April Announcements (4.20)

4.20 Tag Turn-In and Reprint

Starting this event on Sunday, the gm and Econ team would like players with last names starting with a-c to please turn in their tags so that we may work them into our new process of creating tags. These tags will be archived , some will be renamed to fit the more standard names in our database . Game Master staff will also be auditing tags for Game Master Notation and filing. This is a large scale project and everyone’s cooperation would be greatly appreciated . At the end of this gaming season , tags that were printed previous will no longer be honored . Thank you all for your patience , help and consideration in this large adjustment to our games filing system etc.

Steve Jones, GM1

4.17 New Tag Use Procedure

We have a new procedural way to “use” a consumable tag. Starting this event, if you use a consumable tag such as a potion, scroll, alchemy, poison etc, players will tear the tag in half. players will then hand the other half of the tag to the player in which the spell was cast on. For offensively used consumables , you will tear the tag and hand the other half to the theme marshal at your earliest but timely convenience. Players should monitor each other and make sure that if a consumable is used on you or by you that this procedure is followed.

Steve Jones, GM1

4.4 NPC Assistance

Hello players! I wanted to share with you a troublesome report that was brought to staff attention. We had 118 signouts for March. 107 were physically at the event. Only 48 people did any NPC time at all, including TM/GM staff playing NPCs for their own encounters. The average was 1.8 hours. Our game can’t function if we don’t have people willing to assist . I know we are all there to have fun and I know we are all rusty , but let’s see if we can get those numbers increased next month.

Steve Jones, GM1

3.28 Upcoming Role Play Only Event

We are about a month away from our first Role Play Only Event (ROPE) (Friday 4/29), with a standard event taking place the weekend before (Friday 4/22). Since this is a new event type, I wanted to touch on the most important things / biggest changes for these events, but the best understanding will come from reading the full policy: K1 POL 008.

Please have a government issued ID ready to prove you are over the age of 21. Anyone who cannot provide proof will not be allowed to consume alcohol on KGE property.

Please be respectful and in control of your consumption. Tent City is open and available for out-of-game / modern tent camping. Please be safe and stay the night on the lands.

Safety is looking for volunteers for Sober Safety Staff Members during the RPOE. Please email Safety for more information, at safety@kanar.club.

New players who have not attended a regular event and do not have a character on file with CBM cannot attend RPOE until they have done so.

RPOE tickets are $15 and are included in Tier 2 season passes (not Tier 1). Payment is due by Thursday evening - prepay only.

Combat mechanics / plot / crafting are off / not allowed. Already held coin / tags can be exchanged, but game staff are not on duty and you won't be able to obtain new items or plot information from them. Make sure to stock up during the regular event, the weekend prior!

Skills can be taught and learned, but only in accrued time. They do not become usable skills until they're on your character sheet, which will be after the following regular event's sign-out is completed.

RPOE have unique character sign-out rules, but utilize the same sign-out form. Within the form's "Event Date" section, select "Role Play Only Events". The deadline is the Wednesday following the RPOE.

With a new event type comes unpredictable things, and sometimes the idea of something is not the same as the execution. We ask for patience as staff and players alike become familiar with things, but of course, please communicate with staff via email if you have any questions / concerns before or after the event. Above all, please be respectful of your fellow players and the property we are so fortunate to have at our disposal.

We can't wait to see you out there!


KGE Treasurer

3.24 New Economics Marshall Announced

The Game Master staff would like to thank and congratulate Rebecca Coleman as our new Economics Marshal! We would also like to thank our members for their anticipated patience and cooperation through the next few weeks as we transition. If you would like to assist with the economics department, please message econ@kanar.club.

Thank you!

Steve Jones, GM1

Photo by Zach Reiner on Unsplash

April 2021 BOD Meeting

April 2021 BOD Meeting

Meeting Files

Below you will find links to the Agenda and Minutes for the 2022 Board of Directors meetings. The Agenda will be uploaded at least six days before the meeting date, and the Minutes uploaded no later than two weeks hence. If these documents can not be found in the linked locations, please email the Secretary at secretary@kanar.club.

The meeting will be happening online via Discord, you may join by following this link.

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

2021 Membership Survey

It’s that time of year again where we want to hear your thoughts on how the 2021 season went. Especially with how this was such a unique year. We want to know your opinions and suggestions on what was great and what could be improved. You may not think you have much to say but we think you do!

Cut off date for submissions is February 5th, 2022

January 2021 BOD Meeting

January 2021 BOD Meeting

Meeting Files

Below you will find links to the Agenda and Minutes for the 2022 Board of Directors meetings. The Agenda will be uploaded at least six days before the meeting date, and the Minutes uploaded no later than two weeks hence. If these documents can not be found in the linked locations, please email the Secretary at secretary@kanar.club.

The meeting will be happening online via Discord, you may join by following this link.

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

Winter Announcements (3.12)

3.12 - Updates to Covid-19 Guidelines

Hello, everyone! Friendly neighborhood Safety 1st here with a quick update to Kanar's Covid-19 event guidelines for the 2022 season.

The State of Michigan has determined that we are entering the recovery phase of the Covid-19 epidemic, which includes updates to masking requirements and guidelines. According to the CDC website, Monroe and Washtenaw counties are both currently considered medium-risk counties and are surrounded by low-risk counties. Following these updates, we are amending KGE's Covid-19 response to the following:

  • Proof of vaccination or negative Covid-19 test are still required to attend KGE events.
  • Masks are no longer required at any time, including for combat NPCs and unvaccinated players. All players are encouraged to mask to their comfort level.
  • Use of KGE's stock costumes are permitted. The use of KGE's shared stock makeup is still considered high-risk for accidental transmission and will not be permitted until Monroe is considered a low-risk county. Players are welcome to bring their own makeup to use for NPCs, but are not permitted to share makeup with other players at this time.
  • Players with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 are not permitted until five days after they are symptom-free and/or test negative for the virus.
  • KGE reserves the right to remove any player under serious suspicion of illness (e.g. excessive/regular fits of coughing, fever, vomiting, etc.).
  • KGE reserves the right to update these rulings as the State and CDC update their guidance and to reinstate masking requirements if the CDC upgrades Monroe to a high-risk county.

If you have any questions, please email me at safety@kanar.club. I hope to see you all this weekend!

Kiri, Safety 1st

3.7 - Payments Reminder

As the March event quickly approaches I wanted to remind everyone that our 2022 season started January 1st, which means the 2022 annual membership dues and 2022 annual registration forms (ARF) need to be paid and signed for the year in order to participate. Without both of these your membership is not considered in good standing / valid. If you're not sure if you have everything set up, feel free to email treasurer@kanar.club and I'm happy to confirm.

Friday March 18th is our first field event of the season. Tickets for the event (and season passes) have been available on the website for several months now. It is, of course, most helpful for check-in if you purchase your tickets several days prior to the event.

Please review our covid policy here

For new players, welcome! The above applies to you as well, but your first standard event is free. The Role Play events are not available to be your first event, so please carefully check the calendar so there isn't a mix up, and feel free to email staff with any questions. Check out this page for more info.

All of us on staff have been saying how excited we are to see everyone and kick off the year. We hope you had a relaxing winter and can't wait for the 18th!

Karigan KGE Treasurer

3.7 - BLD Workday Thank you

I want to send out a huge thank you to everyone who was able to come out to our first BLD workday of the season.

We were able to clear so much trash from the property and start the major project of clearing a lot for our new GSOM Game Operations Area.

Please do not forget to fill out this form so I can get you your well-earned XP

We will be posting more information about future BLD workdays soon.

Yours in volunteerism, Marcus S. BLD 1st

3.2 - Change to Bonus XP Policy

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a great winter break and all is well! Here we are, just weeks away from the opening event for the 2022 Kanar Gaming Season! Your CBM team is looking forward to seeing everyone and we can't wait to get out there get some RP on! I am sure it’s going to be a great season!

We have been working on a few new changes over the break, one of which is the “Between Event Bonus XP” policy. After listening to player feedback and crunching some numbers, it was determined that changes were needed.

We think these changes will benefit the club and create more incentive for members to get engaged and give more back to this beloved club. We ask that you please take a moment to look at the attached document to learn more about these changes. And as always, your CBM team is here to help with any questions or concerns.

Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming “Civic” point program that will be introduced later in the season to allow members to really shine for all the time they donate to the club each year.

Be sure to take a moment to look over your character sheet to make sure everything is as it should be and of course send us an email with any questions or issues at cbm@kanar.club. This way we can get you all taken care of prior to the event.

All of that aside, have a great rest of the week and we will see you all on-field!

Your CBM Team

Read about the new Bonus XP Policy

3.2 - BLD Work Day: Season Opener Property Cleanup

Good morning members,

It looks like the weather this Saturday is going to be exceptionally nice for the time of year. This seems like a prime opportunity for the membership to get out and clean up their sites and KGE common areas before the 2022 season opener.

BLD Staff will be on site to direct volunteers if they do not have a personal site to work on or have extra time.

Please post in the comments if you plan to be out. If enough people show interest the BLD 1st will splurge for some hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone for lunch.

Please bring your own water / beverages and any snacks you might need to work through the day. If you own personal work gloves we ask that you bring those as well.

Yours in volunteerism,

Marcus Schwimmer, BLD 1st

3.1 - LARP Items Yard Sale

Hear ye, hear ye!

Springtime brings the return to Festivals in Ilveresh. Let us shed our old attire and breathe life into something new to us!

Bring your federals and negotiation skills on Saturday 3/19/2022. 12pm – 4pm on field, members are welcome to hawk their old garb and accessories for sale or trade, be that in-game (IG) coin or out-of-game (OOG) monies. Choose to set up your wares in Town Center or at your own site, but players must provide their own means of sale; tables, decorum decorations to hide mundane things, price tags (specifying IG or OOG cost), payment methods/arrangements, receipts, if they'll accept haggling, etc.

As a reminder, tags cannot be purchased with OOG money and non-tagged items cannot be stolen IG (that's OOG theft). The focus of this yard sale is for the trade/sale of non-tagged items, in compliance with Game Rules (like how real weapons are not allowed on field at any time, etc), that are directly related to fantasy/medieval LARPing. Tagged items can of course already be bought/sold IG for coin at any time. It is up to the buyer and seller to come to an agreement on OOG payment, whether that is cash or electronic payment later that evening / after the event, and if the item will be held until payment is received, etc. As a reminder, the IG term “federals” refers to cash/USD and we’ll be using the term “payspell” to reference electronic payments and ""non-certified"" to reference non-tagged items.

These Yard Sales will be repeating events on the following Saturdays, 12pm-4pm: Regular Event 3/19, RP Event 4/30, RP Event 6/3, and RP Event 10/1.

If you'd like to share what you're bringing ahead of time, feel free to post within this announcement comment thread.

If you have any questions, please contact Anna or Karigan! We can’t wait to see what everyone brings.

3.1 - Town Hall Meeting

Hello everyone,

I know we are all looking forward to the new start of the Larp season! As we all start to get ready for this next season, the player reps would like to meet with everyone to answer any questions you may have from the winter BOD meetings and get a chance to talk you all of you. The town hall meeting will take place March 16th at 8pm. We look forward to talking to everyone and getting everyone one pumped for this upcoming season.

Thank you,

Odd Year Rep & Even Year Rep

2.18 - GM Seeks Theme & Story Assistance

Hi guys!

As we look forward to a new season, the GM staff we're curious if anyone was looking to assist this coming year with GM staff. We are looking for story and theme help. If you have any questions or submissions, please contact us at gm@kanar.club.


GM 1st, Steve J.

2.8 - BLD Announcement for Site Caretakers


We would like to make an announcement that we're extending the Site Update Form submission to February 28th. We implore all current site caretakers to email us their yearly form at bld@kanar.club.

Thank you! -Holly

1.24 - QM Announcement

Hello everyone! I can't express how excited I am to be taking over the QM1 position! For those of you who weren't able to make it to the B.O.D meeting, my goals are to help turn the QM position into a GM assistant position/costume department with a member of staff in rotation helping npcs prepare for modules to create a more indepth atmosphere.

To do this we will need tons of help which means QM work days and EXP for assisting! :) We also need some crafting experts who are willing to share some of their tricks of the trade. If you have any experience in prop making, costuming, sewing, face painting/makeup, resin casting, leather working, 3d printing, etc please email me your resume with photos (costumes, props, past commissions, etc) and we can set up a time for an interview.

P.S. If you have any questions about the position, feel free to message me on FB. All resumes and photos for QM applications should be sent to qm@kanar.club.

Thank you,

Daniel Miller, Quartermaster 1

1.14 - Staff Wishlists

The new year means new opportunities to earn bonus XP for donating time and items to the game. To make it easier, each of the staffs has an Amazon wishlist of things they may need. Some have more needs than others, but any contribution make our game better.

Want to donate time instead of items? Keep an eye out for work days throughout the year or reach out to the firsts to ask how you can help.

BLD: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/HH6KYMNFH3EC?ref_=wl_share

CBM: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2GC29I8YYLTED?ref_=wl_share

GM: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2FTHPKKPCJNYG?ref_=wl_share

PM: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1FJTOGR28BE4X?ref_=wl_share

QM: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2HTL72BXRJLIT?ref_=wl_share

Safety: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/21VEQ50PA4HN5?ref_=wl_share

1.4 - 2022 Site Caretaker

Hello KGE Family,

The BLD has sent out Caretaker Forms to anyone who was previously listed as a site caretaker. If you believe yourself to be one of these caretakers, we ask that you check your email and fill out the form by February 1st, 2021. After this date, any unclaimed sites will become open for the BLD to find new Caretakers for. If you have not received an email and you believe you should have, please feel free to email us at bld@kanar.club.

The form is provided here and linked in the emails through Google Docs, and you can submit it back to us in two ways. Print it, fill it out physically, and scan it back onto your computer or take a photo. Then attach that to your email. Open the document and fill it out electronically. It is an interactive PDF.

Thank you so much for your time, and we hope you have a wonderful season.


12.30 - Winter Feast

Good morning Kanarbees,

In lieu of the cancellation of feast, the game masters thought we could make some considerations. If you have a group of people ( no more than ten) that you would like to gather up to have a one-day “feast”, please email the gm staff to get a one-day approval. A few mandatory terms will need to be met to be approved for a one-day. GM staff will need a point of contact for the feast, the person “in charge“ of said feast will need to submit an after-action report of said feast including a list of the up to ten members who attended. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Game Master staff at gm@kanar.club. Thank you and happy holidays!

-Steve Jones, Game Master

12.9 - Econ / GM

Hi guys! Currently some changes are being made to our game economics as well as the economics position, while in this transition period some time frames may be slowed in the process. We appreciate your patience!!

GM 1st - Steve J.

11.27 - Econ / PM Seeking Crafting Recipies

If you have any crafting recipes that are not in the crafting packets to submit them to the playmaster staff so they can be processed and considered for inclusion in the crafting packets.

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

Quarter Master 1st Position Open

Quarter Master 1st Position Open

Hello everyone,

There is currently an open position on the K1 Support Staff: Quarter Master 1st.

The Board would like to thank the previous QM, Kay B, for their dedication and time as Quarter Master.

The position is opened for application and will close January, 8th, 2022.

Applications for this position should be sent to the Secretary or Board of Directors email addresses, secretary@kanar.club and bod@kanar.club respectively. Applications will then be reviewed and the President will schedule interviews with the applicants. Approved applicants will then be motioned for discussion and approval at the next Board of Directors meeting.

Applicants who do not submit both a cover letter and applicable resume will not be considered for the position.

Members desiring to apply for this position must meet the following general requirements:

  • Currently hold Veteran KGE Membership Status and be a KGE member in Good Standing.

  • Not have been released from any other KGE position due to disciplinary action in the last five years.

  • Have a current and working telephone number.

  • Have a working e-mail address with access on a daily basis.

  • Have a current and valid mailing address.

Thank you,

- Aaron

Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

Post-BoD Meeting Announcements

Hello everyone,

For those of you that weren’t able to attend the October 2021 BoD meeting, I’ve included some of the highlights of that meeting here.

A link to the full meeting minutes is at the bottom of this post.

Have a wonderful weekend!

- Aaron

KGE Secretary

2022 Season Event Dates

  • February 2/5 (Sat)
  • March 3/18
  • April 4/15
  • April RPOE 4/29
  • May 5/20
  • May RPOE 6/3
  • June Weeklong 6/17 - 6/26 (Father's day)
  • July 7/22
  • Family Day 8/6 (Sat)
  • August 8/19
  • September 9/16
  • September RPOE 9/30
  • October 10/14
  • October RPOE 10/28 (Halloween)
  • November 11/11

2022 Winter Feast

Hello everyone,

It is with great sadness that we must announce that we will not be having an in person Feast in February 2022.

While we have made the decision to host outdoor in-person events with restrictions, the current COVID numbers and Michigan's vaccination rate make us hesitant in our ability to safely host an indoor Feast event. With how far in advance reservations need to be made, a decision needed to be made now, despite the uncertainty of the future.

The Game Master staff is actively working on something that can be done in its place, including discussing the logistics of an in-person Summer feast. An announcement will be sent out to the membership as soon as a decision has been reached.

In the mean time, we look forward to the time that we get to spend together at the events, and we hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy.

We look forward to what the 2022 season will hold,

-Board of Directors

Role Play Only Events (RPOE)

The Board of Directors has just passed a proposal that creates 4 extra events per year taking place approxamately 2 weeks after the April, May, September, and October events. You may see them on the calendar as Role Play Only Events (RPOE).

These events will cost $15 for the weekend, and are designed for roleplay. As such, combat mechanics, crafting, and plot will be turned off.

Alcohol will be permitted to be consumed by participants 21 and over; all participants are required to sign in and show a valid ID as proof of age. All participants in RPO events will be granted 10xp for attending, and will be able to do a separate sign out form that is due by Wednesday at 11:59pm following the event. The RPOE sign-out cannot be submitted prior to the start of the corresponding RPOE event, and will be applied after the following regular event.

Please see the below link for more details.

Click here to read the policy on RPO events.

Season Passes

With the addition of the RPO events, there are now 2 tiers:

  • K1 Season Pass Fee - Tier 1: $180.
    • Tier 1 covers the per event fee for every scheduled K1 regular event, excluding RPOE.
  • K1 Season Pass Fee - Tier 2: $240.
    • Tier 2 covers the per event fee for every scheduled K1 regular event and RPOE.
  • Season passes afford the member the benefits associated with applicable event attendance, should they be unable to attend. All benefits are received in time, and the pass does not provide benefits prior to the event.

Click here to read the full policy on event fees.

8 Hours, Cannabis to Combat

The Board of Directors has passed a new policy proposed by the Safety director in regards to the use of cannabis at Kanar.

The new policy reads as follows:

8 Hours, Cannabis to Combat

The KGE Board of Directors acknowledges that cannabis use is recreationally legal for adults in the state of Michigan and that some members of our organization engage in the use of prescription cannabis for health reasons. The Board of Directors understands that cannabis may have an intoxicating effect on persons not actively consenting to consume the substance based on proximity, and that intoxication times vary depending on the method of consumption. It is our mission to ensure that persons participating in KGE events do so in a manner that is safe and fun for all members. Therefore, the KGE Board of Directors has set forth this statement of policy to be followed by all members of KGE.

1) No cannabis is to be consumed on the field of play during any KGE event.

2) Persons consuming cannabis in accordance with prescription may do so in the KGE event parking lot. Persons who medicate using methods which produce smoke or vapor must be inside a closed vehicle at least 50 feet from the field of play.

3) Persons consuming cannabis during a dry KGE event shall not be allowed to participate in any combat for eight hours from the last moment of consumption. This includes prescription cannabis consumed according to section two (above) and recreational cannabis consumed off-site.

4) Persons who have waited the required eight hours and are still unable to safely engage in combat due to intoxication may be removed from combat by a member of the Safety Response Team until the substance has been better metabolized and the person can safely engage in combat again. Abuse of this section will not be tolerated and repeated removal from combat will be considered a violation of this policy.

5) Any person found in violation of this policy will immediately be removed from the field of play, and the member of staff who conducted the removal shall issue a JRB request for that person.

6) Second time offenders of this policy will lose their KGE membership rights for one year.

7) Third time offenders of this policy will lose their KGE membership rights from that point forward.

Click here to read the 1.5 KGE Policies

Quarter Master's Position Open

The former Quarter Master, Kay B. has resigned from their position. As such, the Board of Directors has opened the position to be accepting applications. Applications will be accepted until December 5th, 2021.

Application information is available here.

October Announcements

10.9 - GM Annoucement

Hello players!

I am contacting all of you to let you know, that a Game Master ruling has been made that the further use of the Romani flag or the Romani Wheel may no longer be used on the field of play. I have posted this on the facebook page so that I may reach a broader amount of players as I realize many use this symbol. This decision was made as the mundane nature of both of these symbols breaks immersion and atmosphere. For further questions and concerns, please email the Game Master staff at gm@kanar.club.

Thank You!

10.6 - GM Update

Hi guys!

It occurred to me that I gave my report at the board meeting but that may have not reached all of you. The Game Master staff has been working on ways to balance field-wide encounters. So we have a few things to try out and one of those will be a new colored sash.

Npc’s wearing Blue/green blue/orange npc tape are marked to denote “low level” . This is so that newer players don’t run into large npc’s unless they want to. My goal is for 70% of story to happen on the field of play and to lessen the amount of modules.

With that said, I would also like to address something that hasn’t been brought up much before. Npcing etiquette, I appreciate everyone who takes time out of their game to entertain the field. Lately, we have had a lot of complaints about overzealous npc’s that seem that their intent ( mundanely ) is to kill pc’s etc. Now, when you are playing the big bad monster wreaking havoc, your motivation is to kill the characters. However you the pc needs to realize that you are there for the entertainment of other players. Respawning and rushing the same camp over and over again or running directly at non coms to drop them is not what we are looking for in npc’s . Whereas npcing is fun and fighting is fun, we really all need to collectively work to have fun.

That's all, I look forward to seeing you all in October!!!

Steve Jones, Game Master 1st

9.22 - PM Rule Clarification: Lesser Oakhide Spell

Reads: Oakhide, Lesser Earth-Water 2 (Bindings: P,S,E) Earth/Wild, Protection/Event, Touch/One Target Target gains 4 magical AP. If the target receives a Backstab or Assassinate attack, or acquires the Knockout or Stunned statuses, that attack is negated and the spell ends. If the magical AP provided is depleted, the spell ends.

Clarification: Oakhide, Lesser Earth-Water 2 (Bindings: P,S,E) Earth/Wild, Protection/Event, Touch/One Target Target gains 4 magical AP. If the target receives a Backstab or acquires the Knockout or Stunned statuses, that attack is negated and the spell ends. If the magical AP provided is depleted, the spell ends.

Jeremiah Klabis, Playmaster 1st

9.21 - PM Rule Clarification: Paralyze Spell

Clarification: This spell states it can be removed by 2 neutralize toxin spells. This spell is removable by the remove Paralyze Spell or by two uses of the neutralize toxin spell.


Eric Wetter Memorial

It is with great regret that we must announce the passing of Eric Michael Wetter, having passed away on the morning of August 30th 2021. He is survived by his sister (Rebekka), mother (Margaret), and his two sons, Kieran and Kieghan. He was a good friend to many of us and will be sorely missed. On the field he was Sir Rieliegh Wescove, one of the original five members of Silvermane and a knight of the Thistle.

Join us Saturday October, 23 2021 at 1PM in the House Silverleaf site of the Kanar field for a memorial service and celebration of his life, both that of the world at wide and that of his time at KANAR. Please join us while we gather to pay our last respects and reminisce about how we knew Eric and our memories with him.


Photo by Edgar Laureano on Unsplash

October 2021 BOD Meeting

October 2021 BOD Meeting

Meeting Files

Below you will find links to the Agenda and Minutes for the 2021 Board of Directors meetings. The Agenda will be uploaded at least 6 days before the meeting date, and the Minutes uploaded no later than two weeks hence. If these documents can not be found in the linked locations, please email the Secretary at secretary@kanar.club.

The meeting will be happening online via Discord, you may join by following this link.

BOD Meeting.jpg

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

September Announcements

9.17 - PM Policy Reminder

Hello, club membership. It has been brought to my attention there is a misconception on the drinking, marijuana, and drug use policies at events. There is an 8 hours booze/blunt to blade policy. These substances including but not limited to alcohol, marijuana, and illicit drugs are by no means allowed at an event. Person's doing such activities will be removed from the event and be subject to further disciplinary action as we have a no drinking policy at events and the use of marijuana and illicit drugs are not federally legal making them not allowed as we are a federally regulated non-profit. The PM staff has a zero-tolerance stance on the above and will enforce it. We are here to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for our club. I apologize to anyone who finds this harsh. I as the PM 1st do not make our club policies but it is part of my responsibility to enforce them.

Jeremiah Klabis

Playmaster 1st

9.16 - Check-In

Hi all,

I am having issues with my printer, so the check-in sheet is being printed today. Please take a screenshot of your purchase, so it is accessible to check-in staff, without having to rely on wifi.

As always, purchasing your tickets ahead of time is the greatest help to us!

Hope to see you all this weekend.




COVID-19 Restrictions

COVID-19 Restrictions

Hello members,

As the state of COVID-19 continues to change both on a state and national level, KGE’s Safety Staff and Board of Directors continues to monitor State, Federal, and CDC COVID-19 precautions, requirements, and guidelines, in addition to guidelines and precautions best suited for the club.

We have created the following COVID-19 Safety Precautions document that will be be adjusted as needed in the future as knowledge and information changes so that we can promote a safe event for all those who attend.

Please refer to the following document to learn the current restrictions in place.

Thank you for your time and understanding,



Photo by Tai's Captures on Unsplash

August Announcements (8.4)

8.4 - Celebrate With Us

Rejoice, oh Ilveresh, for we have returned to the lands of enterprise and adventure. Novashan celebrates the town's return to this plane of existence with a festival of tournaments in the kingsland. Mark the dates, for in August 1021, a festival of tournaments will descend upon our fair town.

Day 1

  • Gambling Tournament
    • Registration starts at 5:00Pm and the Tournament starts at 7:30Pm
  • Raffle sign up
    • Raffle Runs from 5:00Pm until court
  • Pie a Knight
    • (Adriel, Buliwyf, Eldrid, Kal, and Tralik)

Day 2

  • Watermelon Eating Contest
    • Registration opens Friday at 5:00Pm
    • Contest Starts at 11:45Am
  • Annual Cooking/Baking Competition: Theme is 2nd breakfast (or just breakfast)
    • Start Time at 12:00 Pm
    • Entry fee of 5 silver
    • Judging will be at noon, so be ready at that time.
    • Most cooking should be on field. Prep work is allowed beforehand.
    • 5 silver per entry. If you'd like to do multiple entries, you can.
    • For the judge’s entry: You must prepare at least 6 servings (5 judges and 1 host)
    • If you wish to also serve for popular entry, make a lot (I’d say at least 2 dozen servings, if not more). If you don’t want to do popular entry, that’s fine.
    • If you wish to sample the dishes, it’s 3 silver to try them all. More is always accepted.
    • There will be prizes!
    • Please see Erich O for details
  • Water Balloon Caster Contest
    • Registration starts on Friday at 5:00Pm
    • Contest starts at 12:45Pm
  • Archery Tournament
    • Registration starts Saturday at 10Am
    • Contest starts at 1Pm
  • Fighter Tournament
    • Sign up here
    • Starts at 2:00 PM
    • The categories are:
      • Tenderfoot (0-3 years of play)
      • One Handed Weapon & Shield
      • Polearms
      • Two Handed Weapons
      • Single Dagger (not thrown)
      • Sword and Buckler
      • Freestyle (weapon choice)
      • Grand Melee (last participant standing)
    • There is a limited window of time for completion before the following festival events, so there will most likely be simultaneous bouts and/or categories run. Tournament rules will be determined based on number of participants, with conduct being King's Rules on the honor system, so stay tuned!
    • The rewards, I hear, are substantial.
  • Champions Fighter Tournament
    • Starts at 4:00Pm
    • Contestants are picked by the nobility
  • Illversh Heraldry Contest
    • Heraldry Designs can be submitted until 4:00 Pm
    • Art will be Judged By the Countess Lynora
    • Heraldry rules must be followed and County colors are blue and white.
    • Please see Melissa Keith for more details
  • Court
    • Court starts at 5:30Pm and awards

Day 3

  • Capture-the-Flag
    • To Be Determined
  • Each contest will be sponsored and will include prizes to be determined before the August festival
  • Throughout the festival, crafters of all kinds are encouraged to bring their wares for trade or sale at a market (for coin or federals). Market will run the entire Festival.

Questions? Please talk to Melissa Keith or Leigh Weiler

(Please note the Summer Festival is completely Player Driven)

- 8.2 - Armorsmithing Crafting Packet Update

Hello players of K1,

Your Econ 1st has a big drop for you all. We have updated the ArmorSmithing Crafting Packet that will get us through until we get closer to not only a rule book update, but when we dive further into each crafting packet. These changes have been approved by the Appropriate GM and PM staff. The new crafting pack will take effect on Friday, August 20th, at 5:00 PM EST.

If you have any more questions or feedback please reach out to Econ at econ@kanar.club

Matthew Schaar - Economics Marshal 1st

current update as followed:

  • Market at-cost price has change:
  • Plate: lower by 18 silver
  • Chain lower by 11 silver
  • Composite lower by 8 silver
  • Leather lower by 1 silver

Amount you can craft between events:

Crafting Amount has been increased for the time being, but will change once the field starts to get saturated to encourage armor crafting and wearing.

  • Novice: Increased composite by 1 location.
  • Trainee: Can now craft 3 locations of Leather, Composite, and Chain
  • Apprentice: Can now craft 7 locations of Leather and Composite. E.g a full suit of armor and ½ a suit of Chain with 3 locations of plate
  • Journeyman: Can now make 2 full sets of Leather and Composite, 1 suit of Chain, and 5 locations of plate.
  • Master: 3 full suits of armor of leather and composite. 2 full suits of chain, and 1 full plate suit.

Material Cost Change:

Material Cost has changed as well with Plate armor costing 10 material units from 12.

Armor Repair Time Change:

Armor repair times have been updated from 1 A.P to 5 A.P. This means if you're a master Armorsmith you can repair 120 points of armor in less than ½ hour.

Status effects of Armor added:

Armor has been given status effects as well, called Broken and Destroyed.

Broken Armor is when the Armor points have reached zero. This allows a player to go into town or find an armorsmith who can repair their armor on field without having to buy or make new armor.

Destroyed Armor however means it can not be repaired. Normally this is due to Plot effect or spells like Withered Armor. These tags must be replaced in town or a new item must be crafted by an armorsmith. Seek tag drop off box or staff on your way off the field.

8.2 - NPCs Needed

Good afternoon,

I am looking for 10 - 15 combat NPCs for a four-hour shift during the Saturday of the next event (08/21/2021).

This shift will take place in the evening but won't be going super late into the night. I turn into a pumpkin around 11pm so certainly no later than that.

Members that NPC for the whole shift will get an additional reward on top of their GM XP.

If you are willing to sign up please post your discord name below and you will be added to an encounter discord.

Thank you in advance.

Marcus S. Theme Marshal

8.1 - Attention all spell playtest participants

Please submit an email to pm@kanar.club with feedback for the playtest. Sending an email will forgo us having to take up your time in the parking lot at the next event. Thank you for your support and participation!

Playmaster Staff

7.29 - New GM Resources

The Story submission templates on the GM resources page are being updated with Encounter & Theme.

7.27 - Bees!

Hi all,

The BLD shed is infested with bees. Please do not go near that area. They are extremely aggressive.

Thank you, Staff

Map of Ilveresh created by Karigan.


Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

July Event

Hello everyone!

We hope you will join us next weekend for our next event July 23rd - 25th.

We’ve changed our restrictions for this month, so please read carefully the following for more information on this event.

When is the event, and how much is it?

  • The event will start 5pm on Friday, July 23rd, and end 5pm Sunday, July 25th
  • The event is $20

What do I need before I can play?

  • There's a few things that you should check off your checklist before you can start playing:
    • Make sure you have filed an ARF this year
    • Make sure you have paid for this event
    • Make sure that you have no outstanding balance owed to KGE for past events
    • Make sure you have paid your yearly membership dues
  • If you have questions about any of these or are unsure if you have an outstanding balance please email the Treasurer at: treasurer@kanar.club

Due to COVID-19, we are not taking any cash or check payments at this time.

Check In:

  • Check in times:*
    • Friday - 4:30pm - 9pm
    • Saturday - 9am - 7pm
    • Sunday - 9am - 12pm
  • All players must check in with staff upon arrival
  • Staff will be making sure that you have:
    • Paid your membership and event fees
    • Signed a current ARF
    • Cash and check payments will not be accepted at the event. Please pay online, or bring a credit/debit card with you
  • Once you have been checked in you will recieve a wristband. A valid wristband is required to play; any person found on field without one will be removed.
  • Don't forget to get your weapons checked by Playmaster Staff!

*If you are not able to arrive within the designated check-in time, please find Karigan on field upon arrival.

Covid Precautions:

  • Players playing combative NPC's will be required to wear masks
  • It is strongly recommended that non-vaccinated players wear their masks when participating in combat, or in close quarters.
  • If you are not yet comfortable participating in combat, you may email Safety Staff to sign up as a non-combatant
  • Handwashing stations will be set up in various locations around field, and hand sanitizer will be made readily available. Please do not drink the handwashing water!
  • QM garb and equipment will be available during this event, however makeup will not be available for use.
  • Per our normal game rules, you must obtain permission to physically touch someone. This includes physical roleplay, hugging, smacking that one goblin in the face to challenge them to a duel, etc.
  • Please be respectful of other participants, especially if someone asks you to move out of their personal space, or to wear a mask while near them.

If you are a new player, please check out our Getting Started page! You can also join our New Player Discord Server to find out more, ask questions, and get connected with staff.

- Staff


July 2021 BOD Meeting

Meeting Files

Below you will find links to the Agenda and Minutes for the 2021 Board of Directors meetings. The Agenda will be uploaded at least 6 days before the meeting date, and the Minutes uploaded no later than two weeks hence. If these documents can not be found in the linked locations, please email the Secretary at secretary@kanar.club.

The meeting will be happening online via Discord, you may join by following this link.

BOD Meeting.jpg

Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

July Announcements (7.22)

7.22 - Play Test Update

Hello club membership! We are using the following list of spells for the playtesting this weekend. The following list will replace the original playtest spells. They will be posted on the board. See the PM or GM to participate for more info.

Jeremiah, PM1

7.22 - OOG Etiquette

Hi guys!!! Your friendly neighborhood GM here. Just wanted to have a quick discussion about etiquette and how to flag down a staff member. The GSOM has been trying to set up parking lot shifts and we thought it would be a good idea to tell you how to get ahold of one of the staff while they are on the field.

If trying to speak to a marshal about something not immediately important, you should stand near the staff member and wait for them to look at you. When said staff member looks in your direction, place your hand on your head and the staff member should nod. After, take your hand off your head and hang out nearby. The staff will wrap up their roleplay or scene and speak with you after.

If something warrants a more important approach, you should go to the staff member and let them know that you "Have a matter of marshal importance to speak with them about." With that said, we look forward to seeing you all Friday!!! Don't forget the bug spray and extra socks.

7.18 - New Items on Safety Wishlist

Hello, players! New items have been added to the Safety Department's Amazon wishlist. We offer 1xp per $2 value donated (shipping included). If you'd like to get some bonus XP, check it out! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/genericItemsPage/21VEQ50PA4HN5

7.13 - Changes to the Signout Form

Hello everyone,

A number of members have asked for direction in regards to how Season Pass holders should fill out their signouts, if they did not attend the event but still wanted to learn skills. In the prior sign-out form, if you chose that you attended zero-days, the form would take you past the skills learning section and not allow you to learn skills. Which makes perfect sense, unless you're a Season Pass holder and you want to learn skills!

Under the “Days Attended” section, you will now see a “0 - Season Pass” selection in the dropdown list. Choosing this will allow you to move forward to the “Skills Learned” section of the signout and allow you to proceed with learning your skills.

Hopefully this little change will help the Season Pass holders with their current signouts as well as to catch up on any missing ones, without having to “flub the numbers” to get to the skills area!

If you have any questions about this change, or just need help in general, feel free to contact us via email at any time.

Thank you

Glen “Rath” Adkins, CBM1st

7.9 - Change to On-Field Play Test

Hello club members. This is your Playmaster first delivering a message that the field-wide playtest scheduled for the upcoming event is being postponed. There will instead be modulized playtesting of the spell system this event.

We, the Playmaster staff, lost a valuable team member and do not have a large enough staff to monitor a field-wide playtest in lieu of this development. It was our great pleasure to work with you.

I would like to apologize to the great many players that were excited about this playtest. I implore you to reach out to the Playmaster and game master staffs during the event to participate in the module testing of the spell system.

The Playmaster staff is currently accepting applications for team members. Please reach out if you are interested in being part of the Play Master team.

I would also like to take this time to remind everyone that we are a social club of friends and adults.

It is important that we all remember this and treat each other with respect.

Sincerely yours,

Jeremiah Klabis

7.8 - New Field Wide Magic System Play Test

Welcome to the July field-wide playtest of the new magic system. Please familiarize yourselves with the following document as it will be the effective spell system all weekend. If you can cast a tier you have all the spells for that tier. All needed reagents are assumed to be had for the playtest. Let's have fun and use a lot of magic!

2021 Election Results

2021 Election Results

I want to start off by saying that for the election we have had the highest voting turnout that I have seen period. Out of 96 voters we had 93 people vote. I think that’s a great sign and shows that people are invested in the game.

The next thing I want to give is a very quick rundown of how preferential voting works for tabulating a winner. Preferential voting ends when one person has a simple majority of the votes. Simple majority is over 50%. If there is not a simple majority, the person with the lowest number is removed and the remaining votes are distributed from those that remain. If there is a tie at the end or the number of “none of the above” votes is over the person, voting is redone. There was a video on preferential voting that was given at the beginning of voting that explains that system. I’ll link it at the end.

I will be using the term none of the above as either actually voting for none of the above, or the incorrect vote that we had.

For the position of Odd Year Representative, the voting broke down like this:

Round One

  • Jason Jewell - 15

  • Trisha Secord -28

  • Melissa Keith - 49

  • None of the Above - 1

Congratulations to Melissa Keith for obtaining the position.

For the position of Corporate President, the voting broke down like this:

Round One

  • Todd Martin - 44

  • Jake Smith - 46

  • None of the Above - 3

Since no one had the majority, the lowest person was removed, and their second place votes were then counted.

Round Two

  • Jake Smith - 60

  • None of the Above - 33

Congratulations to Jake Smith for obtaining the position.

Again, thank you everyone for voting. Our next scheduled meeting is July 18, 2021 on Discord at which time our new officers will be seated.

If you have questions, please feel free to email the Board at bod@kanar.club, or see the Staff page to email an individual member of the Board.

Thank you everyone for your hard work, and to all those who ran.

- KGE Board of Directors

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

June Event, Live - Updated

June Event, Live - Updated

Hold on to your pantaloons, and grab your chausses. It’s boffer time.

After a long year and a half, we are incredibly excited to announce that we will be having a live event June 25th - 27th.

While we all can’t wait to return to field and see each other, we are adhering to the guidelines set both by the State of Michigan, and our Safety Staff. We will have a no tolerance policy for breaking any of the guidelines listed below.

Staff will be using this event to gauge these precautionary measures. Please be understanding that this might not feel like our normal events, and things like encounters might be adapted to fit within the guidelines.

Safety staff has also put together an Amazon Wishlist for items needed for the upcoming event. Purchasing items off the wishlist will award you Safety XP!

This post has been updated to reflect the changes made to allow players who have not yet been vaccinated. Please see “Check In” and “Players who do not provide proof of vaccination”.

Please read the following for more information on this event.

When is the event, how much is it, and how much XP do I get?

  • The event will start 5pm on Friday, June 25th, and end 5pm Sunday, June 27th
  • The event is $40
  • This event will be treated like a 10 day event. As such, players will receive:
    • 60 XP for attendance
    • 5 XP per 30 minutes of NPCing (remember to bring a mask!)*
    • Total XP earned will cap at 100 xp per player
  • Players unable to attend are still able to purchase a ticket and receive the base benefits of attending:
    • 60 XP
    • A sign out
    • Purchase of 4 skills per signout rules
  • Season Pass Holders who are unable to attend the event will receive the same benefits as players who purchased a ticket

What do I need before I can play?

  • There's a few things that you should check off your checklist before you can start playing:
    • Make sure you have filed an ARF this year
    • Make sure you have paid for this event
    • Make sure that you have no outstanding balance owed to KGE for past events
    • Make sure you have paid your yearly membership dues
    • You must fill out this proof of vaccination form prior to playing.
  • If you have questions about any of these or are unsure if you have an outstanding balance please email the Treasurer at: treasurer@kanar.club

Due to COVID-19, we are not taking any cash or check payments at this time.

Check In:

  • Check in times:
    • Friday - 4:30pm - 9pm
    • Saturday - 8am - 9pm
    • Sunday - 8am - 12pm
  • All players must check in with staff upon arrival
  • Staff will be making sure that you have:
    • Paid your membership and event fees
    • Provided proof of vaccination*
    • Signed a current ARF
    • Cash and check payments will not be accepted at the event. Please pay online, or bring a credit/debit card with you
  • Once you have been checked in you will recieve a signed wristband. A valid wristband is required to play; any person found on field without one will be removed.
  • Don't forget to get your weapons checked by Playmaster Staff!

Covid Precautions:

  • Please submit proof of vaccination HERE. You may also bring your card with you.
  • Cash and check payments will not be accepted at the event. Please pay online, or bring a credit/debit card with you
    • All players are required to check in with staff prior to playing
    • Masks will be required for those participating in combat, so please bring one
  • Combat will only happen in designated areas, so players can choose to participate or not. This includes PvP combat.
  • If you want to participate in PvP combat, you must notify the GM staff. (If you can, please notify staff in advance so that they can facilitate a combat zone for you.)
  • During this event, both parties must agree to PvP combat. If one party does not, please speak with the GM staff.
    • Handwashing stations will be set up in various locations around field, and hand sanitizer will be made readily available
    • QM garb and equipment will not be available during this event, so please bring a pair of black pants, a black shirt, and a colored sash if you would like to NPC out of your PC garb. Makeup will not be required for NPC's.
    • Since cabins are privately owned, you must get permission from the owner to enter it. Vanari camp will be required to have their walls rolled up
    • Per our normal game rules, you must obtain permission to physically touch someone. This includes physical roleplay, hugging, smacking that one goblin in the face to challenge them to a duel, etc.

Players who do not provide proof of vaccination:

Players who choose to not show proof of vaccination, or who have not been fully vaccinated, will have to adhere to the following rules set in place by our Safety Staff:

  • Must provide a negative Covid test from within the last 24-72 hours
  • Must wear a mask properly at all times during the event including in the parking lot (the mask must cover your mouth and nose)
  • Must maintain 6ft social distancing when eating or smoking, and may smoke at designated smoking areas

Players found not adhering to these rules will be removed from the game by staff, and will not be permitted to attend the rest of the event.

A member of Safety Staff has volunteered to perform Snap Tests on players who bring them. Snap Tests will be performed at the following times:

  • Friday- 5:30pm- 7:30pm
  • Saturday- 12pm-3pm

Thank you so much for sticking with Kanar through the past year and a half. We can’t wait to see you all on field again!

- Staff

* The Board of Directors in coordination with the GSOM has agreed to suspend K1 POL 004 in regards to NPC XP for the June 2021 event


Photo by Eddie Suh on Unsplash

BOD Nominations Open

Hello everyone.

I'm here to announce that nominations for the following Director seats are now open:

  • KGE Corporate President

  • Odd Year Representative

Any member wishing to run for election for either of these positions must meet the following basic requirements:

  • Currently hold Veteran Membership status and be a KGE Member in Good Standing (meaning you do not have any outstanding debts or disciplinary actions and have been a member of KGE for at least two full years UPDATE).

  • Have not been released from any other KGE position due to disciplinary action in the last five years.

  • Have a working telephone number.

  • Have a working e-mail address with access on a daily basis.

  • Have a valid mailing address

  • Have a valid photo identification card recognized by the US Government.

In addition, nominees for the position of KGE President must not hold any other position defined in any SOP approved by KGE.

Nominations for these positions should be sent to either secretary@kanar.club or bod@kanar.club. Nominations will be open from May 29th through June 19th, with polls opening for the week of June 20th through June 27th.

When the polls open, you will receive an email sent to the email address you have on file with KGE, the one you submitted with your most-current Annual Registration Form. This email will contain a link to the ballot, your personalized entry code, and further instructions on filling out the form and the voting method.

  • KGE Corporate President Nominees:

    • Todd G Martin

    • Jake Smith

  • Even Year Representative Nominees:

    • Melissa Keith

    • Trisha Secord

    • Jason Jewell

Thank you and good afternoon,

Aaron Polk
Corporate Secretary

Are you uncertain of how our preferential voting system works? Watch this video to learn all about it! Keep in mind that the video doen’’t explicitly mention that by not voting for a candidate you are effectively saying ‘I’d rather the position go up for election again than be filled with this person’

Open Position.jpg

Photo courtesy of Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash.

June Announcements (6.20)

June Announcements

Last Updated 6.20

6.20 - In Person Event Prep

Hello Players!

As a reminder, your annual membership payment, annual registration form, event fee, and any owed balance is due prior to stepping onto the field of play. If you do not have everything completed, you will not be allowed to participate. Checks are no longer an accepted form of payment, and at this time we are not accepting cash.

For the month of June, you must check in with staff directly and show proof of vaccination. This can be done online or in-person. If check-in staff is not available due to late arrival, you must check in first thing in the morning.

If you are not certain if you are paid in full or have your ARF completed, please email treasurer@kanar.club. I am happy to confirm with you.

Thank you!
KGE Treasurer

6.14 - Calendar Subscriptions and RSS

KGE/Kanar Calendar Subscription: Copy this URL into your preferred calendar app to subscribe https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/secretary%40kanar.club/public/basic.ics

Blog RSS Feed: Copy this URL into your preferred RSS service https://kanar.club/blog?format=rss

6.5 - Change in the KGE Mailing Address

Hello Kanar Members,

KGE now has a physical mailbox at the property, instead of the PO Box. While this is mostly only of concern to the Board of Directors for business management, we just wanted you to know of the change. This will save us about $90 a year, be significantly easier for the Treasurer to collect our mail, and a better / more apparent identifier of where our driveway is.

Please do not mess with the mailbox in any way.

Thank you!
KGE Treasurer

6.2 - Tree-Cutting June 5-6

There will be a tree-cutting professional working on our property this weekend, June 5-6. Please allow them to do their job. If you have any questions about this direct them to bld@kanar.club.

5.25 - Playmaster Rulebook Survey for XP

This is the first of several surveys on how we can improve the K1 experience! For less than 10 minutes of your time, you can make a world of difference in the future of the game. You can even earn XP through the Playmaster Reward Program! Take the Survey! You have until the 24th of June to fill this out.


Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash