that was enchanted with darkness spell and you needed to you cast that darkness spell and he needed to recharge it a bard with a darkness spell who's prepared for the day could not recharge that for you it had to be a fire air caster that did so that's no longer the case now if somebody has a darkness spell prepared and you have an item that needs that spell cast into it it can do so that does work now we'll make things simpler especially with some of the changes regarding Bartok spells number 16 this is probably the one that I'm most excited about is allow for an unfilled crafting system we you now have the ability to go on field and roleplay creating something using your craft skill this is not potions this is not Scrolls this is not toxins or traps this is specifically regarding stuff that's like craft book binding craft chandlery craft brewing stuff like that there is now a way that you can go on field and you can create an item by role-playing that and how that's done is let's say that I have craft weapon smithing I'm going to need physical representations of tools that I am using to craft that so I would imagine for weapons smithing I'd use an anvil and a hammer one of them is going to be need to be marked with yellow tape or ribbon and that item needs to be put down on a flat surface like a table like the ground something it's not going to move once that's put down you are going to use the rest of your physics to roleplay crafting for two hours for two hours you need to stay within 10 feet of that item and it cannot be moved you'd spend that time role-playing doing that if you get attacked and chased off if you go further than 10 feet from that item the anvil in this case then you need to start all over as if you had spent no time doing so you can you can make another attempt you can makes many attempts as you want during the day but if you get interrupted either being by chased away from the item or having the item moved at all then you need to start the time over if you've successfully spent two hours doing that crafting process you have two options of what to do at that point if you have a crafting skill regardless of whether it is a master crafting level five craft skill or not um you can go to a staff member and get a tag for a non master crafted item you've spent that two hours if I was I'm a Brewer I'm excited to go brew on field I spend that two hour process role-playing brewing I can go to a staff member and get one non master crafted item that I could normally craft in four weeks or less and I can get that tag which is a great bonus I cannot make something that would take more than four weeks to craft and I do still need to pay the cost of making that item the other option is if you are the master of a craft if you have a level 5 crafting skill um you can instead of making something from scratch you can choose to upgrade a non master crafted item to a master crafted item so as a brewer if I have a non master crafted bottle of ale that I have a tag for I can spend that two hours and then go and have it upgraded to a master crafted bottle of ale again same restrictions I can it can only take me four weeks I cannot craft Aled that would normally take me eight weeks I can only craft the one item and I do have to pay for the difference between the non master crafted item and the master crafted item the the creation costs for but we can do that unfilled now should be should make for some amazing roleplay and some wonderful atmosphere next number seventeen reduced the cost of faunal or so that it's the same for all classes rather than being more expensive for clerics this is something that I don't know why it didn't happen last year I think it just fell through the cracks for some reason faunal or the study of animals ended up being more expensive for clerics this should not happen so you if you are a cleric that had faunal or congratulations you are getting 10 points back and it'll be the same cost for all classes going forward next allow a character to assess how many body points of damage a willing or unconscious character can be healed for by using first aid for 30 seconds so how first aid is going to work going forward is you can spend up to 60 seconds performing first aid on someone different things happen depending on how long you spend doing after 10 seconds you have the ability to tell whether a character is unconscious dying or dead that means can they be healed to consciousness do they need a life spell or do they have to be resurrected and what that also does after that 10 seconds is it lets you cause additional death blows to creatures who are not dead yet we'll get to that in just a minute but at 30 seconds if the character that you are performing first aid on is either unconscious or is willing for you to know you you can then learn how many body points they have and what their maximum is so you can now spend 30 seconds and figure out exactly how many points you need to heal somebody so you don't have to spend a whole regeneration spell every single time it's more information for you this is out of character information you know it you still can't express it to other people but you know and then at 60 seconds as usual if you can restore one body point to an unconscious character so if you've been standing there for a whole 60 seconds a full minute and the character is unconscious you can heal them for one body they can get conscious again so yeah that is the new first-aid next one clarify that death blows are cumulative and that you must use first-aid to cause more than five death blows to a character the cumulative part means that you if I if you're unconscious and I come over and deal to death blows to you and then Mike behind me deals three more death blows to you you've taken five you no longer have to count that you just say death blow death blow and so forth the person who is taking the deathblows needs to count those and keep track and if you don't keep track correctly that's cheating and you can get dinged for that but the other part of that is that some of our characters have an ability called damage control and there are some creatures that have a similar ability where it takes more than five death blows to kill them to actually bring them from unconscious to dying um how this is going to work going forward is if you are a character that is being death blood first of all there's no more playing possum to get out of it if you are restrained webbed whatever if you are pretending to be unconscious and someone deals you a death blow you are dropped to zero body points and that counts as your first death blow but then you know if you've taken five death blows and you know if you have taken five death blows then you can ignore the rest of them unless if a character uses first aid for ten seconds and finds out oh this person's taken five death blows but they're not dead they're just unconscious then that person can continue dealing death blows to you it's a bit complicated it's less complicated than it was before it is more straightforward but as always if you have more questions about that let us know we're happy to clarify clarify that all siege weapons biz reps are approved by play master staff only on an individual basis because these trebuchet z' catapults ballista they're so unique and there's so many different ways to create a physical representation for one on field these are going to be individually approved by the playmaster staff there's no guidelines for it put in our rulebook basically if you want to create one of those come see a play master staff we'll have a discussion and give you some tips on how to best go about that and finally there is a section that I really highly recommend that you read it's a couple of paragraphs that's in the rulebook now called the narrative honor system this is very important and it's a huge step forward for our play master staff and our rules officials on field what it says is that a rule system even a really well-crafted one can't cover every single possible situation every single circumstance and with you know a hundred or more people per event on field staff can't be monitoring every player every minute of the day you as a player are responsible for helping to create a wonderful immersive game by following rules and adhering to our guidelines we trust you with some of that stuff but sometimes if if a rule isn't covered if something strange happens like let's say you and an opponent to throw a spell packet at the same time they collide midair and go off to different directions that's a one-in-a-million chance that's not something we need a rule in place for but gosh that's what is what happens um at that point people creative it's perfectly logical in a situation like that for one character to say to the other oh no you countered my spell because the packets didn't hit each other or didn't hit here the people that's okay what we want you to do is show showcase the epic of our characters of our players player characters and the other part of that is that if something strange happens on field if you can't come to an agreement with somebody if you go on to a person and said we need to work this out this is strange this is kind of weird one-off situation and you have a disagreement or you can't find anything in the rule book that would even remotely cover it come see a play master staff member it's perfectly okay we have a couple different options for what we do at that point more than likely what a play master staff will do is issue what's called a field clarification for you it means that for the duration of that event this is how this is going to happen and it lets us then go back and discuss it as a rule book committee staff or as play master staff it lets communication about that happen after that but that that ruling we can issue it to you right then but it's only for the duration of that event at that point we can go back and talk about it and we can decide is this something that is likely to happen a lot going forward is this something that needs to be written down in the rulebook and if so we can issue a clarification for that if it's a one-in-a-million thing it doesn't necessarily need to be written down the rulebook it just needed to be that clarification for that event but as always things with rulebook can get heated people are very passionate about their characters and we're very passionate about maintaining a balance and maintaining a fair system but we really do value your feedback we got a lot of good feedback this time and that's the changes you've shaped how we've made this world look respectful discourse is wonderful when we really appreciate it so we look forward to that in continuing to of all things were hoping we've made a lot of major changes over the last couple of years we're hoping going forward that we can make less huge changes we still want to take your feedback we still want to change things as needed and and put good feedback into place into into practice but we yeah we're gonna go forward with a little bit dress less drastic changes we've gotten a lot of things done and we really appreciate your patience during all this we really look forward to playing with you this year hearing your feedback encountering any clarifications that have to happen and yeah beast is it about three weeks guys we really look forward to playing with you so every night

Red neon sign in a swoopy font that says Change.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

2019 Membership Survey

It’s that time of year again where we want to hear your thoughts on how the 2019 season went. We want to know your opinions and suggestions on what was great and what could be improved. You may not think you have much to say but we think you do!

Cut off date for submissions is February 24th 2020


January 2020 BOD Meeting

Meeting Files

Below you will find the Agenda and Minutes for the 2020 January Board of Directors meeting.

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

Winter Announcements

Last Updated 1.22.2020

2020 Annual Registration Form

Hello Kanar members old and new!

The Annual Registration Form (ARF) for the 2020 season is now live. Please take a few minutes to fill out this very important form to prepare for adventure in the coming year. Also, as a reminder, a new Annual Registration Form is needed every year and is one of the core requirements to hitting the field of play.

Feast Payment

Hello players! Just a quick couple of notes regarding Feast entry:

1) You can make a payment online through the website, or in-person at the door. Paying in advance means that you get a receipt, and you don't have to have cash on you. Receipts will not be provided at the door.

2) Payments sent directly to the club's Paypal account without using the website are no longer accepted, as this prevents the payment from being recorded correctly. If you would like to use Paypal, please go to the website and make the payment as normal, then choose "Paypal" as your payment method.

3) Players who are banned from KGE events are also banned from Feast. Players who are on our Hold list due to existing issues will also be held at the door pending any possible resolution of the issue.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to email our Corporate Treasurer at

A Knighting at Feast

Lord Sir Buliwyf Gregor

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Be it knowne to one and all, by the Graciousness of His Serene Majesty, King Daffyd Balthshazzar, it is by noble right we do put forth these greetings and salutations! O' Novashan, your son, Armiger Adriel D'Arrangard has proven his valor, his prowess, and his charity to thee. It is the distinct pleasure of his knight, Lord Sir Buliwyf Gregor, to announce that Armiger Adriel Arrangard shall be raised up, a knight of theRose, a servant of His Majesty and His noble court, to uphold the ideals of chivalry and justice.

He shall be raised at the Great Winter Feast of 1020, to be witnessed by the Rose and knights of the Thistle, at the hand of His Majesty's choosing. Come forth, all ye peoples, and ready the trumpets, unfurl the banners, and praise glorious His name, King Daffyd... and hold Adriel in all glory for his deeds.

Armiger Adriel shall sit vigil at the homestead of Sergeant Alrim Horst, beginning at the sixth bell on the eve of The Great Feast of 1020, and shall reflect upon his worthiness. Come all ye of Novashan, and be invited to engage in such conversation that he be most engaged, bring a small bite of sustenance that thy Armiger shall repay with drink in kind.

Celebrate and rejoice, O' Novashan. The greatness of His Majesty be witnessed, I beg thee bid my friend and trusted companion, Armiger Adriel Arrangard, praise and glory for his name, for the Order of the Rose, the Order of the Thistle, and His Most Serene and Glorious Majesty, King Daffyd Balthshazzar! Long Live the King!

  • Adriel will be sitting vigil beginning at 6 pm at Matt Schaar's house. There will be a grill made available if you choose to bring something to eat. Adriel will be sitting until 1 am, at which time he will sit in solitude. There will be games made available and an area for people to chat as characters or as players. Bring armaments if you wish, as we may (or may not) have sparring depending on conditions.

  •  Beginning at 8 pm until 11:30 pm, Adriel will be read, each 1/2 hour, a different vice/virtue pairing. A short Treatise on these 7 vices and virtues will be here in the files area, and will also be made available at his vigil if you would like to participate!

Contact Luc d'Beaufait for more information.

CBM Staff Update - Racial Skills

Hello Players!

Please take a moment to review the information below. CBM staff will be wrapping up requests for skill changes on Feb 1st. Please do not delay actions described below if they are applicable to your character, and let others you talk to know they might have something they need to act on (half-breeds have slightly more to pay attention to/act on).
According to the recently approved changes with the Racial Bonuses in the 2020 rulebook, the CBM staff will be adding the following list of skills to full-blooded non-human characters at no XP cost:

  • Common Elves: Resist Charm, Resist Sleep

  • Forest Elves: Resist Disease, Resist Sleep

  • Dwarves: Resist Charm, Resist Stun

  • Halflings: Resist Charm, Resist Disease

Half-breeds of those listed above will have the opportunity to pick one of the two skills listed for their race.

  • Half-Ogres will receive: Resist Disease, Resist Stun

  • Half-Orcs will receive: Resist Stun, Resist Sleep

In addition to the changes above, all non-human races listed (full and half-breeds) will have their previous free racial skills charged to their character. This might drop certain characters into a negative point balance and that is OK if the player would like to keep it that way and gradually work off that point debt (just like when the skill costs all changed), but don't stop reading here if you have questions.

Here are the actionable parts with deadlines:

  • If you are full non-human race - You have until 11:59p on Jan 31st to send the CBM staff an email ( stating if you would like to drop your prior racial skills from the previous 2019 update. If you request them to be removed, their points will be refunded to your available XP balance.

*** If we do not receive a response from you by the deadline, then your old skills will remain on your character with their associated costs. This might drop you into point debt which will get worked off as you continue to play.

  • If you are a half-breed - You have until 11:59p on Jan 31st to send the CBM staff an email ( stating which resistance you want and if you would like to drop your prior racial skill from the previous 2019 update. If you request the old skill to be removed, its points will be refunded to your available XP balance.

*** If we do not receive a response from you then your old skill will remain on your character with its associated cost and the first listed resist skill of the two free ones according to race above will be added to your character. If we receive a response that only answers one of those two questions, then the part you answered will be completed as requested and the other part will be completed as described in the previous sentence.

All rulebook change character updates will be completed prior to the first event of the year according to the request emails received prior to Feb 1st - the only exceptions will be those characters who have not been played in over two years that need to be converted from the old formats.

This notice will be posted within the Facebook group, on the club website, and sent as emails (hopefully tonight or tomorrow night) to those we flag as non-human races. We are doing the best we can to reach out to the players who are affected and all players may help us by telling/reminding their friends that they might have something to do for their characters.

Thank you for your time, understanding, and assistance. 

BLD Announcement

The BLD would like to remind all players that if you have a structure or storage box locked on field that the Building and Land Department needs a copy of the key or combination.

This is to ensure that in an emergency the Building and Land Department can gain access to all structures and storage on KGE property.

We thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions please contact us at

2019 Membership Survey - Cut off date for submissions is February 24th 2020

2019 Membership Survey - Cut off date for submissions is February 24th 2020

BOD Announcement

Hello everyone and happy New Year!

This is the two-week reminder that the next KGE Board of Directors meeting will be Sunday, January 12th, 2020 at our usual room in the Pittsfield Twp Building Dept building. Directions to this location can be found under the meeting's event on

Agenda submissions for this meeting have a deadline of next week: Sunday, January 5th, 2020. Agenda submissions can be sent to the Secretary at

Also a reminder for KGE members, the 2020 Annual Registration Form will be live in the coming days so make sure you get one filled out well ahead of the KANAR season.

Thank you and happy adventuring,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary


Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Cantrell Sponsorship

Hello, members!

At our October board meeting, a proposal was approved to create a "Cantrell Sponsorship". This sponsorship will cover the cost of a Season Pass for two players per year, in memory of Shane Cantrell and his time with our club.

Applicants must submit a 1,000-word essay describing how:

  1. Our club has benefited them during their time playing

  2. How they are working to give back to the club

  3. Why receiving a Season Pass at no cost would make a difference for them

Essays are not anonymous and may be quoted in part or whole by KGE for club purposes. Entries will be scored individually by three judges based on the three categories above as well as general readability, and final scores will be calculated by the Treasurer.

Entries will be accepted for a period of one month (ending Jan 2nd), beginning immediately, and should be sent to Winners will be announced at Winter Feast.

Thank you for your time.

Matt Ash
KGE Treasurer

2.2.2020 Update

We are pleased to announce the winners are Holly E. and Nathan N.


Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

November Announcements

Economics Announcements

Some things to keep in mind for over the winter crafting!

  1. There are 20 crafting weeks over the winter. It is your responsibility to fill out the item creation form for your craft to reflect this.

  2. If you are CRAFTING FOR COIN, you still need to fill out the item creation form. There is an option on it for crafting for coin-this sends econ staff all the info we need to get your deposit in.

  3. If you are not sure of how many of something you can make, check the crafting packet related to your craft. That info is there.

  4. Please READ the item creation form. I realize some sections have a lot of text, but a lot of questions I get are explained in that text already.

  5. If you have questions about anything on the item creation form please email with the question instead of guessing or saying "however many I can make."

BOD Announcement

Good morning Kanarbies.

Ballots for the open Even Year Representative seat have been sent out as of this morning. If you are hold Veteran membership status (2+ years) and are currently in Good Standing (no debts/disciplinary actions) and have not received your ballot, please email the Board of Directors at

Voting will be open for seven days, starting today. Polls will close on Friday November 15th at noon.

Thank you
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary


Photo by Łukasz Łada on Unsplash

2020 Rulebook

New 2020 Rulebook

Below you will find links to the 2020 version of our Rulebook (which does not take effect until next year), a list of overall changes which have been made, and a detailed list of changes made to our Master Spell List.

We realize that you will have questions about these changes (though probably much fewer than last year). We do plan to post one or more videos walking you through each of the overall changes, but a good portion of our staff is very sick at the moment and cannot record those on a few hours' notice. We hope to record and post them later this week, but we ask for your patience.

Any questions you comment with on this post will be taken into consideration while recording them, but staff will not be answering directly. As always, the official method to request a rules clarification is still through the Playmaster Form.

2020 Rulebook Survey

Good morning, players:

The PM Staff and RBC would like your feedback regarding a couple of the changes implemented in the 2020 Rulebook. Please feel free to discuss as you wish, but staff will be reviewing the results of the survey directly. This survey will remain open for up to one week.

Thank you for your time.

Red neon sign in a swoopy font that says Change.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

October Announcements

Last updated : October 24th, 2019

Series of Thefts


As many of you are already aware, recently someone broke into the GM trailer and stole a generator and some tools. We know this is not the first time that someone(s) has either broken into or stole items from the field, couple this with some cars losing items. We are angry that this has happened. If anyone has any information regarding any of these burglaries, please tell us, and we will do what we can to bring the people responsible to justice.

For the land, we are taking a look at assorted safety measures we can utilize to help all of us out. From new locks, gates, cameras, and more, we are doing what we can, so the chances of this happening again are considerably less. So if someone is foolish enough to burgle again, we can catch them and hopefully stop anything terrible from happening. For this most recent activity, know that we are calling the police and abiding by whatever instructions they give us.

In the case of cars and other personal property, we urge that whenever you leave your vehicle, you ensure it is locked. We hope that others would not take any liberties to investigate the contents of your car, but we also don’t want to present them the opportunity. By taking some safety precautions, we hope that no more incidents happen. Again, if you know of anyone doing anything inappropriate, please inform us so we may take the necessary steps.

We thank you for your time,
The Board of Directors

Kanar Tent Auction

BLD Announcement:

On Monday October 21st and Tuesday October 22nd the Building and Land Department is getting 100 tons of gravel and crushed concrete delivered to the KGE parking lot. This material is not to be used by the players for personal sites on field as it is being allocated 100% to fixing the parking lot.

Please refrain from going to the field on these days as the parking lot will be unavailable for use.

Thank you for your cooperation,
The Building and Land Department

QM Announcement

Good morning collective. There is a QM workday scheduled for November 2nd, a Saturday. I was considering moving it to the 1st because I have the day off. We will mostly be taking inventory and making sure everything is accounted for as the end of the year approaches.

There will also be the after Halloween sales going on if you are interested in donating for XP. We are currently looking for makeup, makeup cakes, props, crystal balls, neato stuff, anything that we can use to increase immersion. If you have a question about anything you'd like to grab for QM that it's officially on the donation list, send me a quick text and picture, and I'll get back to you asap.

Here's the current donation list. Items that are not explicitly stated can still be accepted (i.e., elf ears)

Items the QM is currently requesting:

  • Makeup cakes; various colors, including green

  • Mehron Rigid Collodion/Scarring Liquid

  • Spirit gum

  • Makeup setter

  • Stage blood/fake blood

  • Satchels and shoulder bags

  • Spats and gaiters

  • Cloth NPC sashes

  • Gallon ziplock bags with sliding closers

  • Ring belts

  • Lysol spray

  • Dymo D1 neon pink and green labels

  • Small props

  • Cleaning wipes

  • 1 Folding table

  • Consumable Phys reps (small vials, scrolls, etc)

Items QM will NOT take:

  • Boots and shoes

  • Small and extras small-sized clothes

  • “New” clothes without a receipt. Items will be accepted, but it will not be awarded XP at the purchase price without a receipt

  • Materials for weapon building

  • Torches and torch fluid

  • Oversized items until more storage space is available

  • Tennis balls


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

October 2019 BOD Meeting

Good evening.

Your KGE Corporate Secretary is here to announce that the following position will be open for nomination, effective immediately:

  • Even Year Representative

Nominations must be sent by email to the Secretary, at or to the Board of Directors as a whole at Nominations will be open for thirty days, from October 8th, 2019 to November 7th, 2019. Nominees will be announced prior to the closing date and polls will open for a seven day period following the nomination period's closing.

Nominees must meet the following requirements:

  • Currently hold Veteran KGE Membership Status and be a KGE member in Good Standing, meaning the member has no currently outstanding debts or disciplinary actions against them.

  • Not have been released from any other KGE position due to disciplinary action in the last five years.

  • Have a working telephone number.

  • Have a working e-mail address with access on a daily basis.

  • Have a valid mailing address.

  • Have a valid photo identification card recognized by the US Government.

Thank you for your time,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

Hello and happy Friday,

Your KGE Corporate Secretary is here to welcome Kiri Brasseur as the new Department Head for Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc.'s Safety Department.

We would like to extend thanks to our former Department Head, Eric Forge, for his work in keeping our game and players safe during their adventures in Illveresh and beyond.

Thank you,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary

Meeting Files

Below you will find the Agenda and minutes for the 2019 October Board of Directors meeting.

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

UPDATE: Rest In Peace

Photo by Pict Studios

Photo by Pict Studios

Dear KGE/Kanar Community,

The Board of Directors has been made aware that as of yesterday Shane Cantrell, known as Sir Locksley, has passed away. Few details are known at this time. Once more information is known we will pass it on. We ask that respect is given to his family and friends. If anyone would like to provide any assistance, please message Ray Gallerani.

Thank you for your time.

Board of Directors

UPDATE: Arrangement update for Shane Cantrell

The family will be hosting a public memorial to honor his life on Wednesday October 9th at Cobblestone Farm in Ann Arbor Michigan.

Guests are welcome to arrive beginning at 3 pm for a service at 4, followed by a shared meal from 5 to 7.

More details to follow as they become available.

Original Post

UPDATE: There is now a Facebook event.

2781 Packard Rd,
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-3236

3:00pm - 8:00pm

October 9th, 2019


August Announcements

GM Announcements

So I messed up.

The paperwork for the horse festival has been misplaced and that is 100% on my shoulders.

If you purchased an animal at the horse festival please email me your character name and what you purchased at

So sorry for the mix up.

- Marcus Nighthawk Schwim


Photo by Kent Pilcher on Unsplash

Safety 1st Position Open

Hello everyone and happy Monday,

Your KGE Corporate Secretary is here with a couple post-meeting announcements. Firstly, congradulations to our newly seated Directors Matt Ash and Christana Ringbloom. Kanar Gaming Enterprises would also like to thank Dave Milka and David Angell for their time served on the Board of Directors.

Secondly, Eric Forge has stepped down as the Department Head of Safety for KGE. As such, we will be opening the position to applicants effective immediately. Applications will be accepted for the next 30 days, until Wednesday, August 7th, 2019. Aspiring applicants need to meet the following general qualifications:

  • Currently hold Veteran Membership with KGE and be in Good Standing (two years membership and no outstanding disciplinary actions or debts)

  • Have a working telephone number.

  • Have a working email address with daily access

  • Have a valid mailing address.

Responsibilities of the Safety Department Head include, but are not limited to:

  • Maintaining and enforcing the non-combatant sash policy.

  • Being the absolute authority on the field of play in matters of safety.

  • Responding in a quick and helpful manner to injuries

Kanar Gaming Enterprises, Inc would like to thank Eric Forge for his time as our Safety Department Head and the efforts he has put toward keeping our players safe as they explore the wild and untamed reaches of Novashan. In addition, please welcome Kiri Brasseur as Acting Department Head of Safety.

Any members wishing to apply for this available position should send a resume and cover letter to the Board of Directors at either or

Thank you and adventure well,
Jacob Smith
Corporate Secretary


Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash