Saftey: Trails Closed to Motor Vehicles - 3.4.20
In an effort to keep our paths as even and safe for player use as possible, no motor vehicles are allowed past the parking lot at this time. Another announcement will be made when the trails are open to vehicles again.
Saftey: Policy Reminders - 3.4.20
Hello, players! The following are a few safety policies and procedures you may run into at a Kanar event. Keep them in mind to make sure we all have fun and stay as safe as possible!
Non-Combatant Policy: Non-combatants are players who do not engage in combat for health and safety reasons. They can be identified by their red and white sash with a string of yellow lights for nighttime visibility and MAY NOT be physically attacked or touched for any reason. If you wish to attack a non-combatant, point your weapon at them from within 10 feet and state ‘I attack you’, which will drop the non-com to unconsciousness (0 hp). If you wish to become a non-combatant, please contact Safety staff at or talk to us at an event.
Holds: If a player needs immediate out-of-character assistance, they can get help by yelling ‘hold’. This will instantly stop combat and Safety staff will come to your location. If you hear someone call a hold, immediately stop, take a knee if it’s safe to do so, and check your weapon padding to make sure your weapon is still safe for use. No one other than Safety staff may move during a hold unless instructed to do so. A hold is ended and combat resumed by the person who called it yelling ‘hold off in 3...2...1… game on!’. Please do not call a hold for someone else unless they physically cannot call it themselves.Firepits: As a fully outdoor game, we have several open fire pits. Combat is not allowed within 10 feet of any pit at any time. Each pit must be tended by at least one player while in use and fires must be completely put out before the pit may be abandoned.
Smoking: Cigarette smoking must be done within 5 feet of a firepit and must be disposed of into said pit or other trash receptacle. Camps with cigarette butts on the ground may be considered ‘trashed’ and may be denied that event’s experience points.
Structure Combat: Players may not engage in melee combat inside a structure at any time. This includes cabins, tents, and other permanent buildings. If you wish to start combat with players inside a structure, please announce that you’re attacking the people inside and ask them to move outside to a safe combat area. Players then move outside the structure, re-set to as close to the correct distances from other players as possible, and combat begins by calling ‘game on in 3...2...1… game on!’.
Eight Hour Bottle to Blade: Kanar does not allow alcohol during events. Players who consume alcohol or marijuana off-site must wait a minimum of eight hours before they may engage in combat. Players found in violation will be removed from the event immediately.
Saftey: A Few Annoucemnts - 3.4.2020
Hello, players! As we’re gearing up for the 2020 season, the Safety team has a few announcements:
Freezing and unfreezing over the winter and this year’s early spring means trails are muddy and uneven. The worst spots are along the trail onto the field of play and on the north end of town in front of Claddagh. Be careful of your footing and try to avoid slippery and uneven spots when possible, especially at night.
In an effort to keep our paths as even and safe for player use as possible, no motor vehicles are allowed past the parking lot at this time. We’ll make another announcement when the trails are open to vehicles again.
There is construction debris next to the dumpsters in the parking lot. This includes boards with nails and other dangerous items. Please don’t move or otherwise touch this area.
Dress for cold, wet weather. Wearing layers of clothing will help keep you insulated and lets you adjust if you get warmer or colder. Wear appropriate footwear (we’ll forgive modern boots for player safety) and bring extra pairs of socks to make sure your feet stay dry.
Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you don’t need water! Make sure you stay hydrated for peak larp performance.
The Safety staff is looking for volunteers! We need general safety staff to respond to on-field emergencies. We’re also excited to announce an in-character opportunity aimed at new players called the Lamplighters’ Guild! These volunteers will help make sure the field of play is safely lit every night. Details on both will be in their own post.
Stay tuned for an overview of Safety policies to keep in mind for the new season!
GM: Saftey & Emails - 3.3.20
SAFETY NOTE: The Ordu towers in NPC land has been taken down. There is a pile of wood that still has nails in it that has not been removed. The GM staff will be working with the BLD staff to get this area operational again soon. Until then, please be advised for your safety, be careful around this site. Thank you.
Please double check your email address when you type it in. A simple mistake here will cause a disturption in chain of communication. Thank you for your help.
FYI all of the old .org email addresses are currecntly not working. Please use the new .club addresses, specific addresses can be found on the staff page. Efforts are being made to restore the old .org functionality.
GM: NPC & Tone - 2.28.20
March 2020 Event (Call for NPCs) - There are many players that need resolution to adventures that happened over the winter. I, GM 1st, will be busy most likely all day Friday and a better part of Saturday. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note: Saturday afternoon there will be a larger group going to the southern borders to take on the orcs there. This happened over the winter but still could use a bunch of NPCs for this.
Thank you all and dress accordingly. Remember, no one should care about your non period warm boots during winter.
Tone! My wife noted that I do not like typing contractions. This makes some of my communications come across stronger than they should when reading dry text. I do not know if this is a habit I picked up while (2) finger typing or what but I hope this provides some insight to those who read my posted information. Thank you.
CBM: Character Updates - 2.26.20
November character updates are complete and we have closed out all 2019 stuff. If you notice any issues or have questions, let us know as soon as possible (through email) so we can try to handle things before the event.
As a reminder, you can still submit signouts for up to 1 year after the event BUT late signouts are not eligible for NPC XP or skill purchases. Submitting your signout on time makes things better for you AND us!
Note that the CBM staff will be switching over to the new account over the next couple days so please direct emails to that account beginning March 1st.
Truck Stop - 2.24.20
Quick announcement that might make a lot of people happy. Not sure if you know this but Milan recently got a Loves Truckstop right at the exit of 23 on Plank rd. It also has a hardee's and fresh deli apparently. The really cool thing though, is that since it's a truck stop they will have showers for all you campers! I also feel like the prices will be cheaper than Seabres down the road and will most likely have a decent selection of snacks and various other needed things you may have forgotten to pack, including rolls of duct tape!
-- Cristie
CMB: Reminder - 2.21.20
We appreciate and understand that everyone is excited for the start of the season and is reviewing their character sheets. However, we request that players do NOT email us questions regarding when their update will be done or tell us that certain things regarding their update are wrong until we post that we are done. The more questions we get, the longer it takes us to finish things. If we announce that we are done and all necessary emails are sent, and something still doesn’t seem right on your sheet, then please let us know. Thank you for your patience.
GM Staff: Norsican Question - 2.20.20
Who are my Norsican players? Please send me an email so I can send you some information.